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Mincy Valley Babtist [sic] Church of Christ Records, 1871-1880

Book owned by Vineta Haksey of Omaha, AR
Daughter of Creel Hopper
Oobtained from Eva Bruner in 1963 by Dolores Raines
Part two - 1877 through end of journal - Part one

Jan and Feb 1877.
Sat before 2nd Sun in Jan 1877
The Church met for worship but no business was done motion and second to to have business in early candle lighting.
Early Candle lighting the church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st: sister churchs invited to aid in council
2nd minutes of previous meeting read and accepted.
3rd Peace Of Church called Fo./whereupon it was found that the following of the church had been disturbed by quite a number of our young members having attended dances and other places of sinful mirth whereupon on motion and second the church agreed to invite and urge all our members young and old who knew themselves to be quilty of any unchristain conduct to come forward in our next regular meeting and confess their faults to the church and one another.
4th : On Motion and second agreed that our pastor appoint another building committee of only 5 Persons whose duty will be to investigate the Properity of Building a new church house.
5th: By request Sister Henrietta Laws granted a letter of dismission from us. Bros. A Hopper, R.B. Stafford,J.M. Covey and A. J. Pruitt was appointed to building committe.

Mar 1877
Sat Before 2nd Sunday Mar 1877 The Church met and after services proceeded to Business
1st:Visiting Brethens invited to aid in council
2nd:Minutes of last meeting read and accepted. and referred to early candle lighting.
3rd. whereas our clerk elect has yet failed ever to be present on our business days on motion and second Creel Hopper was Appointed to act as Clerk
4th: By Request J.P. Pennington,Nancy Pennington,Lydia Pennington,LENARD white,Artie White And Martha White and J,H. Pruitt and James Pruitt are granted letters of dismission from us .for the purpose of organizing a church near Kirbyville . by request of Milford Hopper he is granted a letter of Dismission from us.
Adjourned til early candle lighting.
Candle Lighting. The Church met and after services proceeded to Business.
1st: Building Committe gave their Report. Mincy Mo , march 10 1877
Recommend that
Said house be built at the forks of the hallow below the Mincy Post Office
Said House to be 24X36 Ft @ windows in each side,doors in 1 end and stand and window in same end
Said House to be built of Pine Lumber 14 ft long put up board fashion ,sealed on sides and well seated and covered with 2 ft boards .
A.Hopper,Robett Stafford,A.J. Pruitt . J.R. Covey. Committe
2nd :last minutes read and accepted
3rd;Peace of the Church Called for and it was found that the fellowship of the church was disturbed by some of our young people who had been attending dances as yet failed to make reconilation with the church adjourned in order.

Sat Before 2nd Sunday May 1877
The Church met for worship then proceeded to business
1st:by appointing Bro Anderson Hopper as Mod. protem.
2nd previous minutes read and accepted
3rd: Our Pastor Elder J.R. Chambers has sent us his our pastor.
on motion and second his resignation is accepted as he is released from the care of the church .
resolved that as a church we do feel ourselves agreived at our last pastor in that he stated in writing that he could not preach for us and retain any respect for himself as a christain minister or honorable man
3rd:by second and motion agreed that Bro Creel Hopper and J.H. Covey be a committe to inform Elder J.R. chambers of the proceedings of the church in relation to his resignation.
Adjourned til 11 oclock sunday.

Sunday 11 oclock
the church met and after services proceeded to business.
1st;Whereas we are without a pastor on motion and second agreed that we elect a pastor for the remainder of the year the vote was taken and Elder Anderson Hopper was Elected.
2nd: invitation to unite was given and Mary Elin Covey and Sarah Ann Barber came forward as Canditate for Babtism.

June And July 1877
Sat Before 2nd Sun in June and July 1877. The church met after worship and proceeded to business.
1st:Previous Minutes read and accepted
2nd: On motion and second Bro.A Hopper was appointed as a committee to visit all Brethens and sisters that offended the church by dancing or other vices and invite them to meet with us at our next meeting.and take reconcillation with the church
Sunday 11 oclock Church Met for Worship and repared to water and sisters Sarah A Barber and Mary E Covey were babtized,by Elder A Hopper

Sat Before 2 Sunday July 1877
The Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Brethen and Sisters invited to aid in Council
2nd Previous Minutes Read and adopted and Bro A Hopper was called upon and stated he was not yet ready to give his report.
3rd: on motion and second agreed that we be repersentedin South West Bethel Assoc. this year by letter and messenger and the clerk is requested to prepare the letter.
4th:On Second and Motion Bros. R.B. Stafford,J.H. covey,Thomas Watson, and A Hopper were appointed as Messengers .
5th.On Motion and second agreed to appoint a committe of Arrangements for Entertainment and general comfort of the assoc. during the cession as they meet with us. Bros J.H. Covey and Thomas Watson Appointed

