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This list of cemeteries is as complete as I can make it without help from local residents. I have included links to Deborah Yates' Southern Roots, to the Cross County, USGenWeb Archives and to ArkansasGravestones.org. Some files are only partial listings and I have tried to include links to all the sources I can to ensure that you get the most information. These map links point to Yahoo Maps and can't be moved but there are other maps on the MAPS page.

There are about 60 different locations listed here. If you know of any cemetery not on this list, please let me know. I am more than happy to add it here and catalog it as soon as I can. You might also check the Tombstones - Lost and Found website.

Some of the map locations are APPROXIMATE, they may be off by 10 yards or 10 miles. Either can make it difficult to find the location. Check the MAPS page to see if the location is approximate - the cemetery marker will say so.

  [an error occurred while processing this directive] 25 February 2018