I invite you to enter a query for your Sevier County ancestors but because of our limited space, please limit it to only Sevier County ancestors. If you are not sure what part of Arkansas your relative was born, died, or resided in, might I suggest checking the Arkansas Federal Census Index, ususally located at you local library or Historical Society or Genealogical Society, for the time frames before and after the one you think they would be in. Enter your query information exactly as you want it to appear including the name of the county in case of misdirection with one exception, please enter the surnames in capital letters. Also it would be helpful if in your subject box you type "Sevier Co., Ar." so that it is not overlooked or deleted by mistake. Every effort will be made to post your query as soon as possible. Once the queries have been archived for a year, I do not pull them back into my computer. So if you change your email address please send me a new query.
I am looking for any
Britt family, or relatives of the same. My gr-grandfather, Simon T.
BRITT, died in 1860 in Sevier County.His wife, Dicey Ann TURNAGE died in
1866 same place. In the census it says Salinas Township.I think it is now
Howard County, but I was told to look under the original name. Can anyone
help me?
Some of his children were buried in Bluff Springs Cemetery near Mineral
Springs. I don't know where that is located. I am still looking for the
burial place of Simon T. BRITT & Dicey Ann TURNAGE BRITT. 928
McCoy Drive, Irving, Texas 75062
I am seeking information on ARTEMECIA JULIAN, b 1850 Ark, but
JULIAN. Sarah and Benjamin were married 1850 in Bienville. Benjamin must
have died about 1857. Sarah is shown in
SEVIER CO. ARK, 1860 with Artemecia, age 10; James B. age 4; Penny age 3.
In 1870, they are in BEXAR COUNTY TEXAS where Artemecia married RUFUS
Searching hard for family:
Benjamin F. JONES, b1845 in AR d 1920 in OK. m 1872 Tiney Jane Simpson b.
1847 d ca 1893-1900. They were married in Sevier Co. 10 March, 1872. My
grandfather, James A. JONES, b1872 Ar, d1953 Ca.William H., Lew I.,
Brozas B., John D., Walter L., Julie A., Dan H., Annie/Anner R.,
My grandmother Martha Etta PARHAM, b1880 Ar, d.1945 NM/TX(She was living
in New Mexico and they took her to the hospital in El Paso, Tx). Her
father Mr.PARHAM(only name on her death certificate) and mother Emma
Ray/Rae. She was supposed to have a 1/2 brother, Gus Rae/Ray.
Sure could use some help.
Charlotte Farr 3921 W. Ivanhoe #156 Chandler, AZ 95226
Looking for descendents of David
Adam WEAVER and Emily VICKERS. They left Seveir Co., ca 1860 for Bandera
Co., TX.
Marcellus CLICK from Lafayette Co. marrioed their daughter and moved to
Bandera. 456 E. Sacramento Ave. Chico, CA 95926
Searching for information
and documentation on the following names:
born: 1771, NC
died: 1857, DeQueen, Sevier, AR
spouse: POLLY FOX
born: 1827 in Tennessee
died October 03, 1907, DeQueen, Sevier, AR
born: Feb. 09, 1851, Jefferson Twsp. Sevier Cty. Arkansas
died: October 16, 1909, DeQueen, Sevier Cty. AR
Please e-mail me if you have any information on these people.
Thank you,
Janie Autrey Hellyer 4929 Carole Dr. NE, Olympia, WA 98516
I'm trying to find the burial site of my
GGGgrandfather and mother. Nathan and Lucinda Samuels.He died May 2nd
1891and she died April 24th 1931 near Gillham. He was a CSA vet. 556 Belmont Rd. Villa Rica Ga. 30180
I am looking for information on John W. Waldon
married to Lucinda C. around 1868
possibly in Sevier Co. AR. Also am looking for info on Johns mother
Mahala E. married to Isaac Miller. Both families appear on the 1880
census in Sevier Co. I am also looking for any information on Jasper
Newton Avens who married my grandmother, Sarah Elizabeth Waldon on Dec.
12, 1901 in Sevier Co. I do know that Jasper was ordained to preach and
sent from the Zion Church at Cane Creek. Does anyone know about his
parents? P. O. Box 365 Springer, OK. 73458
Looking for the parents and siblings of William
Pink Ryan and Angie Marie Tyner. Angie was born in Arkansas and she died
13 Dec 1917 in Ben Lommand, Sevier County, Arkansas. After Angie's death
William Pink Ryan moved to Bowie Co. Texas. 4608 NE Euclid Ave Lawton OK 73507-6109
I am
still searching for the name of parents of Robert Oden Stuart, my g.g.
grandfather who lived in Sevier County 1845-1900. Their home was near
Walnut Springs. Also would like to correspond with others searching for
this line. 17204 Olympic View Road NW, Silverdale, WA 98383
Louise VAUGHAN ARNOLD was a member of DAR in the
1960s. She was my grandmother. Does anyone have an old DAR yearbook
from that time for either Lockesburg or DeQueen? It would mean a lot to
me if you could provide me with her membership number. Thank you so
Barbara 5835 South 73rd East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
I am a decendent of James J and
They moved to DeQueen Ark in the late 1890's. There
they had a large family. William Fred (son of) married
Minnie Edgington. Her 1st husband was a Dowling-I
don't know what happen to this 1st marriage. Minnie parents
were Rev.Ora Edgington and Julia Frances Karr.
Julia's father was Lon Karr. I pretty much have the
Howard line. But am really stuck on this Edgington,
Karr,Dowling line. 115 avalon dr warner robins ga.
I'm looking for any information on the KIRK family that
settled in Locksburg, Arkansas around 1860. Some names: Levi Lewis
KIRK, Stephen S. Kirk, William Asa KIRK, Rufus Clifton KIRK. 1907 Oakshire San Antonio, Texas 78232
I am searching for information on JAME
NICHOL'S lineage. He moved to SEVIER
CO., AR. after the Civil War. He was a
Doctor there for many years. His family
consisted of:
Children: Frank W.
Levi A.
Susan E.
William L.
Patsey (legal name may have
been Rachel)
James M.
Infant (died)
James was a brother to MARY ELIZABETH
NICHOLS, my husband's ggrandmother.
James and Mary Elizabeth were the children
I have just found information on Crawford
family, and would like to find LEVI'S family.
I would be glad to share information.
