Pounders Cemetery
This is a very old cemetery located on the Albert Rogers farm. Take Highway 4 west out of McGehee. Before crossing the bayou bridge, turn right and drive two miles along the bayou road. The cemetery is inside a pasture to the left of the road and on the bayou bank. It can be recognized by the many cedar trees and a huge magnolia tree. Most of the stones are down and part have caved into the bayou. A black walnut stump marks the spot where the old Warrick Chapel once stood. This was used as a church gathering place for people from miles around.
J.M. Davis, Dec. 18, 1860-Aug. 29, 1914
(This is the grandfather of Mrs. T.B. Rose and father of J.B. Davis of McGehee.)
Double stone:
Mother: Mrs. Fannie Pounders, Born 1856, Died 1908
Father: A.L. Pounders, Born 1846, Died 1906
(Grandparents of D.E. Pounders of McGehee)
Double stone:
T. Legrone, Born Oct. 9, 1946, Died May 19, 1915
Belle, wife of T. Legrone, Born Mar. 28, 1858, Died June 4, 1916
D.C. Warrick, Born Dec. 5, 1843, Died Mar. 16, 1918
(This is the grandfather of Earl, Lester, Milly Warrick and of Mrs. A.L. Rushing)
Footstone R.F.A.
Allen W. Smith, Born May 22, 1836, Died March 18, 1886
(This is the father of Nancy Lorraine Smith DeFir ? the late Mrs. Samuel Cicero DeFir.)
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These pages are maintained in memory of Louis Reitzammer who started this project in 1996 and retired in 2005 at the young age of 91!