Wesley Chapel & Cemetery
Transcription compliments of Jennifer Allen

DIRECTIONS: 4.4 miles from Cleveland-Jefferson County line on left of Hwy 15. Section 29, Township 8, Range 9.
HISTORY: Wesley Chapel Cemetery, which is located beside Wesley Chapel Church on Highway 15 near the Randall Community, was established September 19, 1870. Through their love for Christ and their earnest desire to promote his heritage on Earth, Augustus A. Bridges and his wife, Margaret C. Bridges, donated three acres of land to be used by the church and cemetery. P.F. Culpeppers, Thomas Harper, F.M. Arnett, J. Cooper, W. F. Brewer, B.B. Reynolds, H.M. Caruthers, W.F. John and E. Curl served as trustees at the time the land was donated. The first recorded burial in the cemetery was Icey L. Faulkner on Feb 8, 1873. Possibly there were earlier burials in the cemetery but remain unmarked. |