PLANO, TX 75075-7228, FAX; 972-424-6639
Mary HALE, age 45 born in TN is on the 1850 Sevier Co. AR,
Franklin Township census as the head of household with her children
William, 14 born TN, Nancy, 13, born TN, Rufus, 10, born AR, Duff S. 9,
born AR, Adolphus, 9, born AR, Philip, 7, born AR. Who was Mary Hale's
husband and what was her maiden name? PO Box 2427, Deming, NM 88031
Let me know if you have information on the Jonathan
HELMS/HELLUMS family who were in Sevier Co in tthe 1860 Census. Wife:
Matilda. In 1850 they were in Ouachita County. Children on 1860 census:
Willima H., Jane, Adaline, Frances, Edith, Martha, G. W. Other children
already left home: Nancy (Roberts) Elizabeth (Pursley), James, John,
Mary Caroline (Cearley). Family left Ark sometime after 1860 and
returned to home state of Mississippi. 6061 Village Bend #2009 Dallas, TX 75206
Richard Ross
Tue Sep 29 10:04:31 1998
Looking for any other researcher who may know of be related to a B. F.
ROSS who bought some land from my George H. ROSS 8/19/1879 in Ravanna
Twp involving 80 acres. Believe B. F. ROSS may be the Benjamin F. ROSS
of which I have a picture of taken about 1900 with wife Esther and
children. On the back of the picture it says they lived in Lockesburg,
Arkansas. 30972 E Hwy 151, Lot 233 Platteville, WI 53818
I am
needing to know who Rufus HudsonPURTELL b. Nov 16, 1880 and D. Dec 6,
1914 is?
I found that grave along with several other Purtell's that I knew in the
Bellville Cem. this past weekend.
Is he related to A.J. and Robert Ernest and Madison B. and Hazel Ellen
Purtell. Also, are there any unmarked graves between the first two wives
of B.F. Purtell who are buried in the same enclosed place?
These are Theadocia E. and Kate Purtell. Any info will be greatly
I am
looking for info on Lena JONES SETLIFF whose tombstone lists NUFFER in
parentheses. Was she married to some one named NUFFER?
She is buried next to her first husband, M.J. Setliff in Bellville Cem.
south of Locksburg.
The dates are 1874-1936. Lena was the daughter of John Wesley JONES and
Maryann Melviney CHANDLER.
Any info will be appreciated and I will gladly share what I have.
Thank you. Rt. 3 Box 631 Idabel, OK 74745
I need help in finding an obituary or newspaper
article for Nickless Shedrick CONNETT who died 15-May-1927 in Paraloma,
Sevier Co., AR. His wife was Polly Myrtle MORRIS, also seeking
information on her family. It is said that Nickless Connett died from a
gunshot wound, possibly shot by the Sheriff. Would like to locate a
newspaper article or an obituary for him that might help with more
information regarding this family story. Anyone that can help, please e-
mail me. Thanks.....Lynn
Looking for info on Martha Amos McKinley,
John Covington, William Sanders and Richard Rufus Black, They all lived
in Sevier County in the mid-late 1800's. Also looking for info on 3 of
Martha and Robert McKinley's 4 children; Delter, Russell and Lindsey
Cunningham. Thanks for any help. Molly 939 Alibrandi Leesburg,FL 34748
On the 1845 tax list for Sevier Co. AR are
John T. WATSON & William D. SHOCKLEY (SHACKLY), and in 1850 census Urban
SHARP. Watson & Shockley are in Bastrop Co. TX 1860 & Urban Sharp is in
Caldwell Co. TX 1870 (Erbin Sharp). David BURKHANAN was listed in 1828 Sevier Co. AR. John
T. WATSON was listed there 1845. The death certificate of John T.'s dau
Eliza Ann CLARK in Cisco TX 1930 gives her mother's maiden name as
BIRKHANA. David Burkhanan also appears in 1830 AR and 1840 IN. Would like to identify these families
and their connections & origins. POB 178 Washington Grove MD 20880
for descendants of Martin Van Buren Teal. He was born 1843 in Campbell
Co. GA. He married Mrs. Sarah F. Goodson Oct 1, 1865 and they came to
Sevier Co abt 1870. One daughter Lucy married John Hendricks/Hendrix. I
would appreciate any info on MV Teal's children, etc. Rt 1 Box 13 Minco, OK 73059
I am looking for any information on DAVID CORBIN & FAMILY
(listed on Sevier Co. Land Records as DAVID CORBAN)also listed on
Confederate muster role as DAVID CORBAN & COBEN. David was recruited
into: 1st Bn Arkansas State Cavalry, Co. C. under command of Col. William
H. Trader Then into R.C. Newton's 10th Arkansas Cavalry Rigiment, Co.
C. I found DAVID CARBIN (CORBIN) 1860 Census living in MADISON TWP.SEVIER CO. Wife: NANCY, Son's JOSEPH b.1855 , JAMES b.1857, JOHN W. b.1863, WILLIAM D. b.1865, MEREDITH C. b.1867.
David remarried to MARY A. BROWN about 1874 living in Yell Co.,
with son's John,William & Meredith. WHAT HAPPENED TO NANCY & OLDER SON'S JOSEPH & JAMES. What Cemeteries are in that area ? Is that area HOWARD CO. now? Any information on David or his wife and children will be a big help. 16045 N.E. Everett Ct. Portland, Oregon 97230
I need to connect two names with my Purtell family.
They are listed as being buried in the Falls
Chapel Cemetery in Sevier Co.
Mr. MORRIS KYLE PURTELL 1923-1998 74 year. In my
I have Merrie Kyle son of Robert Earnest Purtell
as being born 21-May-1923. Is this the same person?
Robert Earnest had a brother also named Merrie
Kyle. Maybe I copied the wrong first name?
Next to Morris is ROBERT BUCK PURTELL May-1-1948-
Aug-19-1968 Ar Sgt Trp C1 Air Cav Vietnam.
Is this Robert kin to Benjamin Franklin Purtell?
B.F. Purtell was my gggrandfather, being the
father of my ggrandmother, Edna Dale PURTELL
Any help with this info will be greatly appreci-
ated. Rt.3 Box 631Idabel, OK 74745
Searching on details and history of Henry Morris(s)&
Marjorie Hogan. One son, Austin J Morris, moved to Montague co, TX in
1850's. Austin married (1st) Lucinda Jane Reed; (2nd) Mary ?; and (3rd)
Leanna ?; each marriage produced offspring. Other siblings may have
remained in Sevier co. Austin J. and family eventually settled in
Morgan, Bosque co. TX. Box 117 Godley, TX 76044
Looking for location of cemetary where
buried. He died in Sevier Co., 1/25/1872.