August and Sept 1877
sat before 2nd sunday in aug 1877. the church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Brethen and sister churchs invited to aid in council
2nd;minutes of previous meeting read and accepted Bro a Hopper was called on his report so he stated he had visited several of our young members and laboured with them and a part of them confessed their faults and expressed a desire to retain in the church he also stated that Bro Jasper white and Sister Nancy White his wife, and Bro. Wm caldwell had no confessions to make.
3rd: report received and committe discharged
4th'On Motion and 2nd agreed to withdraw ourselves from Bro jasper White and Sister Nancy White and Bro Wm caldwell for Dancing.
5th;On Motion and second agreed that we forgive and retain all the brethen and sisters that made their confession.
6th' by request Sister Delila Sperry she is Granted a letter of dismission.

sept 1877
Sat before 2nd sunday in Sept 1877
The Church met and after worship proceeded to Business.
1st: Brethens of sister Churchs invited to aid in Council
2nd: Previous Minutes read and adopted.
3rd: Time has arrived for election of a pastor. on motion and second agreed we go into election of Pastor And assisant Pastor. The vote was Taken and Bro Thomas Foster as Pastor and Bro A.Hopper as Assistant.

3rd Sunday in sept 1877
A protracted meeting was commenced at bro Jacksons that lasted to the wee hrs of the Morning during which Sister Elizzie De Jarnett was received into the church by relation.

sept 1877 to feb 1878
sat before 2nd sunday in sept.
The Church met and after worship proceeded to Business
1st'Brether of sister Churchs invited to aid council
2nd; Peace of church called for.All in Peace
3rd; minutes of previous meeting read and adopted

FeB. 1878
sat before 4th sun in feb 1878 Church met and after services proceeded to business
1st:Previous Minutes Read and Adopted
2nd Peace of Church called For it was found that reports are afloat that sister Nancy M Pruitt has left her husband and is taken up with and married to another man.also that sister Evaline Manis is guilty of very unbecoming conduct whereupom a motion and second the church prefers charges against them based upon the reports of Elder J.H. covey and J. M. Hopper.was appointed as committe to investigate.
5th: by request bro. F.P. Grogen is granted a letter of dismission from us.

From Feb to April 1878
Sat before 2nd sunday in March 1878
The Church met and after worship proceeded with business Milford Hopper and his wife Mary Hopper were received by letter Bro. John M Green was received as Canditate for Babtism J.F. Brittain was appointed as Mod. protem
Business adjourned til sunday at 11 oclock.
Sunday 11 oclock the church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st: Previous Minutes read and accepted
2nd Committee was called on for their report Concerning Sisters Pruitt and Manis and had found the reports were true and accurate.
3rd: Committe Discharged
4th: Motion and second that we withdraw ourselves from the 2 sisters.
5th Invite was given to unite with the church. Bro. Elijah Jackson,Sisters Jackson and Anne R Brown was received as candidates for Babtism.and Bro John Speer and Sister Sarah Speer was received by Letter. Our Pastor has elected has failed to attend us a motion was made and seconed to elect a new pastor and assistant. the vote was taken and J.F. Brittain is Pastor and A Hopper is assistant pastor.

2nd Sunday in april
Church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st:and after Bro. and sister Jackson and Bro.J.M. green was babtized.
2nd it is reported that Bro james sperry, sister Mary Hardin Rebecca J Harde, Martha a Cameron and sister murley are gone from our county. committe appointed to investigate their standing with the church.
3rd;Peace of the Church Called For-all in peace
4th:Committe appointed to Investigate, J.H. covey,R.B. stafford Elijah jackson,And David Pruitt

Sat before 2nd Sun. in May
The Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Previous Minutes Read And adopted
2nd:Committe Reported that Bro James Sperry, Mary Hardin, Rebecca J Hardin Martha a Cameron and Sister Murley are gone from our Area.
3rd: Committe Discharged
4th:The Church Preferred charges the above people named for contempt of Church

Sat Before 2nd sun In June
Church Met and After Worship proceeded to Business
1st: previous minutes read and accepted
2nd;Motion and seconded that we withdraw ourselves from James Sperry, Martha cameron, sister Murley, Rebecca J Hardin, And mary hardin.
3rd Peace in Church called For-all in peace

August 1878
sat before 2nd sun in aug.1878 church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;previous minutes read and accepted
2nd;peace of the church called for-all in peace
3rd;elected Elijah Jackson as a deacon
Wed.Evening . preaching,bro John wilson,sister lucetta wilson Solatha Watts and Rozilla Mc Cord was received as canidates for babtism.

