[ A big THANK YOU to Lynn Groves for transcribing this document for the webpage! ]

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                                "CONFEDERATE MUSTER ROLL"
                                 24TH ARKANSAS INFANTRY
                                       COMPANY "D"
                                    WARREN, ARKANSAS
                                  COMMANDING OFFICERS:
                                 COLONEL E. E. PORTLOCK
                                 CAPTAIN JOHN H. EDWARD

Amason, J. J.                   Dunn, John                      Jones, L. D. 
Baker, R. T.                    Edwards, J. H., Capt.           Jones, W. A. 
Barker, J.                      Enis, A. W.                     King, J. 
Barker, R. L.                   Enis, J. W.                     King, L. G. R. 
Beard, J. C.                    Etheridge, D. J.                Lansdale, H. M. 
Beasley, J. T.                  Etheridge, J. J.                McCallister, R.
Beckham, H. H.                  Etheridge, R. D.                McDurmid, H. H. 
Bell, M.                        Etheridge, S. R.                McKinney, Wm. A. 
Black, R. M.                    Evans, J.                       Malcum, J. 
Black, W. H.                    Evans, R.                       Martindale, W. W. 
Bounds, A. M.                   Foster, A.                      Medlock, J. W. 
Boyd, J. W.                     Franklin, J. C.                 Moore, C. A. 
Brady, J. A.                    Glover, E. A.                   Morgan, G. W. 
Brady, James                    Godfrey, J. J.                  Morgan, M. D. 
Bryant, E. L.                   Godfrey, W. A.                  Morgan, P. D. 
Campbell, James                 Graves, C. D.                   Morgan, W. A. 
Carroll, Thos.                  Graves, F. H.                   O'Neal, J. A. 
Cathey, A. P.                   Green, F. H.                    O'Neal, W. R. 
Cathey, B. C.                   Griffith, J. J.                 Owens, F. A. 
Chambers, G. B.                 Grisham, P. A.                  Pollard, R. A. 
Cheek, R. N. (1)*               Grissom, E.                     Portlock, E. E. Col.
Chisolm, S. J.                  Hampton, T. E.                  Quimbey, Thos. 
Clements, W. T.                 Hampton, W. J.                  Reaves, A. B. 
Cochran, W. L.                  Hornaday, J. W.                 Reynolds, C. L. 
Conrad, H. W.                   Hickman, J. F.                  Richardson, T. A. 
Cook, J. H. S.                  Hilton, R. A.                   Roberson, R. 
Coward, H. W.                   Hilton, R. V.                   Rowell, C. 
Cox, H.                         Hines, J. R. H.                 Scarabough, J. 
Crane, B.                       Howard, J. C. R.                Seay, W. A. 
Crane, F.                       Hues, J.                        Sharp, B. F. 
Creed, C. W.                    Hues, J. D.                     Simpson, J. A. 
Creed, W. D.                    Hutchins, H.                    Simpson, L. W. 
Crews, James                    Jarratt, J. W.                  Simpson, R. M. 
Davis, B.                       Johnson, G. W.                  Simpson, W. T. 
Dickey, J. P.                   Jones, A. L.                    Skinner, Thos. 
Dickson, W.                     Jones, E.                       Smith, M. A. 
Doggett, Richard (2)*           Jones, J. H.                    Smith, N. 
Dunn, John (3)*                 Jones, J. M.                    Splawn, S. E. 
Stedman, A. G.                  Turner, W. J.                   Weems, S. 
Temple, J. H.                   Veasey, W. J.                   Whidden, D. B. 
Turner, A. B.                   Walker, T. J.                   Whidden, B. B. 
Turner, A. R.                   Ward, J. A.                     Wood, W. 
Turner, G. F.                   Wardlow, J. D.                  Woodard, S. C. 

(1) DOD: Dec. 27, 1862          (2) DOD: Dec. 25, 1862          (3) DOD: Aug. 10, 1862

                              TWENTY-FOURTH ARKANSAS INFANTRY

	The Twenty-Fourth Arkansas Infantry was organized and mustered into Confederate
duty in the spring of 1862. It served in Arkansas for a short period and the ordered to
the eastern side of the Mississippi River. It served there for the remainder of its career. 

Listed below are the higher command assignments of the regiment:

Sep. 28, 1862   Garland's Brigade, Unattached, Trans-Mississippi Department

July 31, 1863   (Consolidated with 19th Arkansas Infantry) 
                Churchill's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, 
                Hill's Corps, Army of Tennessee

Sep. 1, 1863    (Same consolidation) Deshler's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, Hill's Corps,
                Army of Tennessee.

Oct. 31, 1863   (Same consolidation) Smith's Brigade, Cleburne's Div., Hill's Corps, Army
                of Tennessee.