Any information will be helpful. 11812 Eloise Dr. Balch Springs, TX 75180-1358
I am looking for any information regarding my
grandfather WILLIAM CARL CORNELL. He lived in DeQueen for many years
(sometime after 1932) and died there April 12, 1997.
I have his birthdate (February 9, 1905) born in Kansas.254 W. Deer Park Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20877
I am looking for information
on Jacob Robert Crump who married Jane McVey in Sevier Co. Arkansas in
1857 809 S E Border Lane McMinnville,Or97128
Looking for info on Joseph Elisha Leander TATUM b. 7/6/1871 Jacksonville, AR. Last heard from practicing medicine in Lockesburg, Sevier Co., ca 1916.
He was my great grandfather's only surviving brother.
Looking for descendants of John Wesley JONES and
Maryann Melviney CHANDLER who lived in the
community of Riddle at least from 1899-1906 as
several of there children listed this at thier
home on Marriage License in Sevier Co.
Will gladly exchange info and all help is deeply
appreciated. Rt.3 Box 631Idabel, OK 74745
Searching for Loftin Barnes Sr., and Loftin Barnes Sr.
They moved to Madison Twp. in Sevier Co. about
1850. Loftin Jr. married Mary Brown, born in AR.
and children were Alexander, Hiram, Malinda, and
John T.. They left there before 1870 and Loftin
Sr. and wife Mary ? died while living there and
should be buried somewhere in the area. 1771 FM 36 south Caddo Mills, Tx 75135
I would like to know if there is anyone who has
done any family research on the families of WILLIAM & CAROLINE (CRUMPTON)
HUBBARD and children of sever co. Arkansas. would like to share info. William R Hubbard
P.O. Box 391
Camden, Al 36726
after 7:30pm daily
Am searching for Carl WARD's descendants. Carl
was born in Oklahoma on 21 Feb. 1902, died in De
Queen, AR in Feb. 1972. P.O.Box 368 Madisonville, TX 77864-0368
Looking for information on Joel JETTON and his wife Elizabeth. He died in 1870 and she died in 1883. They had 8 children. They were rumored to live in
Seveir County and Sebastian County.1115 West Iron Ave Hobbs, NM 88240
What became of LOUIS VAUGHAN? 1881-1953
He married Nora Annabelle Locke 1867-1904
They had two daughters Louise 1898-1979, and Nona. (She was older than
Louise). Louise lived in Lockesburg all her life.
I'm not sure about his dates. Nora died when Louise was 6 years old.
"Aunt Kit" raised her. What became of Louis? Do you know where he went
or why? Thank you. He was my great-grandfather. 5835 South 73rd East Avenue Tulsa, Ok 74145
Please if you have any imformation on any of these families.
The story that I have been told is that gggrandmother
Dougherty(don't know her name)died from yellow feaver,after which gg
grandfather Dougherty died shortly later,they lived in Sevier Co.leaving
thier three young children,Bettie,Mary and James. The children were split
up and raised
by different families. Bettie was raised by the Joseph I. Kolb family
(later married him) Mary was rasied by the Alexander Maxwell family,
and James was raised by James Clardy family. I don't know the names of
children's parents and want find this imformation.
Thank you! Laura
I am looking for any information on Levi Newton and
Sally Bailey. They were twins and lived most of their lives in Sevier
County. They were born in either Nashville ,Ark. or Tenn She later
married a man by the name of EVANS. I'm not sure of his given name but I
think it was John. Levi married Mary Delila McMillan . They had a large
family. They Lived in the Horatio area and I think the Evan's lived
around Stilltown??? Their Parents names were Thomas and Mattie Jane
Bailey. Anyone with any information on either of them , please contact
me. It would be greatly appreciated.. 1270 S. Pierce St. Lakewood, Co. 80232
My maternal G-G-G-grandfather was John Russey who
came to Sevier County in 1840's His oldest son was James Matthew Russey
who married Mary M. Gentry. Their daughter was Sarah Russey who married
(1) William Bazzell Millwee (2) Robert Lowery Millwee. My grandmother was
Bennie Ethyl Millwee who married John L. McCombs. My paternal G-G-
grandfather was John McCombs. His oldest son was Matthew McCombs who
married Emma Lee. My grandfather was John L. McCombs born in Brownstown,
AR. The youngest sister of James Matthew Russey, Frances Isabela married
(1) Robert C. Gilliam (2) Capt.Lewis Norwood. Anyone having any
information regarding the above surnames please contact me. 3214 Parker Street Irving, Texas 75062
MEASELS: The following are listed in the 1860
census for Sevier Co., Arkansas. Samuel Measels
age 30, Mary Measels age 30, J.W. Measels age 5,
J.M. Measels age 5 and Columbus Measels age 1.
Samuel Measels is my great great grandfather and
J.W. (John Wesely) Measels was my great grandfather.
Looking for anyone who has additional information
about this family. I am trying to establish when
they left Sevier County and where they went.
There may be a church record that might have this
information. 251 Moody St. Desha, AR 72527
NO HIS MOTHERS NAME, AND ANY OTHER FAMILY HISTORY. 3045 nw 16 st newcastle, ok. 73065
CORNISH information c. 1860
NIX information 1889 forward
Sevier County, Chea Creek Township PO Box 1600 Mansfield, TX 76063
I am looking for information on a Thomas R MILLS. He was born in 1879
in Columbia County AR and died in Sevier County Ar in 1915. He was the
son of Coleman Mills and Sophronia Narcissis FOSTER MEEKS. He had
numerous full brothers and sisters and two half brothers. His second
marriage was to Florence Wray/Ray in Sevier County. Any info on this
family will be gratefully appreciated.
Gary Hawley 105 Lowery Apt 1104 Hot Springs, Ar 71901
Am looking for any information on William Ayers.