Sept and Oct 1878
Sat before 2nd Sunday in sept. the church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;Previous Minutes Read and Accepted
2nd: Peace in Church Called For-all in Peace
3rd:motion and second that Bros Creel Hopper, John Speer and T.A. Coulter be examined and if found worthy be ordained as ministers of the Gospel
Adjourned til evening:
Sat Evening the Church Met then proceeded to business
1st;the minutes of previous meeting read and accepted.
On Motion and second Elders J.F. Brittain and A Hopper and our deacons are called as Prespetary to Examine the above Brethens.
On Motion Adjourned

sat before 2nd sunday in oct 1878
Thr church Met and after Service proceeded to Business
adjourned til 10 oclock sunday
Sunday 10 oclockthe church met and after singing and preaching the Presperty proceeded to examine in order to Ordination of Bros Creel Hopper, And John Speer as ministers. and bro Elijah Jackson as a deacon. Bro. T.a. coulton was not present so he was not examined. after examination they proceeded to ordain Bros Creel Hopper And J.C. Speer as ministers and Elijah jackson as deacon.
Then adjourned to meet at the water on monday at 10 oclock
Monday 10 oclock.the church met at the water and Bro. John Wilson And sister Luceta Wilson,Salatha Watts and Rozilla Mc Cord was Babtized.

Nov and Dec 1878
The Church met but no business done

Jan 1879
Sat Before 2nd sunday in jan 1879.the Church met and after Worship proceeded to business
1st:Previous Minutes read and approved.
2nd Peace of the Church called for When it was found that a difficulty was existing between Bro A Hopper and Bro R.B. Stafford that appears they can not settle between theirselves Therefor a Committee was appointed of Bros J.H. covey,Elijah Jackson d John Speer and Elder J.F. Brittain as foreman. to wait upon said party and try to bring about a reconcillition between them.

the 4th Sunday in Jan 1879 a meeting was commenced that continued daily for 9 days, invitation was given to unite with us and Bros and sisters J.F. Brittain,Mary Brittain, C.H. P. lorrabee,mary larrabee ,David Larrabee.and Lucy Larrabee was received by letter. and bros David and syman Covey sisters June and Emma pruitt and sisters Bonnett and Sandalia Hopper was received as canditates for babtism.

FeB 1879
Sat before 2nd sunday Feb 1879 the church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st previous minutes read and adopted
2nd The Reference was Taken and the committee was called on for their report so they stated that reconcilation was made between Bros A Hopper and R.R.Stafford.
3rd on motion and second the committee was discharged
4th Whereas Bro R.B. Stafford was declared non fellowship with us in church relation By Joining another church not of our faith and order therefore on motion to second agreed that our paston appoint a committee to visit Bro Stafford and labour with him at report at our next regular meeting.
Committee of C.H.P. Larrabee and J.H. Covey,
Sunday 11 oclock The Church Met and an invitation was given to unite with us, Sister Ellen
Roads Came forth as a canditate for babtism.
Bro C.H.P. Larrabee was ordained as minister of the Gospel.

March and april 1879
Sat before 2nd sunday in March 1879 The Church met after Worship to proceed to business.
1st: The reference was taken up in relation to Bro. Stafford and the committee was Called for their they stated they had visited with bro. Stafford and conversed with him and that he had decided to remain where he is and be no more a part of us.
2nd: Committee was discharged
3rd: Motion and secord agreed that we withdraw ourselves from bro,Stafford.
4th: Peace of Church called For-All in Peace

Sat before 2nd Sunday in April Church met And after worship proceeded to business
1st:Previous Minutes read and received
2nd: Whereas in time past reports had went out that sisters Nancy and Martha White had left us and joined another denomination and Bro A. Hopper has volunteered as committee to investigate the report .he now makes his Report He states he has visited said sisters and had it from their own words that they did not intentionally join the other denomination and they still considered themselves Members of our Body.
3rd:report was received and Committee discharged
4th Peace of Church Called For- all at Peace
Sunday 11 oclock the church met then repared to water and Sisters Jane Pruitt,Emma Pruitt,Vandalia Hopper,Ellen Roads, and bros. David Covey and Simon Covey were babtized by our pastor.

May June and July 1879
Sat Before 2nd Sunday in July. church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:previous minutes read and accepted
2nd peace of church called for-all at peace.
3rd;Theras as Pastor J.F. Brittain soons expects to start west to be gone from among us for some months. on motion and seconed agreed that we give him a certificate of recommendation to the people where ever his lot may be cast.
4th:by request of sister Elizzie Dejarnett she is granted a letter of dismission from us. [Note: my grandmother Mary Elizabeth Bly Dejarnett Raines]

June 1879
Sat before 2nd sun in June 1879. the church met for worship but no business was done
sunday after worship an invitation was given to unite with us and Sister Sarah White was received by Relation.

