
[ A big THANK YOU to Lynn Groves for transcribing this document for the webpage! ]

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                                     CAMP DENSON


	Chartered under the authority of Commander in Chief, and by George Mooreman,
Adjutant General and Chief of Staff, of the United Confederate Veterans, at New Orleans,
La., July 10th 1895, pursuant to an organization of Veterans held in the Court House in
Warren, Arkansas, July 4th, 1895, the record of which meeting being recorded, as follows,

	Pursuant to a call by Rev. N. C. Denson and J. B. Watson a number of Confederate
veterans of Bradley County assembled at the court house at 10 o'clock A. M. July 4th, 1895.

	The meeting was called to order by a motion made, that Rev. N. C. Denson act as
chairman. Motion carried.

	On motion J. B. Watson was chosen secretary of the meeting, after which the chairman
stated very appropriately the object of the meeting was to organize a United Confederate 
Veterans Camp. 

	Upon the motion of E. N. Wilson, the veterans present were requested to enroll their
names with the Secretary.  The response was that they following enrolled viz:

	J. C. Bratton, Capt;, J. B. Watson,  Lieut; A. B. Reaves, 2nd Lieut; J. T. Dummons, 
3rd Lieut; W. H. Blankinship, Adjutant; J. W. Pierce, Sergeant; C. C. Gannaway, Surgeon; 
C. C. Grose, Asst. Surgeon; N. C. Denson, Chaplain.

	T. G. Anderson, J. M. Bailey, A. N. Bond, N. Braswell, Jacob Braswell, J. R. Barnett,
S. N. Colly, H. M. Ederington, R. R. Ferguson, M. B. Garrison, M. T. Gill, J. H. Abernathy,
S. Blythe, Hugh Bradley, J. R. Broughton, H. F. Clark, J. H. Creed, J. T. Ederington,
W. S. Finch, B. F. Gilbert, T. M. Goodwin, J. C. R. Howard, W. L. Higgason, Green Johnson,
J. A. Joyce, R. N. Koonce, D. W. Leslie, W. L. Mann, J. M. McDowell.

	E. D. Peek, J. R. Rice, T. J. Ritchey, G. S. Sanders, G. Stephens, J. L. Taylor,
J. A. Thornton, J. J. Walker, S. L. Weeks, T. J. Word, S. M. Jones, J. W.  Johnston,
John Kenmore, B. F. Langston, W. F. Mack, J. C. Miller, Mack Pagan, R. A. Pollard,
J. Ritchey, D. S. Roddey, D. T. Spraggins, S. H. Stuard, A. R. Turner, J. D. Wardlaw,
N. H. Webb, E. N. Wilson, S. W. Wheless. 

	The chairman appointed W. R. Watson chairman of committee of arrangement for dinner.  

	On motion the meeting was adjourned until 1 o'clock p.m.

	At 1 o'clock the meeting was called to order by the chairman. Comrade B. F. Langston
asked permission of the Camp, to pay for the charter of the Camp, the fee being two dollars.
The request of officers for the Camp, with the following results:
			J. C. Bratton, Captain
			J. B. Watson, 1st.  Lieut. 
			A. B. Reaves, 2nd Lieut.
			J. T. Dummond, 3rd Lieut. 
			W. H. Blankenship, Adj. 
			J. W. Pierce, Orderly Sarj.
			C. C. Gannaway, Surgeon
			C. C. Grose, Asst. Surgeon
			N. C. Denson, Chaplin. 

	A motion being made by J. B. Watson "That Denson" be the name of this Camp. The motion
was unanimously carried.  Chairman Denson turned the organization over to the Capt. J. C. Bratton.
Thereupon the Camp was addressed by the following comrades:  W. H. Blankenship, W. F. Mack, 
J. C. Miller, who displayed the old "Battle Flag" of the 9th, Arkansas Regiment creating a 
sensation and causing strong men to shed tears.  

	On motion the Adjutant and Secretary of the meeting were authorized to send the roll of
Veterans to Adjutant General, George Mooreman, together with fees and dues to obtain a Charter
for Denson Camp. 

	On motion the annual meeting of the Camp will be held in Warren, Bradley County, Arkansas,
on the first Thursday in April of each succeeding year.  On motion the Camp adjourned, subject to
call of the Commander. 

				J. C. Bratton, Capt:
				Attest- J. B. Watson, Secy.

	The record showing the following list of veterans enlisted as members of the Camp under
date of July 4th 1895, together with the Company, Regiment and Rank as follows: 

