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Helen M. Dorsey

Denver News, January 24, 1897: Mrs. Helen M. Dorsey, the wife of ex-Senator Stephen W. Dorsey, died at her home in Denver last Wednesday morning. Yesterday she was buried. Old friends of the absent husband and young friends of the sorrowing son gathered in sympathy and tenderness to put all that was left to the earth of this once noted and notable woman into the ground--clay the clay--away forever and forever away from the freshening breath of flowers which she loved--apple blossoms and lilacs and golden daffodils; forever and forever away from the springtime song of birds--away forever from the sight of the grand old mountains on which she loved to gaze, for she was beautiful, and she loved all forms of beauty.

She was called, in years gone by, the most beautiful woman in America. She was lionized by the press and in the noblest assemblages of the land, where beauty gathers to smile on fame, in the presidents drawing room, the grand saloon of the White House, during the last two years of General Grant’s and the whole of the Hayes’ administration, at all the great social functions in the capital of the nation, famous men crowded about her and proud dames stood upon chairs to catch a glimpse of her.

Helen M. Dorsey was the wife of Senator Stephen W. Dorsey, for whom Dorsey County, now Cleveland County was named.

Submitted by Jann Woodard

Source: Arkansas Gazette, unknown date of publication