July 1879
Sat before 2nd Sun. in July 1879
Church met for worship then proceeded to business.
1st:mimutes of last read and accepted adjourned til 11oclock services on monday Monday. Church met after service business was conducted
1st;agreed to be repersented in the South West Bethel Assoc.
2nd whereas it is reported that Bro O.H.P. Larrabee has been preaching somethings that we dont believe to be true Bible Doctrine.
3rd committee appointed to investigate . Elder J.f. Brittain,Anderson Hopper,John Speer, Creel Hopper and Deacons E. Jackson and J.H. Covey

August 1879 to April 1880
Sat Before 2nd sunday in aug.1879
The church Met and after service Proceeded to business.
1st;The reference in relation to Bro. Larrabee was taken up and committe asked for report .so they stated that they had visited Bro Larrabee and had found the reports to be true and that Bro. Larrabee is firm in his belief and also he is dissatisfied to remain with us any longer.
2nd: by request of Bro. O.H.P. Larrabee and sister Mary Larrabee and David and Lucy Larrabee we resine the act of recovering them Into the church And return unto them their former Church letters.
Church met regularly til April with no Business taken up til April 1880.

April til June 1880
sat before 2nd sunday in april 1880
Church Met and after worship was Adjourned til After services sunday,
After worship Elder J.F. Brittain was appointed Mod . Potem
2nd Motion and second we elect a Pastor
3rd: Elected Elder Wm. W. Price as pastor by vote
4th: By request Bro.J.w. Hopper and sister Mary Hopper are granted a letter of dismission from us.

May 1880
Sat before 3rd Sunday in May 1880
The Church met and after preaching by Elder Wm Price Proceeded to business.
1st previous meeting minutes read and adopted
2nd;Peace of the church called for-all in peace.
Sunday 11 oclock
Church met for worship after which an invitation to unite was given and Bro. Milford Hopper and Sister Mary Hopper were received by letter.

June 1880
Sat Before 2nd Sunday in june 1880 .
Church met for worshi and after proceeded to business.
1st;Previous Minutes read and accepted
2nd Peace of church called-all in peace
3rd;By request Bro Anderson Hopper,sister Mary Hopper and sisters Amanda Hopper and Francis Coulter granted letters of dismission from us.

June to Aug 1880
Sunday after worship invitation was given to unite with us and Bro.J.N. Pruitt, D.A. White ,and sister A Covey was received by relation.

July 1880
Saturday before 2nd Sun july 1880
the church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;Previous minutes read and adopted
2nd;By Request Bro. J.C. Speer and Sister Sarah Speer granted a letter of dismission from us
3rd; peace of church called- all in peace

[loose pages out of place in journal]
Sept 1878
Sept. the church met for worship But No Business was done

Oct 1878
Friday night before 2nd Sunday in Oct 1878
The Church Met and after Worship proceeded to Business on motion and second agreed we extend an area of this church into the settlement of Bro. Noell,12 miles south of here and give our Pastor and Bro A Hopper the privilage of receiving members into the church at that place.
Adjourned in Order.

Nov And Dec 1878
The church met for worship but no Business done.
but from Nov 1875 til may 1876 our Pastor and Elder A Hopper helt meetings regualary each month at Bro Noells during which bro. Jackson Middleton and Julie Jefferies .Joe W. Middleton,Ruben Noell,Joseph Noell, W.N. Canfield,Sister Delila Noell,and Florence Middleton were received into the church.

From Sept to Dec 1870
Sat Before 2nd Sunday in sept 1880

Mincy Valley Church
Part 2 of 2

August 1880
Sat. before 2nd Sunday in August 1880
Church met and after worship
1st; an invitation was given and Bro.Bro. Jeremiah Mosure and Sister Sarah Mosure were received as Canditates for babtism.
2nd minutes of previous meeting read and accepted
3rd;letter to Assoc. read and adopted
4th bros John Wilson and Marion Hopper volunteered to deliver letter .
5th; peace of church called for-all in peace
Sunday after worship an invitation was given to unite and Bro. James Walker, Sisters Nancy Likens and Mahala Davis was received as canidates for babtism. Sister Sarah Pruitt and bro. James Pruitt was Received by relation.

Sept 1880
Sat before 2nd Sun in Sept 1880
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;previous minutes read and accepted
2nd invitation given none received
3rd.Whereas Sister Malissa Fortner has joined another denomination not of our faith and by her request is dropped from our number .
4th;peace of church called for-all in peace
Sunday morning after service met at water and Bro. James Walker,Sister Sarah J.Moshair,Nancy Likens and Mahala Davis was babtized. by our Pastor elder Wm V. Vise
The Church met at the Arber for worship from day to day for 10 days.
on monday morning, bros.Charles Layton,George Layton, and Thomas Likens was received as Canidates for Babtism Wednesday morning Bro Howard Pruitt was received as canidate for Babtism.
Wednesday evening Bros. Harrison Pruitt, Reason Woodard Thomas Wilson,and Lunsford Walker was received as candidates for babtism.
Friday morning Met at the water Bros: Charles Layton, George layton,Thomas Likens,Howard Pruitt,Reason Woodard ,Thomas Wilson Lunsford Walker and Jeremiah Moshier were all babtized and sister Kissime Hill was received as a candidate for babtism.
Saturday night Bros. John E Bly,and Clayton Pruitt and sister Martha Jane Covey and Arminda Hopper were received as Canditates for Babtism and Sister Elizzie De Jarnett was received by relation. Sister Sarah Woodard was received by letter.