Dec. 10, 1863   (Consolidated with 2nd and 15th Arkansas Infantry) 
                Liddell's Brigade, Cleburne's Division, Hardy's Corps, Army of Tennessee

Jan.  20, 1864  (Same consolidation) Govan's Brigade, Cleburne's Div., Hardy's Corps, 
                Army of Tennessee

Sep. 30, 1864   (Consolidation with 2nd Arkansas Infantry)  Same command

Dec. 10, 1864   (Consolidated with 1st, 2nd, 5th, 13th, and 15th Arkansas Infantry) Govan's
                Brigade, Cleburne's Div., Cheatham's Corps, Army of Tennessee

Mar. 31, 1865   (Consolidated with 15th Arkansas Infantry and 3rd Confederate States Infantry)
                Same command

Apr. 9, 1865    (Same consolidation)  Govan's Brigade, Brown's Div., Hardy's Corps, Army of

     Like almost all Civil War regiments, the Twenty-Fourth Arkansas Infantry was frequently
known by an alternate title derived from the name of the unit's commanding officer. Unofficial,
alternate designations of this type used by or for the unit are listed below:

	E. E. Portlock Jr.'s Infantry
	A. S. Hutchinson's Infantry
	E. Warfield's Infantry
	E. G. Brasher's Infantry
	William R. Hardy's Infantry
	C. L. Dawson's Infantry
	John K. Phillips' Infantry
	A. T. Meek's Infantry
	Peter V. Green's Infantry

     The regiment took part in two engagements west of the Mississippi before the unit was 
ordered east. At the second of these, a detachment of the command was captured. Exchanged
later, they served combined with the members of the 19th (Smead's/Docker's) Infantry.

	A list of the engagements in which the regiment took part is shown below:

Skirmish, Stewart's Plantation, Village Creek, AR.
	(June 27, 1862)

Engagement and Capture, Fort Hindman, AR Post, AR
	(Jan. 10 - 11, 1863)

Campaign in Middle Tennessee (Tullahoma Campaign)
	(June 23 -  July 7, 1863)

Occupation of Middle Tennessee, Passage of the Cumberland Mts. And Chickamauga, GA Campaign.
	(Aug. 16 - Sep. 22, 1863)

Battle, Chickamauga, GA
	(Sep. 19 - 21, 1863)

Skirmishes, Rossville Gap, GA
	(Sep. 21, 1863)

Siege, Chattanooga, TN
	(Sep. 24 - Nov. 23, 1863)

Chattanooga, TN and Ringgold, GA Campaign
	(Nov. 23 - 27, 1863)

Actions, Tunnell Hill, Terminus of Missionary Ridge, TN
	(Nov. 24 - 25, 1863)

Assault and Capture, Missionary Ridge, TN
	(Nov. 24 - 25, 1863)

Engagements, Ringgold Gap, Taylor's Ridge, GA
	(Nov. 27, 1863)

Demonstration against Dalton, GA
	(Feb. 22 - 27, 1864)

Actions, Tunnell Hill, Buzzard's Roost Gap, and Rocky Faced Ridge, GA
	(Feb. 23 - 25, 1864)

Atlanta Campaign
	(May 1 - Sep. 8, 1864)

Demonstration against Rocky Faced Ridge, GA
	(May 8 - 11, 1864)

Combat, Buzzard's Roost Gap (Mill Creek), GA
	(May 8 - 9 1864)

Battle, Resaca, GA
	(May 14 - 15, 1864)

Combats near Cassville, GA
	(May 18 - 19, 1864)

Operations on the line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and Battles about Dallas, New Hope Church, 
and Altoona Hills, GA
	(May 25 - June 5, 1864)

Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain, GA
	(June 10 - July 2, 1864)

Combats about Pine Hill, GA
	(June 11 - 14, 1864)

Combats about Lost Mountain, GA
	(June 15 - 17, 1864)

Assault, Kenesaw Mountain, GA
	(June 27, 1864)

Operations on the line of Nickajack Creek, GA
	(July 2 - 5, 1864)

Operations on the line of the Chattahoochee River, GA
	(July 5 - 10, 1864)

Battle, Peach Tree Creek, GA
	(July 19 - 20, 1864)

Engagement, Bald Hill (Leggett's Hill), GA
	(July 20 - 21, 1864)

Battle, Atlanta, GA
	(July 22, 1864)

Siege, Atlanta, GA
	(July 23 - Aug. 25, 1864)

Engagement, Lovejoy Station, GA
	(Sep. 2 - 5, 1864)

Battle, Franklin, TN
	(Sep. 29, 1864)

Battle, Nashville, TN
	(Dec. 15 - 16, 1864)

Battle, Averysborough (Taylor's Hole Creek), NC
	(Mar. 16, 1865)

Battle, Bentonville, NC
	(Mar. 19 - 21, 1865)

Surrender, Bennett's House, Durham Station, NC
	(April 26, 1865)

	In the final days of the War, the regiment was consolidated with the 1st, 2nd,
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 15th, and 19th Arkansas Infantry and the 3rd Confederate 
States Infantry to form the 1st (Howell's) Arkansas Consolidated Infantry.

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