The first Reconstruction Legislature from territory taken from Hot Spring, Jefferson and Saline counties formed Grant County on February 4, 1869. It was named for Ulysses S. Grant who had been elected President of the United States in November 1868. The county seat is Sheridan. Grant County is bound on the North by Saline & Pulaski Counties, on the east by Jefferson County, on the south by Dallas & Cleveland Counties; and on the West by Hot Spring County.
Grant County is a large, rural county of rolling, pine-covered hills. The pine-covered cutover land is a sanctuary for many bird species. The Saline River winds through Grant County and into the Quachita River in southern Arkansas.
The Paleo Indians, the Archaic, and the Mound Builders inhabited Grant County for some time.The Caddo and the Quapaw may have hunted the area. Displaced Cherokee and Choctaw owned land here in the early 1800s.
Grant County is know for its major manufacturing plants and the timber industry; as well as its commercial catfish farming.
In memory of Charlotte Curlee Ramsey, Grant County Coordinator 2001- 2016
** Please Note, I am still in the process of updating this site, so some of the pages; especially the cemetery ones aren’t available right now. I will be posting them in the next few months **
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