Sunday the church met at the water and the following was babtized by Elder T.D. Lamb. John E. Bly,Clayton Pruitt, Kissire Hill,Martha Jane Covey,Arminda Hopper
Sunday night Bro.James Moshier and sisater Minervy
Sperry were received as Candites for Babtism. and were babtized by Elder T.D. Lamb on Monday.

4th sunday in sept 1880
Church met for worship an invitation to unite given and Bro. Thomas Sperry and Sister Mary Barton came forward and was received as candidates for babtism Monday morning church met at the water and Bro. . Thomas Sperry and Sister Mary Barton was babtized by Elder John Spear.

oct 1880
Sat before 2nd sunday in oct 1880
church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;previous minutes read and accepted
2nd;Peace of Church called-all in peace
3rd: whereas Sister Amarinda Stafford has joined another denomination not of our faith and practice agreed that we withdraw from her for want of fellowship.
3rd Bro John Thomason is said to have been quilty of adultry where upon on motion and second a committe of 3 has been appointed to visit him and request him to meet with us at our next regular meeting.
Bros.Creel Hopper, R.Jackson and John Wilson were appointed to Committee

Dec 1880
sat before 2nd sunday in dec 1880
church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted
2nd;Reference to case of Bro. John Thomason taken up and committee was called on for their report was made by Bro. Bro.John Wilson as follows I visited Bro John Thomason and notified him of the charges against him and requested he meet with us at our next regular meeting .so he stated that the charges were partly false and that others that was in the church was just as quilty as he was and unless the church dealt with others that he had no confession to make.
Report received and committe dismissed
4th; now whereas as matter in dispute rest between Bro. John Thomason and sister Mary Killman therefore a motion and second agreed that we withdraw ourselves from said Bro.and sister for disorderly conduct.
5th peace of the church called for-and it was found that the peace had been disturbed in this
-whereas Bro. John Spears who is now holding a letter of dismission from us,also credentials of ordination as a minister of the gospel, he having Publicly stated that he intended to go to another church not of our faith and practice therefore on motion and second we appoint a committe to visit bro Spears and request him to return our letter of dismission from us.
also his Credental of ordination as a minister of the Gospel provided however that he has not changed his mind in relation to this matter.
Bros B. White,Creel Hopper and J. N. Pruitt appointed as committee

Jan 1881
Sat before 2nd Sunday in Jan 1881
The Church met for worship
No Business conducted

Feb 1881
Church met for Worship
No Business conducted

March 1881
Sat Before 2nd sunday in March 1881
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:previous minutes read and adopted
2nd;the reference was taken upon the case of Bro Spears and Report was given by committee so they stated they had visited bro spears and that he returned the papers to them.
3rd Committee dismissed
4th;Whereas Bros.John Spears,James T Anderson,Sister Permilia Anderson,Bro Thomas Likens,Nancy Likens,Thomas Sperry,Memory Sperry,Kisiah Hill Mary Barton Mahalia Davis and Charles Layton hace all dis united with us in church relations by organizing another church not of our faith or practice agreed that we withdraw from them from want of church fellowship.
5th Peace of Church Called for.and it was found that the peace had been disturbed by reports that Bro. E. Jackson had been intoxicated .that Bro. Jackson being present made his confession that he was overtaken in that fault and had yielded to temptation,and had at different times been under the enfluence of intoxication but he stated that he was very That such was the case and asked the church to forgive him his faults.
6th Bro Jackson granted and church forgave him

April 1881
sat before 2nd sun in april 1881
Church Met for worship but no business was done.

May 1881
Church met for worship the proceeded to business
1st Creel hopper was appointed Mod.Protem
2nd previous minutes read and accepted
3rd;peace of church called for-all at peace
4th whereas our Pastors term is out with us agreed to elect a new pastor vote taker and elected Bro.Wm Vise As our new pastor

June 1881
Sat before 2nd sunday in june 1881
church met and after preaching our paston proceeded to business
1st; minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.
2nd peace of church called for - all in peace
on Sunday after preaching invitation was given to unite with us, Sister Sarah J. Cooper was received as candidate for babtism.