AKA Bake . Wife Martha J Pollard. Seven children: Elizabeth, Sarah
Ann, George W., Henry, Lucy, Martha and Rosa. Was in Sevier Co. 1880
through 1900. Mineral & Jefferson. 7780 Bella Montania Lane Palo Cedro, CA. 96073
Am looking for any information on James William B:
1860 Tenn. D: 1934 and spouses Sarah J died 1898, Dempsie J died 1914
and Rosa Ayers Fergason. JW lived in Sevier Co. DeQueen from abt 1890
till death. Father Robert. 7780 Bella Montania Lane Palo Cedro, CA. 96073
Looking for info on JAMES MCKEE, born in Ohio
ca 1820, married Miriam ? in AR, ca 1843 in Polk or Sevier Cty. They had
12 children--the 7th was DANIEL PHILLIP MCKEE, born ca 1857. Some
spouse names of the female siblings were GREEN, BATEY, SHIPMAN, TRIMBLE,
and STALLINGS. DANIEL married Jane ? and had 4 children, then married
LUCY CRUNK TEMPLETON in 1898 and had 6 children. p.o. box 255 Ripley, OK 74062
Looking for any information on the Graves,
Pickens, Falls, Brooks families that settled
in the Center Point - Falls Chapel area about
1850. I have a Graves genealogy written by
Maude Graves Coulter in 1951 that contains a
great deal of data if anyone is interested. 2799 W. Camino Grutas Tucson, AZ 85742
I am seeking any information on the ancestors or descendants
of my g-grandfather, LEWIS WILLIAM GORE, who left his father's family
when he was 14 or 15 years old, came to Sevier, County, DeQueen, Ark, by
1856, served in the Civil War, was a teacher and later a physician.
Moved to Peggs, Okla in 1903.
Lewis' wife, ANN E. GREEN was from Sevier County as early as 1819. Her
father was a Methodist minister, John Washington Green. Green's Chapel,
is named for him, and he is buried there. Her maternal grandfather was
John T. Henry, known as "Father Henry," a Methodist minister who
supposedly preached the first sermon in Little Rock. Lewis and Ann GORE
had 13 children (one stillborn) , 86 grandchildren, etc. They are both
buried in the old Peggs, Okla. Cemetery. Their children:
Margaret L. b. 1858
John Henry b. 1861
James William b. 1866
Martha Lucetta b. 1867
Mary Alice 1870
Isaac Reese b. 1872
Eudora Ann Elizabeth b. 1875
Effie Lenorah b. 1877
Lewis Washington b. 1879
Julia Omega b. 1881
Charles Edward b. 1883—my grandfather
Joseph Benjamin b. 1886
When they moved to Okla, some of the children—I suppose mostly the older
ones stayed in Sevier County. I’d like any information on what happened
to them, their descendants, etc., especially the women in the family who
change their names and are therefore hard to trace. Thanking all in
advance. Anne 12109 Mastin Overland Park, Kansas 66213
In mid-May 1998, the Associated Press carried the following obit:
"DeQUEEN, Ark. (AP) J.R. McKinley, a longtime editor of the 'DeQueen Bee'
and 'Daily Citizen' newspapers, died Friday morning. He was 82. Mr.
McKinley was born at Wolf, Okla. He began his newspaper career as editor
of the 'Oklahoma Daily' student newspaper at University of Oklahoma and
came to Arkansas in 1939 as editor of the 'Banner News' in Magnolia."
Can someone advise on this J.R. McKinley's parentage? I am descended
from the Jacob Gillham McKinley family of Sevier County. Would like to
know if J.R. connects to my line. 7601 Chaparral Run San Angelo, Texas 76901
Looking to exchange information on the following
Sevier County families
McCLURE-AR RR1 Box 253A Dublin, VA 24084-9601
JOHN R. STANFORD Born in 1805. Was on the 1850
Georgia Census for Randolph County. Wife was Emily Roland. Had
daughters Elizabeth, Sarah, Keziah, Emily (my gr-grandmother), Thomas and
John. They moved to Arkansas and it is believed that they settled around
the Locksburg area. Unknown exact location. I believe that his father
was Thomas Stanford, Jr. and his mother was Keziah O'Neal.
Can you tell me if the library has an e-mail address? I need copies of
the census indexes for Arkansas censuses for 1860, 1870 and 1880 for the
Stanfords in Arkansas. I wish to e-mail the Library. My FAX is (850)
934-1649. 13 Pine Tree Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
I need any information on my Father's family. I don't know much about his side. His mother's name was Mary I think. She was firstmarried to a man named Fisher had one son James divorced. Married a man named Rea had one daughter Jean and a son my father Frank then divoreced and remarried the Fisher man had another son Garland. My father was married briefly during the korean war to a woman Mary Who had a son I think. He was MIA during the Korean War there are articles in the DeQueen Bee about his capture and release. If there is anyone who knows anything about this line i would really appreciate to know what they have found out about my dads relatives. Thank you. 103 E Chestnut St Crawfordsville, In 47933
I am looking for anyone with some
information on a Thomas Edward Matheney b. Jan 27, 1888 in Tennessee. He
died in December 1974 in DeQueen, Arkansas. I would like to have an
obituary or any info about him, his wife Ona Mae who died in 1959. She's
buried in the Beacon Cemetery, or about his children. He is my great
Uncle on my grandfathers side. Thank you Sandy Hardin 512 W. Park St. Paragould, Arkansas 72450
I am surching for information on Bazil & Ally DAVIS who were my
They had three sons: Enoch, Samuel and William. Also one daughter
Sarah who was my ggrandmother. They were listed on the 1850 census in
Sevier Co.
Would like to know if they are buried in the area.
Roberta Wolfe
William McDonald Luttrell and his children settled in Sevier County
soon after his wife died 20 Oct 1888. I know very little about him
or his descendants. It's thought he remarried and had five more
What I know of his family:
1 William McDonald Luttrell (my great-grandfather)
b: 31 Aug 1854 DeKalb Co., AL
d: 2 Jun 1926 Gillham, Servier Co., AR
+Martha Frances Edwards (my great-grandmother)
b: 1856 TN
m: 23 May 1875 Dent Co., MO
d: 20 Oct 1888 Dent Co., MO
2 William Rodolphus Luttrell
b: 18 Feb 1876 (probably) Dent Co., MO
2 Laura Luttrell
b: 1877 (probably) Dent Co., MO
2 Robert Alford ("Al") Luttrell
b: 11 Oct 1878 (probably) Dent Co., MO
2 Myrtle Wynona Luttrell (my grandmother)
b: 2 Oct 1881 Salem, Dent Co., MO
d: 2 Apr 1970 Idabel, McCurtain Co., OK
+Thomas Jefferson Barnes (my grandfather)
b: 16 May 1874 near Gillham, Sevier Co., AR
m: 12 Aug 1900 AR
d: 29 Aug 1950 Idabel, McCurtain Co., OK
2 Carolina ("Carrie" ) Luttrell
b: Mar 1884 (probably) Dent Co., MO
+Al Leonard
Thanks, - Dorsey 905 SW 166th Avenue Beaverton, OR 97006-4974
Seeking the decendants of Thomas HOLMAN (d: 1844 in Hot
Spring Co) and Levisa KNAPP. Looking for information about the Sevier Co.
family of Joseph HOLMAN (b: 1836)and specifically his son George W.
