I invite you to enter a query for your Sevier County ancestors but because of our limited space, please limit it to only Sevier County ancestors. If you are not sure what part of Arkansas your relative was born, died, or resided in, might I suggest checking the Arkansas Federal Census Index, ususally located at you local library or Historical Society or Genealogical Society, for the time frames before and after the one you think they would be in. Enter your query information exactly as you want it to appear including the name of the county in case of misdirection with one exception, please enter the surnames in capital letters. Also it would be helpful if in your subject box you type "Sevier Co., Ar." so that it is not overlooked or deleted by mistake. Every effort will be made to post your query as soon as possible.
John Cooper Erickson b. 1908 in Montana, d. 2001, Sevier county,
Please help me find the cemetary where my sister and gradparents are burried.
I am sixty years old and My parents were both from Horatio Arkansas. I found my
one set of grandparents in one cemetary list. Their name was Marrs, Samual and
Lula . My other grandparents name was Poole I now my grandfather was Alto Poole I
do remember going to Horatio as a small child and seeing Papa Poole . My parents
moved to California During World War 2 . Please help I would especially like to
find my sister who died Years before I was born. Here name was Nancy Carol
Poole .. My Mother Diddn't speak of her much. From what I got as a child She died
when she was about eight months old . I have also heard my parents both speak of
the Millwee Family. My grandfather Poole was the constable for a while . He had a
brother Dave Poole who made violins . My grandmother Poole was a James some
relative of the James family who owned the James Hotel in Horatio. I would thank
you very much for any information you could give me . My Grandfather Poole died in
the nineteen fifties I am not sure what year
Seeking information TAYLOR family: The death certificate of Henry Belton TAYLOR
says he was removed to DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas for burial. Born on 18 Dec 1899,
he died of massive third degree burns [from an explosion at Simms Oil in Dallas,
Texas] on 1 Jul 1927. His uncle Alonzo Curtis TAYLOR in Sevier County years in
1910, but had moved to Texas by 1920. I suspect some of Belton’s immediate family
[he was single] may have moved to Sevier by 1927. Father: William Henry TAYLOR
[c1856-?]. Mother: Ferrie THOMASON [c1865-?]. Sister: Mamie [c1893-?], who may
have married W. W. MILLER, for Mrs. W. W. MILLER supplied the family info for the
above death certificate. Brother: Walter E. TAYLOR [c1897-?] was living in Hunt
County, Texas in 1930 and may have still been there in 1954.
(c) 2021 J. Myles Felihkatubbe All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information
is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the owners. If
copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information.
This site last updated: 21 Jan 2021