July 1881
sat before 2nd sunday in july 1881
Church met and after services proceeded to business
1st;previous minutes read and adopted
2nd Peace of the Church called for and it was found that there was a general report throughout the country that Sister Elizzie De Jarnett is quilty of very disordley conduct.whereupon a motion and second agreed we appoint a committee of three sisters to visit Sister De Jarnett and investigate said our next regular meeting.and sisters Edna Watson,Mary Hopper and Jane Pruitt was appointed.
3rd Whereas bro. John Green has been absent from us for 9 years and his whereabouts unknown therefore agreed his name be dropped from our list.
4thInvitation given to unite but none received but Sister Lenora Combs stated previous to her babtism that she had not been renegated or born again but since that time God has pardoned her sins and request to now be babtized. her request is granted.
sunday evening the church met at the water and sister Lenora combs was babtised.

August 1881
Sat before 2nd Sunday in Aug 1881
Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st.previous minutes read and adopted
2nd the committee on investigation made their report as follows; we your committee did visit Sister De Jarnett and she stated that the reports were true and that she had no acknowledgement to make and for the church to dispose of her as they saw fit. Edna watson,Mary Hopper and Jane Pruitt committee
3rd Committe discharged
4th agreed that we withdraw ourselves from Sister De Jarnett for disordley conduct. agreed we be reperesented in South bethel assoc by bros. Marion Hopper, Thomas Watson and E. Jackson 6th; by request Bro. Thomas Wilson granted a letter of dismission

Sept 1881
Sat before 2nd Sunday in Sept 1881
owing to a rain storm church did not meet til 11 oclock but at night the church met for worship but no business done
the following week on WED. Sisters Malinda Brittain and Ester Pruitt were received as candates for babtism and on thursday Bro S.A. Kilman was babtised

Oct 1881
Sat before 2nd sunday in Oct 1881.Church met and after worship proceeded to Business;
The clerk being absent,Bro D.A. White was Appointed clerk protem.
By request Bros.James Pruitt,J.N. Pruitt,and sister Sarah Pruitt and Bro. howard Pruitt and sister Emma Pruitt are all granted letters of dismission from us.
adourgned til sunday
Sunday the church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;by request bro. D.L. Pruitt and sister Phebe Pruitt granted letters of dismission from us.

Nov and Dec 1881
the church met but no business was done

January 1882
sat. before 2nd sunday in Jan.1882
the church met for worship then proceeded to business.
1st; Previous Minutes read and adopted
2nd: Bro wm M Vise And Sister Vise presented Themselves for membership in our body and was received by letter .
3rd Peace called for-all in peace

Feb 1882
Sat Before 2nd Sun in Feb 1882
Church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st:Previous Minutes read and accepted.
2nd: Visiting brethens invited to aid in council.
3rd:invitation given to unite with us.Bro.J.F. Brittain and sister Mary Brittain was received into our fellowship They had previously been dismissed from us by letter.
4th: Considerable number of our present Memberships is now absent from us and for sometime has failed to meet with us therefore agreed that our clerk with assistance draw off a list of names as absentees and present them at our next regular meeting.
5th by request Sister Rozilla Mc COrd is granted a letter of dismission from us.

March 1882
Sat Before 2nd sunday in March 1882.
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Previous Minutes Read and accepted
2nd: Invitation to Unite issued.and Bro wm. Gilstrap and Sister Sarah gilstrap Was received by letter and Sister Nancy Kilman was received by relation.
3rd; The Following list of names were submitted for consideration:Peter Humphrey,Mary Manis,Rebecca Caldwell Thomas A. Coulter,Virginia Coulter, and it being known Bro and Sister Coulter has joined another church and the rest are gone from our area that we drop them from our list
4th;Bro. Milford Hopper appointed Assistant Clerk.

April 1882
Sat before 2nd Sun in April 1882
Church met and after worship proceeded to business;
1st; Previous Minutes read and adopted
2nd: Peace of Church called For-all in peace
3rd: agreed we elect new pastor and by vote Bro. Wm Vise was reelected.
4th: invite to unite with us given and sister Acres was received on recommendation.
sunday 11 oclock the Church Met and invite to unite given. Bro Howard Pruitt and sister Emma Pruitt was received by letter.

May-June-July 1882
Church met but no business done.

August 1882
Sat before 2nd Sunday in august 1882
Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Previous minutes read and adopted
2nd: Peace of Church Called For and it was found that peace was disturbed by Numerous Rumors that was injurious to the cause of Christ whereon the church appointed a committee to investigate such reports as may be found and to report at our next regular meeting. Committee Appointed, Bros John R. Wilson,S.A. Kilman and Milford Hopper.