HOLMAN (b: 1868), m: Rissie HOLCOMB.
Their children: Pearl (1892)m: Luther HARGROVE; Myrtle, m: Frank
Tollett; Bess, m: George Malcom "Mack" RIDLEY; John Dudley, m: Mozelle
Wall; Neely, m: ? LOVELL; Amoline, m: Paul THORWARTH; and Thelma Fletcher
"Pete" m: James HOPSON. Would like to correspond with the descendants of
this HOLMAN family. 20015 Encino Royale San Antonio, TX 78259-2308
My gggrand father Edward N. SHEPPARD b abt 1815 somewhere in Al married Sarah Jane JOHNSTON b abt 1830 somewhere in Il. married in Sevier
County, Ar. in 1848 and had the following kids:
1. SHEPPARD, Jeramiah "Jerry Miah" b 9 Feb 1851 Sevier County, Ar. d
21 Mar 1924 Yell County, Ar. Jerry Miah married in Indian Territory
sired two sons then moved back to Logan County, Ar. had seven more
kids. I have lots of information on his descendants and I am willing to
share information.
This family moved to Indian Territory after 1860 around Tishomingo,
Johnson County. I am not sure just when Edward died but Jerry Miah was
my gggrand father and I have quite a bit of information on the life of
some of the descendants of Jerry Miah and Harry Edward and would be
willing to share that information. Please let me know if you would like
more information.
2. SHEPPARD, John Benjamin "Ben" b 1854 Sevier County, Ar. have no
more information on him but would like to know more on him.
3. SHEPPARD, Mary b 1856 Sevier County, Ar. have no more information
on her but would like to know more.
4. SHEPPARD, Henry "Harry" Edward b 22 Mar 1857 Sevier County, Ar.
this individual married in/around Tiashomingo, Indian Territory raised a
family Mary Ann died, Harry sired a child by an Indian lady, then he
returned to Logan County, Ar. married and raised another family. Have
quite a bit of information on his descendants and willing to share.
5. SHEPPARD, James William "Bill" b 1859 know he was married and had
in the least one son because he married a daughter of his uncle Jerry
Miah SHEPPARD. Would like very much to know more about this individual.
This family moved to Tishomingo, Indian Territory after 1860. My
gggrand father Jerry Miah married sired two boys then moved his family
back to Logan County, AR. and sired seven more kids. I have lots of
history on his descendants and some on Harry descendants. I am willing
to share information with anyone. If you would like more information
let me know.
Samuel Weldon
9344 Lait Dr.
El Paso, Tx. 79925-6639
Looking for information on the family of
Quincy Couch family he married Emma Catherine Wright. They lived many
places around DeQueen. Mostly in Eagletown, OK I think -- but other parts
of the state of Ark.
He was born 22 Oct 1872 Calhoun, Ark died 2 Nov 1935 drowned in Rolling
His wife went by Kate born 25 Nov 1876 died 11 Mar 1956 in Hope, AR had
been living in Eagletown 5636 E. HOLMES TUCSON, AZ 85711
G grandfather was James Marion WRIGHT, m. Louiza Jane
Blackwood 7/13/1885 in Jordon Brook AR. He was elected justice of the
peace in 1882 in the Jefferson Township of Sevier and twice in the Mill
Creek Township, in 1904 and 1906. Any info would really be appreciated.
Thanks P.O.Box 96 Weimar, CA 95736
I am looking for information on CHARLES RICHARD
McCRACKEN married to NANCY ELIZABETH YOUNG. He was born in CA 1863, lived
in Crosby, TX in 1886, probably moved to AR around 1888. Lived around
DeQueen or West Otis, AR from 1909 to at least 1915. 224 Old Wire Road Ruston, LA 71270
Researching paternal Grt. Gma.
Leola Lee Garvin-Marshall
b: 24 Dec. 1884, DeQueen, AR
d: 29 Apr. 1966, McAlester, OK
I believe her parents to be Robert and Nance (Tolliver) Garvin.
Any help is greatly appreciated. 8500 NE Hazel Dell Ave, D3 Vancouver, WA 98665-8072
Farris Richard MOORE b. 1880 ARK d. 1928 OK
m.1) Christy E. Cole b. abt 1884 ? d. abt 1915 OK
m.2) Bessie L. MATHIS b. abt 1904 ALA d. abt 1984 CA
Jess M. MOORE b. ? ARK d. ? CA
Madelyn MOORE b. 8-15-1911 Sevier Co., AR
Marion MOORE b. 8-15-1911 Sevier Co., AR
John H. MOORE b. 1926 Sevier Co., AR
Viola Lucille MOORE b. 12-30-1906 Sevier Co., AR
James Franklin MOORE b. 1921 OK d. 1984 CA
Ruby H. MOORE b. 8-30-1923 OK d. 1990 CA
Ada L. MOORE b. 12-13-1924 OK d. 12-10-1928 OK
Joe Paul MOORE b. 1927 OK d. 1995 OK
Any help with this line is appreciated......
Need Farris' parents names and any information
on them, the siblings, the wives, the children..
Thanks in advanceBrenda 5902 County Road 382 Tyler, TX 75708
Seeking info about Michael Price, b. abt 1819, TN, married
Annis Keisterson, 8 Apr 1846 in Sevier Co. AR. Family was enumerated in
1850 Sevier Co. Census, Madison Twp. Other Prices in area were Joseph
Price, m. Jane Waits, 1844 and Miss Hannah Price, m. John K. Props, 1858.