Name                     Company  Regiment              Rank

T. G. Anderson           H        Wright's              Private
J. H. Abernathy          C        8th ARK               Private
R. W. Anders             A        Flippin's             Private
J. M. Anders             C        Hardie's              Private
J. C. Bratton                     9th ARK               Major
W. H. Blankenship        A        1st MISS              Adjt
J. M. Bailey             C        5th ARK               Private
Samuel Blythe            A        27th GA               Private
Dr. A. N. Bond                    O'Neill's             Private
Hugh Bradle              D        9th ARK               Private
Nathan Braswell          I        2nd ARK               Private
J. R. Broughton          B        Monroe's              Private
J. R. Barnett            B        Monroe's              Private
William Burkett          D        33rd ALA              Private
Jacob Braswell           F        2nd ARK               Private
J. M. Bell               I        23rd ALA              Private
S. C. Baskin             G        9th ARK               Private
T. M. Baxter             E        17th SC               Private
James Baker              E        9th ARK               Private
Jno. Brumley             K        4th ARK               Private
J. T. Beard                       36th ARK              Private
H. F. Clark              I        18th MISS             Private
S. N. Colley             B        13th GA               Private
J. H. Creed              D        9th ARK               Private
T. B. Craig              H        14th TN               Private
T. M. Crawford                    7th SC BAT		
J. T. Dummond                     Newton's              Private
N. C. Denson             K        3rd ARK               Chaplin
J. H. Davis              C        19th ARK              Private
S. M. Davis                       Owen's BAT            Private
J. L. Durham             A        16th MISS             Private
H. M. Ederington         B        Monroe's              Private
J. T. Ederington         D        9th ARK               Private
W. J. Ederington         D        9th ARK               Serg.
W. H. Ernest             G        Monroe's              Private
R. R. Ferguson           F        25th ARK              Private
W. S. Finch                       River Quarter Master Ser.
J. L. Fortner            E        43rd ALA              Private
W. B. Fike               G        19th ARK              Private
C. C. Gannaway           C        9th ARK               Surgeon
C. C. Grose              D        9th ARK               Surgeon
M. B. Garrison           K        5th SC                Private
B. T. Gilbert                     Coast Guard Service				
M. T. Gill               E        16th TN               Private
T. M. Goodwin            B        Monroe's              Private
M. W. Green              E        9th ARK               Captain
P. P. Garrison           E        17th SC               Private
J. J. Garrison           E        5th SC                Private
S. W. Godfrey            H        2nd ARK               Private
W. L. Higgason           H        20th ARK              Private
J. M. Hankins                     McNally's BAT         Private
J. C. R. Howard          C        Whittington's         Private
Green Johnson            C        9th ARK               Private
S. M. Jones              I        34th ALA              Private
J. A. Joyce              D        44th                  Private
J. W. Johnston           D        37th VA               Private
J. F. Johnson                     McNary's BRIG         Private
R. N. Koonce             B        1st ARK               Private
Jno. Kenmore             C        5th ARK               Private
B. F. Langston           C        5th ARK               Private
D. W. Leslie             C        19th ARK              Private
John Lynn                C        Hardy's               Private
W. F. Mack               C        11th ARK              GM
W. L. Mann               I        3rd ARK               Private
J. C. Miller             G        9th GA                Private
W. A. Morgan             C        24th ARK              Private
J. R. S. Meek            I        2nd ARK               Private
W. W. Martin             I        2nd ARK               Private
Dr. M. S. Moore          H        20th ARK              Private
J. M. McDowell           H        1st SC                Private
R. P. McElwrath          L        2nd ARK               Private
J. F. Neely              C        5th ARK               Private
R. D. Norman             B        12th TN               Private
J. S. O'Neil             G        11th TX               Serg.
J. Mc Pagan              I        2nd ARK               Private
E. D. Peek               E        28th GA               Private
R. A. Pollard            C        19th ARK              Private
J. W. Pierce             B        5th SC                Serg.
R. E. Pugh               A        3rd ARK               Private
A. B. Reaves             C        19th ARK              2nd Lieut
J. R. Rice                        Wright's              Private
Joe Ritchey              C        5th ARK               Private
D. S. Roddy              I        2nd ARK               Private
G. S. Sanders            A        26th ARK              Private
D. T. Spraggins          C        9th ARK               Private
G. Stephens              A        26th ARK              Private
H. S. Stuard             C        2nd ARK               Private
A. G. Stedman                     Hardy's               Private
W. A. Seay               C        24th ARK              Private
T. H. Stanfield          F        31st TN               Private
A. R. Turner             C        9th ARK               Private
J. A. Thornton                    McNally's BAT         Private
A. B. Turner             B        Monroe's              Private
W. D. Trotter                     17th ARK              Private
W. H. Thompson           G        9th ARK               Private
J. B. Watson             I        6th ARK               1st Lieut.
J. D. Wardlaw            C        19th ARK              Private
N. H. Webb               H        20th ARK              Private
S. L. Weeks              K        2nd LA                Private
E. N. Wilson             C        3rd ARK               Private
T. J. Word               C        5th ARK               Private
S. W. Wheless            B        1st ARK               Private
J. J. Walker             F        46th NC               1st Lieut. 
R. B. Wooley             G        9th ARK               Private
R. J. Withers                     Marine GM Service	
T. C. Wooldridge         E        9th ARK               Private
J. T. Whitesides         E        5th ARK               Private

	The purpose for organizing the Camp of Confederate Veterans, is stated on the records, 
as follows: 

	"To perpetuate the deeds of valor of the Southern armies and navy during the four years
of Civil Conflict and to keep in social touch the remaining few who represent the many able men,
who comprised the Southern forces, and to care for and succor any comrade in the hour of need."

	The record of all subsequent meetings of the Camp are recorded, likewise the names of
other veterans joining the Camp from time to time and record made of the death of members. 

	Only one of the 111 charter members of Camp Denson Post is now living, namely T. B. Craig,
of Johnsville.

	There are at present only twenty members of the Camp living, namely, T. B. Craig, 
J. T. Adams, J. H. Beard, J. N. Brown, J. L. Carr, J. L. Ederington, G. W. Harcrow, 
J. F. John, Jas. W. Lyons, Jack Primm, R. S. Powell, Dixon Sloan, N. Y. Wadsworth, 
Z. C. Tucker, J. A. Beard, A. M. McClendon, L. H. Adcock, W. P. Ferguson, C. W. Hargis,
W. B. Jackson and W. S. Reaves.

Extracted from The Homecoming and Historical Edition of Eagle Democrat, Warren, Arkansas. 

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