Sept 1882
sat before 2nd Sunday in sept 1882
Church met for worship and the meeting continued from day to day the following week:and during the meetings Bro.Joseph Yates and sister Luisa Yates Was received by relation and Bro.John Camerom and sister Martha Ann Cameron Was received by restoration.Sisters Molly Murley,Rebecca Pruitt, Lottie Yates,Mary Jane Pruitt and Bros. Soloman Yates Frank Stokes and Wm Woodard was received for babtism . being babtised at the close of meeting .

no records from Sept 1882 til July 1883

July 1883
Sat before 2nd Sun in july 1883.
Church met and after worship Proceeded to business
1st;took up the case against Sister report was given by committee We visited sister spense and she refused to give satisfaction. Comittee discharged
2nd agreed to withdraw from Sister Spense for want of church fellowship
3rd: Charge preferred against Bro. James Mosure for Swearing. Commitee appointed to visit Bro Mosure. Bros Howard Pruitt and Thomas Watson.
4th: whereas Bro. George Layton and Mary Layton and Jane Covey and Lucy Covey had joined a christian order therefore we withdraw from them

August 1883
sat before 2nd sunday in august 1883
Church Met and After Worship proceeded to Business and agreed to hold meetings for 1 week on Sunday Bro J.L. Bruner was redeived by letter. Bro John Laws and Lottie Laws and Sister Viola Hopper ,Kie Laws,.by relation
2nd monday Jasper and margaret Hopper Samuel laws, Elzada Laws,Joseph Parton,John Woodard was received as candidates for babtism Sister Mary Parks and A. Parks and George Layton was received by relation. Bros. F.B. Langsford and,S. Smith,.and Sister Smith was received as candidates for babtism. Bro.Thomas Coffelt was received by relation. John H Fisher was received as canditate for babtism Sister Mary Coffelt ,Marget Coker, Lousia watts, Nancy coker, S.W, Colbert and Robert Coker Was recieved as CAnditates for Babtism.
Friday after worship helt conference and agreed that we as the Mincy Church be represented in the Assoc.this year 1883.Bro. E Jackson,Harrison Truitt and Marion Hopper as Messengers.
Friday night Sister Della Bedingfield ,James Pruitt ABner Layton,was received as canditates for babtism. F.W. Doll and W. Likens received by relation.

Saturday: Bros Wm Davis,Wesley Woodard,James H Parton, Leander Hopper,Wm Laws,Henry Sims. recieved as canditates.for babtism. Sisters Malcina Davis and Henrietta Laws by letter . Mary E Layton by relation. Sunday after worship the above were all babtised.except Louisa Watts .by Pastor Vise.
Sunday" Sisters Memory Brittain and Kissine Hill was received by relation Wm Safford and Emma Turner received for babtism
Monday ;Bro Milton P. Brittain and Nancy Brittain received by relation.

Sept 1883
1st Sat before 2nd Sunday in sept 1883
Church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st Previous minutes read and accepted
2nd;Case Against James Mosure taken up. James Mosure was excluded for misbehavior and bad language .

Oct 1883
1st sat before 2nd sunday in oct 1883
Church met and after worship proceeded to business.
1st Peace of Church called for- all in peace.
2nd;Brother J.H. Pruitt elected as Clerk

Nov 1883
Church met but no business done.

Dec 1883
Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st ;Peace of Church Called For - Not in Peace Differences between Bro Jackson And Bro. Brittain Appointed to investigate were Bro. Frank White and Bro. A. White and Bro Langston.

Jan 1884
Sat before 2nd Sunday in Jan 1884
Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
Previous minutes read and accepted
2nd Peace of Church called for.Report received and Committee discharged . The difference is settled and forgiven.
3rd: Agreed to commence four times a year to meet and wash feet.

Feb 1884
Church met on Sat before 2nd sunday in Feb and invite to unite was given. John Wilson joined by experience of Grace Church

March 1884
Sat Before 2nd Sun. in March 1884
Church met and after worship proceeded to business; 2
1st called to order by Moderator Wm W Vice
2nd;Peace of Church Called For-all at peace
3rd Bro Howard Hewitt resigns as clerk of church
4th; adjourned

April 1884
the Church met for worship then proceeded to business
1st;Previous Minutes read and adopted.
2nd Peace of Church called for-not in peace D.A.White preferred a charge against J.F. Brittain as follows ; J.F. Brittain is not a qualified minister of the Gospel Charges and specifications retained by motion and second and rejected by 29 against 5 upon which Wm Vice withdrew and called the church a Band of "Robs" ?.
3rd; church elected Marion as Moderator and a charge was preferred against Wm Vice for lying in order to pull down others in order to build himself up. Vice asserted that James F Brittain Preached that the church of Jesus Christ was going to hell and sinners was going too. He asserted that J.F. Brittain was excluded from the church for preaching hearsay. Vice did assert that J.F. Brittain did preach the immersion essential to remission of sins. Wm V. Vice did assert that J.F. Brittain did not make concesion to worry of suing remarks and before he was excluded from the church. Wm Vice did assert that he would never grant J.F. Brittain a letter of Dismission from the church. nor would never enter the stand again with him for he is corrupt.and the charge was taken up and a committe appointed to investigate
Committee of H. Gilstrap,James S Bruner