Letter from my ancestor to John Price in Pope Co. AR. asks about "cousin
Michael in Sevier Co." Esp. interested in any pictures, letters, other
documents, as well as family lines P.O. Box 1468 Russellville, AR 72811
ben scaggs 09/20/66 DeQueen, Arkansas
John M. COULTER b. 4 Jan. 1779 in NC migrated to
Sevier Co., AR in 1836 with his wife Nancy REDDOCK, and died 5 Oct. 1848.
His children were Elizabeth, William M., David Reddock, Peter W., James
Madison, Matthew, and Mary. I am interested in his daughter Elizabeth
who may be my ancestor. Elizabeth was supposed to be the only child who
did not accompany John M. to AR, but there is no record of her back in MS
where John M. lived before his move to Sevier Co. If anyone has any
additional information on this family, other than the book on John M.
Coulter of SW Arkansas, please contact me. 2314 Lawrence Lane Deer Park, TX 77536-4223
Looking for family and siblings in State of Arkansas, for Willis/Willus Claude
Lee b. c. 1870 in Polk Co., AR. m. Cora Cubage from Montgomery Co., AR c.
1890 in AR had 4 sons, Robert Edward, b. 1892, Willus Clyde, James Berry,
and Hal.
I am looking for information on these surnames. The Cox family lived somewhere around Provo , Arkansas.Some of them are buried in McHorse cemetary. Any info appreciated.
Looking for information on Reuben (?Aaron) Stringfellow. I believe he
died about 1924 and he is buried at Cossatot Cemetery in Sevier County.
I've heard he was married several times and had many children. I know of
his last wife, Annie Shields Brake but not who the others were. Also
interested to see if his father might have lived in the area as well
(another Reuben Stringfellow, whom I believe was a triplet along with a
Robert and William Henry). 605 S. Howard Moore, OK 73160
Seeing information about Thomas Hosea BARNES, b. abt 1849 near Gillham, Sevier d. 16 Oct 1925 on his farm, 8 miles east of Gillham he was 76 when he died and was known locally as "Uncle Hose". In 1920 he donated 2 acres of his 60-acre farm for a Methodist church house to be built. He was instrumental in building the church house and organizing a Methodist church on this plat of land.
The church was christened Barnesdale in recognition of his services.
On 12 Aug 1871 in New Hope, Sevier, he married Lois Virginia FLANNIGAN,
b. 30 Apr 1856, Sevier d. 14 Mar 1926, also on the farm. Her father, ??? FLANNIGAN, d. abt 1860. Her mother, Mary CARROL, was born in AL,
but d. abt 1881 near Lockesburg, Sevier. Mary CARROL married a RAY before FLANNIGAN and a different RAY after FLANNIGAN. Thanks, - Dorsey 905 SW 166th Avenue Beaverton, OR 97006-4974
Looking for information on the of James and Martha Barrett. They settled in Sevier Co. after the Civil War. James died about 1903. Two of his daughters married into the Ross family. Kathleen Ross
In the 1841 Sevier Co. Fed. Land Records there is mention
of a George T. Boring in Sections 28,29 and 30,
Twp 8S, Range 32W. I am looking for any
information about him or in contacting anyone
of his descendents HC 1, Box 176CCC Leeper, Pa., 1623
Need info concerning Jackson LeRoy Roberson and wife
Elizabeth. (Great grandparents). Lived Monroe
Township, near DeQueen, Arkansas. Listed with 80
acre farm on 1900 U.S. Census. E.Dist.151/14/16
She was Choctaw indian lady that died in 1910 - approx.
Buried some-where in Sevier Co. - probably around
onroe area? He moved to Ashdown around 1945 or so,
I think? Children Ralph R., Enoch C., Oscar G.,
e O. & LeRoy. Any help appreciated. P.O. Box 656
Texarkana, TX 75504-0656
Need help in finding info about the
family of Jess IVEY/IVY, b. 1888 in Henderson Co., TN. He married Pearlie
SPICER/SPIVEY in 1911 in the Ben Lomand Community. His parents are
supposed to have been Tilmon and Julia IVEY/IVY of the Ultima-Thule
Community. Can anyone shed any light on these surnames? Thanks! P.O. Box 133, Chatham, LA 71226
Looking for information on / descendants of John A. AUSTIN
who was listed on 1900 Sevier Co., AR census, Bear Creek Twp. with his
wife, Susan (MILLER) and children Emmett, Minnie, and Ida. Who was his
first wife, the mother of Emmett and Minnie?
I have AUSTIN information to share. 45 Riverside Drive
Clarksville, AR 72830-9032
Looking for Henry Clay Anderson
Born: 20 Jun 1856 AR
Married: 27 Jan 1881 Lockesburg Sevier Co., AR
Spouse: Mary Francis Markham
Henry and Mary apparently lived in Farribaville (close to Lockesburg)
when they got married.
Then after they were married they moved to Lamar Co., Paris, Tx. I am
trying to find Henry's family.
His parents and siblings. Any info would help.
Thanks-Lynda Fernandez P.O BOX 743 Weimar. CA 95736-0743
Looking for anyone working on Tom Mills Born
04-12-1878. He died in Sevier Co;ARK. 07-29-1915.
Buried in New Bethel Cemetery in Locksburg;ARK.
He was married twice.First wife Mattie Austin she
is buried side by side with Tom. She died 1903 due
to complex. giving birth. They had one child name
Elery Mills he was born 1902. died 1982.Tom Mills
second wife was Florence (WRay) Mills. She moved
to TX. After Tom died. She did in TX. 1939.I need
any children or parents names for Tom Mills
and Florance had together. 907 Center View RD.
Sevierville,TN 37862
UPTON, Amos R. b? d1917 De Queen, AR lived in the county, buried at Old Piney Cemetery. Married Fannie J. CHRISTIAN b? d 1907. Both born in TN. I am seeking info on parents or siblings. Rt 5 Box 126 Idabel, OK 74745
BARNES, James Abney b?1853 AR d1931 m Sarah Jepthy Prarlee(sp?) JORDAN b1850?MS on 10/18/1874 in De Queen, AR (Sevier county), Who were his parents?, siblings? Desperately seeking info on my ggm. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Rt 5 Box 126
Idabel, OK 74745
I am looking for information on John Hiram PATTON b
early 1800's owned general store , John Lewis Coffey b 1844 408 Santiago Pl.
Denton,Texas 76205
wife, SUSAN BARTLEY and children.. He owned
property in Bear Creek in 1860. Any info on this
family would be greatly appreciated. 8217 villa Oak Dr. Citrus Heights, CA.
