The McLellan \ McClellan Family:
A Brief History

The McLellan \ McClellan family, as I have researched the lineage and confirmed to this point, starts in South Carolina, in what was the Abbeville Area of 'old' 96 District.     [ This was an area the encroached over the undefined state line of North and South Carolina in the western Piedmont area of these states ]    This area became Abbeville District. [ In South Carolina until about 1850 the 'District' WAS NOT the same as a County, but was a 'Judicial' District ]

This family left about late 1840 to 1841, migrating to Georgia for about a 2 -3 year period during which a child was born. By 1845, they were in Holmes County Mississippi living on the Big Black River of Northern Holmes County were the senior John Patton McLellan and wife, Mary Ann Glasgow McLellan remained until their death.

His oldest son, James Samuel, migrated to what was Bradley County, Arkansas after the 1860 Mississippi Census, arriving and taking up land in what is now Lee Township of Cleveland County. He had married a Huldah Scott Mathis [Matthews, Mathews, Mathes] in 1854 in Holmes County, Mississippi. To this union was born 9 children, the oldest being John Patton McClellan, of whose personage and children are well known to not only Bradley County but Cleveland [ Dorsey ], County as well. He married Margaret Eugenia McClain [McLain, McLane, McLean] to which was born 13 children, not all of which grew to adult stature.

Most people of this area are well familiar with Hyatt McClellan, whose full name was Benjamin Hyatt McClellan, who married Carrie Baker of Grant County. This couple were blessed with 15 children, most of whose descendants are populating Bradley and surrounding counties today. Some of these descendants have migrated as far as Washington State and many other states in between.

The McClellan Clan Family has greatly influenced this area in many positive ways, giving many sons and daughters to military service during all the conflicts our country has been involved in; and giving to not only the legal profession, but to public office our greatest member, John L. McClellan, as Senator for Arkansas for 35 years, until his death in 1977.

To all McClellan's, be proud of your heritage; I am dedicating this research for the benefit of us all.

Jean McClellan-Chambers          479-648-7309

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