Thomas Wentworth Birch Family Cemetery
Five miles northeast of McGehee, one mile east of Crawford's crossing on Highway 65. (Land now owned by Birch descendents.)
The father of Thomas W. Birch came to the Birch community from Arkansas Post. His name was William Austin Birch. A window in the Tillar Methodist Church bears his name.
Thomas Wentworth Birch
Born August 29, 1857 (at Arkansas Post)
Died Nov. 8, 1908
Maude Hunter Birch
Born Nov. 25, 1881
Addie Hattie Birch DeFir
(first wife of Ben DeFir)
Died -----1911
The wife of Thomas Wentworth Birch was Elizabeth Blanche Hutchinson born in New Brighton, Penn., Feb. 26, 1864. She died April 14, 1941 and was buried in the Tillar Cemetery.
T.W. Birch and his wife homesteaded the land in 1888.
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These pages are maintained in memory of Louis Reitzammer who started this project in 1996 and retired in 2005 at the young age of 91!