95610 URL: http://www.
In the 1860 census for Sevier Co. AR, my gg-grandparents
Wiley BISHOP and Mary Eliza McMULLEN BISHOP are
in the Little River Township area (south of
Richmond) in Sevier County. My ggg-uncle (Mary's
younger brother) Mark McMULLEN is also in that
census as well. Sometime after 1862, my other
gg-grandfather, Samuel Acass GRIFFITH moved down
to the Richmond area of Sevier (later Little
River) County with his family. I have the
following questions: (1) Was Pvt. Mark McMULLEN
of Co. E, Dawson's 19th Ark. Inf. CSA my ggg-
uncle?; (2) Where, exactly, did Samuel Acass
GRIFFITH and his family live near Richmond?; and
(3) Where is Samuel Acass GRIFFITH buried in
either Sevier, Little River, or possibly
Howard Counties? - Kenneth Byrd, Indianapolis
Looking for information on John H.? HUGHES, b.?? in DeQueen, AR and died in Shreveport, Caddo Parish, LA.
His father was John Willis? HUGHES, mother unknown. John H.? was married
to Lindesy Lou WALSTON,b.1854 in GA, died 1957 in Shreveport. They had
at least one child, Mary Elizabeth who was born in DeQueen in 1905 and
also got married there. John's middle name could have been Horwillis.
Thanks for any information. 112 Orchard Drive, Wilburton, OK 74578-6024
Looking for info re: James Mack Gee who died
Feb 19, 1917 in Horatio, Sevier Co. of malaria.
He was 48 yrs old. His wife, Minnie(or Fannie)
died 1 month later of measles complicatins. They
left 4 children. Thanks 4242 Greystone San Antonio,TX 78233
SEBRON PALESTINE BEAUCHAMP 3255 South Parker Road Apt 2-P09
Aurora, Colorado 80014
My Ggrandfather John Carroll MORRISON and 2 of his brothers James Thomas MORRISON and Gibson Wyatt MORRISON, lived in Sevier County around 1900. John Carroll moved on to OK around 1920. The other two stayed on in Sevier County and raised their families in the areas of Dickinson, Gilliam, DeQueen and others. Several of their children married and lived in Sevier County where they also raised their families and in some cases died in Sevier County. I would like tocorrespond with anyone who has information on any of these three families or their relatives who lived in Pope County.
I am looking for information about David Bunch and family. He was born
in 1812 in Tenn. He married a woman from Kentucky and moved to Texas.
They had four children in Texas. Elizabeth, Suel, Asa, and David. Then
they moved to Sevier County . They are all listed on the 1870 Sevier
County census. If anyone has any inbformation please e-mail me or leave
a message on my genealogy page.
Thank You Tawsha Hubbard 723 woodland court Kennesdale, TExas 76060
I am looking for any information on my great-great
grandfather, William M. EASTERLING or family. William -45, his wife
Amanda-30, and their children: Anderson-18, Jane-17, Elizebeth-14, Dock-
13, James-4, John-2, were all listed in the 1860 SEVIER County census in
Paraclifta township. This was his second wife, and he had at least two
older children. Information tells me that he had a daughter born near
Marieta, Georgia. I am not sure if he actually lived there or when he
came to Arkansas. I have record where he married again in 1866 in Polk
county and then finally settled in Madison County by 1870. If anyone
could provide any information or leads, I would be very grateful.
Thanks: Jesse Parker 1960 Limestone Rd. Bartlesville, OK. 74006
John A. PULLEN Born 1852 ? Where ? Died Horatio 1908 - 1st marriage 1870 Edna BOX Died ?? (trail of tears ??) - 2nd marriage Odella MILLER When ?? - Son Iley Thomas PULLEN born 1872 Horatio ?? died 1926 Black Springs, Ark. married Edora (Eudora ?) MILLER - sister of Odella Miller who married old John A. PULLEN - Need much help on all three names - We know nothing of the
MILLER or BOX families and only a picture of old John A. PULLEN -We have
found Edora Miller PULLEN buried at Old Center Cemetery Central Ark.
Many children from these combinations - Rufus Raymon PULLEN my father
born Horatio Thanks J.F. Pullen 1600 Lupine Lane,Templeton,CA.,93465
I wish to share and exchange information with any of the
descendent of Elbridge, Elmore Smith, Melinda Smith Spence, Melissa Smith
and Margaret Smith. They are the brothers and sisters of my great
grandfather Edward Smith. Their parents were Samuel Smith and Lucinda
Armes Smith. They came orginally from Breckinridge County KY. Edward
moved to western Oklahoma but Elbridge and Elmore stayed in the DeQueen
area. I have a picture stating it is Uncle Elbridge's house in DeQueen. I
would like to pass it on to a descendent of his. I have information on
the parents and grandparents of Samuel (including probate records) that I
will be happy to share. Anyone from this family please contact me. 4170 W 162 St Lawndale, CA 90260
William G. WILSON b 19 Aug. 1846, Jackson Co., AL
married Matilda SHARP in Sevier County between 1860 and 1870. She may
have died around 1875. Can anyone tell me when they married and where in
Texas they settled? 6198 CR 4508 Athens, TX 75751
Seeking any information on George
Milton SKIDMORE (or Milton Isaiah Skidmore), Sarah
Ella Josephine FERGUSON, Martha Ann SMITH (SMIDTH), who all have
connections to Sevier County. Thanks for any information! 112 Orchard Drive
Wilburton,OK 74578-6924
Joshua Anderson was early in Sevier Co and died before 1840 leaving a
widow, Mary, and several children. His daughter, Martha, married Robert
Owen Roach and they went to TX. Would love to find any one else
researching this line. 6046 N. 10th Pl. Phoenix, AZ 85014
William S. Talbert married Julia Malone in the 1870s in Lamar County,
They moved to the southern part of Sevier County or northern part of
Little River County, AR.
I am looking for any information on this family. Rt
2 Box 322 Idabel, OK 74745
first name NEWTON SEVIER,late 1990's,in area of DeQueen
Seeking any information on Mary Elizabeth Hughes,b.April23,1905 in
DeQueen,AR...Died in Los Angeles,CA June 17,1935. 112 Orchard Drive Wilburton,OK 74578-6024
Any infro at all concerning Sarah A
Beavers, B abt 1824/1825 and residing in Sevier County abt 1889-1920 or
She may have also lived a part of this time period in Polk County, Ak.