May 1884
Sat before 2nd Sunday in May 1884.
Church met and after worship proceeded to business by electing Marion Hopper as Mod. Protem.
2nd :Previous Minutes read and Accepted
3rd: references called for report from Committe J.T. Gilstrap and James Bruner
As Reported: We visited Bro Vice and he declared he would have nothing -their time was in vane running after him .
Committee dismissed,
Vice Being Present,asked to make a statement.
Request Granted
He called for the Charges and specifations and proceeded to answer
#1 I Can Prove that J.F. Brittain did preach that the church of Jesus Christ is going to hell and sinners with it,
#2 I can prove that there was a committe appointed on the Akers case and i was on the committee.
#3 I can prove that J.F. Brittain did preach true immersion in order of remission for sins
#4 I Can Prove By. D.A. White,and his wife, E Jackson,Edney Watson, Emaline Jackson, Sister Watson and Sister Jackson presented their Evidence called for. they testified that they never heard such statements made by Bro Brittain.
#5 I did say he was Excluded for preaching hearsay
#6 I did say and still say that J.F. Brittain did not make Acknowledgement to the wrong of suing Sister Akers .
#7 J.F. Brittain is a lyer which i will prove by reading + a letter from Bro. Clevenger which states that Vice wrote to him stating that J.F. Brittain told at+ Mincy that Bro. Clevenger was accused of stealing a hog [on investigation it was proven that J.F. Brittain never said that Bro Clevenger stole a hog but that there was a dispute between Bro Clevenger and some of the members of the church on Bear Creek about a hog that was killed at his house after Vise left his house.
Witnesses for J.F. Brittain were:
Wm Woodard,T.B. Langford,L.J. Bruner,E Jackson,C.T. Pruitt,Wm S Smith,Fredrick Dola, Wm H Gilstrap, Marion Hopper, H Pruitt,
Specifactions against J.F. Brittain was then proven false a second charge was then brought againdt Wm Vice and all that withdrew with him from the church.
committe appointed to inform them of charges

Church met after services and proceeded to business
1st Took up case on Wm Vice. report:We carefully investigated the Case of Wm.W Vise therefore we recommend that whereas he is quilty of the charge it is the duty of this church to call in his Credintals and withdraw the hand of Fellowship from him.
Credentials recalled and hand of fellowship withdrawn.
committe dismissed

June 1884
sat before 2nd sunday in june 1884
church met and after services proceeded to business;
1st;Called Bro Ball as Mod.Protem
2nd:previous minutes read and accepted
3rd; Report on members who went off with Wm Vise . agreed to withdraw the hand of friendship to them.

July 1884
sat before 2nd sun. in july 1884
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;T.B. Langford resigned as Clerk
2nd;J. F. Brittain appointed as Clerk
3rd;peace of church called-peace disturbed by disordely walk of Bros, Wm Lankford and Abner Layton. Committe Appointed to investigate was T.B. Lankford, J.F. Brittain,

August 1884
sat before 2nd sun in aug 1884
Church met and after services proceeded to business
1st: Previous minutes read and accepted
August 3 1884
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st: Report of committe reported and committee discharged, Agreed to withdraw fellowship with Wm Langford and Abner Layton
Adjourned :
sat before 2nd sunday in august 1884.
church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st;Precious Minutes read and accepted, no other business

Sept 1884
sat before 2nd sunday in sept 1884
Church Met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Bro Wm Lankfort resigned as Moderator Protem
2nd: J.F. Brittain appointed as Mod Protem
3rd: Brothwee Wm s Smith elected as Clerk
4th; Bros James Bruner, Marion Hopper and T.B. Lankford and Robert Coker elected as Deacons
sunday 11 oclock
Pastor elected. Milton Brittain
Bro Creel Hopper assistant Pastor
Bro. T.B. Langford requested letter.
Agreed Letter grants request
Bro J.F. Brittain resigns as Mod Potem And Calls for a letter as he and his Wife Mary are Going to Omaha ark.
Request Granted.

Oct 1884
sat before 2nd Sunday in Oct 1884
Church Met and after worship proceeded to Business
1st:Peace Of Church Called For-all in Peace
2nd: Previous minutes read and accepted.
3rd: Motion and second we change meeting time from 11oclock to 2 pm. agreed

church met then proceeded to business;
1st; no business

Nov 1884
Sat before 2nd Sun. in Nov 1884
Church met and after worship proceeded to business
1st:Church called for peace- not in peace
2nd; Bro Nathanial Pruitt and others have gone off into the dissimulation known as the White River Assoc.
3rd: on Motion and second we appoint a committee to investigate
Committee: James bruner, Creel Hopper And S. Smith.

Sunday nov 11
Church met sister Walker presented herself for membership

End of Journal

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