Mount Zion Cemetery
Photo compliments of Bev Hall.

DIRECTIONS: West of Highway 133; turn on Rusk-Effie Road at Trucksville. Cemetery is located behind the Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church.
HISTORY: Volume 3 of the Cleveland County, Arkansas Cemetery Records lists the history as Francis Green was born in Mississippi in 1817 and came to Cleveland county in 1842 and was the founder and first Pastor of Mt. Zion Church and cemetery.
M.F. Dial purchased this property from the Brewer-Breathwit family in 1898: Deed book 15, page 100. Also, from the county records I found, in 1907 mention of a school on this property, in 1911 record makes referance to a school and church: Court Record Book 4, page 582.
In 1929, the Dial family made a deed to Mattie Dial Courtney for property except 5 acres for church and school ground: Book 44, page 360. Don't know when cemetery was started, first recorded death was 1856. |