Nathanial Bradford. B 1871. Also a John Bradford, B. Unknown.
It is my understanding that Sarah Beavers was a widow. Her husband may
have been a Robert L. Bradford.
These are my Great, great grandparents who once lived in GA, AL and TX.
Walton Monroe Henslee lived in Sevier
County both at Locksburg & Ben Loman. This was during the period of 1870
to 1910 at which time he moved to Choctaw Co. Oklahoma. He had two
brothers who were Joseph D. Henslee born January 1858 Clarks Co. Ark.
and a John P. Henslee Born ? Arkansas. 821 W. Gore Lovington, New Mexico 88260
Seek information on family of Joe L. and LuElla WELCH CAPES
RODGERS. They were living in or near DeQueen in 1897 when my grandfather,
James Homer RODGERS, was born. Younger son, Joe, was born there in 1899
and then the family moved first to Denison, TX, and then to Woodville,
Indian Territory. LuElla had children from first marriage, George,
Monroe, Clemmie, Jennie, and Milam Capes. Their father, Thomas Capes,
died before 1894 when Joe Rodgers and LuElla Capes married in St. Francis
Co., AR. Believe Joe may have left relatives in Sevier County when he
headed west. He died in 1924, before his youngest grandson was born, but
he believes the family went to Arkansas to visit family and that Joe may
have had other children from a first marriage. However, there is nothing
to support this supposition.
Relatives of William Henry Brewer, b
7/20/1880. Married Oza Elizabeth Keeny, b 12/30/1882. Lived at Gilliam,
Ar from approx. 1898 to 1918. Moved to Broken Bow, Okla.
Need ancestors of Henry Brewer, and Oza keeny as well. Nettie Brewer was
my mother, b at Gilliam in 1903, married Oliver McLaughlin at
Dequeen in 1923 and later moved to Broken Bow, where I was born. H.C.82 Box 80
Violet Hill, Arkansas 72584
looking for info regarding James Kenyard Striplin
(born 1877), Sabra (Salera) Humphrey(born 1882), Lela Striplin (born Feb.
1903; married Willie Burns) , Letha Ann Striplin (born 1906), Buster
Striplin, Loyd Striplin, Elizabeth Striplin, Lorene Striplin (married
Dale Harris) 15520 W. Lyon Creek Rd.
Junction City, Ks. 66441
Looking for fellow researchers of the Reverend John HENRY,
his son Reece HENRY. The Reverend was a well known Methodist minister. His
granddaughter Mary Frances HENRY married a Frederick Richard NIEMEYER in
1890. Who are Frederick's parents and siblings? How did he get from being
born in Iowa in 1864 to Arkansas by 1890. The HENRY families lived in
Sevier Co.,AR between 1849-1872 when county became Howard Co.AR.
I am researching the MEEKS and BEAUCHAMP families of Sevier
County. They were situated in the Locksburg and Horatio areas. I would
appreciate any info on these families, especially
Pearl BEAUCHAMP, daughter of Zelabe(sp)BEAUCHAMP
I have reports of her being married to two men at the same time. A Pearl
Gore is buried next to Zelabe Beauchamp. Many thanks.
URL: http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/h/a/w/Gary-
Hawley/index.html 105 Lowery #1104
Hot Springs,Ar 71901
Oliver H.P. KEADLE b.abt.1846/48, Bibb Co., AL; m.15 Jun 1865, Sevier
Co., AR to Laura Jemima CHILCOTE/CHILCOAT b.abt. 1846/48 in MS; ch:
Melissa, Green W., Joselia?, Dora, Zanook?, Mary, Oliver Pearce, Etta.
Oliver H.P. KEADLE's parents: John W. KEADLE and Jerelia/Josela Ann
BAKER. Interested in other KEADLE researchers and locating cemetery
locations/marriages for this family. 34 Eve Lane
Conway, AR 72032
Looking for info on A.J. STRAWN, born Feb 1866 in
AR,:wife's name was Ida, born Dec 1872 and daughter Lilly STRAWN, born
Aug 1892 in DeQueen. Lilly married Aylmer Jernigan WEEMS, who was born
in 1886 in AR. Lilly & Aylmer WEEMS were in OK by 1909. 5100 Sweetbriar #806
Tyler, TX 75703
I am seeking info on any of the above
ARKANSAS.anyone with info, please e-mail m,e at
Searching for information on William and
John E. Wallace in mid 1800's. William was said to have had the first
store in Lockesburg and John was said to have been the first marshall
there. William was said to have also been a merchant in Paraclifta in
1836. Any information would be appreciatd. Betty 650 Franklin
St. Columbia city,oregon 97018
Looking for information regarding David Humphrey
who married a Gardner. They had a child named Sabra (or possibly Sibith)
Elvina Humphrey. Sabra was born Feb. 1882 and married James Kenyard
Striplin and had 7 children possibly all born aroung Locksburg, Siever
County, Ark. The children were Lela, Letha Ann, Buster, Loyd, Elizabeth,
Lorene, and Edward. Any help is appreciated. 15520 W. Lyon Creek Rd.
Junction City, Ks. 66441
Harvey (K.) BYERS b: 1875 AR d: 1928 OK
m: Beulah Rebeca HENDRIX b: 1882 GA m: 1898 AR d: 1928
Robert Lee NETHERY b: 1878 AR d: 1918 AR
m: Nancy (Nannie) Eliz. MORPHEW b: 1879 AR m: 1898 AR d: 1959 OK
John C. BYERS b: 1853 AL d: 1931 AR
m: Mary (Mollie) POWELL b: 1852 ALL m: abt 1875 d: 1881 AR Parents:
Anthony W. & Mary
2nd m: Catherine (Kate) INYARD
Edwin (Henry) HENDRIX b: 1857 GA d: 1926
m: Lavinia A. NICHOLLS b: 1854 GA d: 1917
William W. NETHERY b: abt 1839 d: 1900 DeQueen, AR
m: Nancy Nine DE FEE b: 1843 TX m: abt 1866 d: bef 1889 Sevier Co., AR
2nd m: Eliz. C. RUSH
William (Billie) M. MORPHEW b: 1858 d: 1925 AR
m: Minerva HUGHES b: 1853 d: 1939
Lemond (Pete) WRIGHT b: abt 1901 d: abt 1923 Parents: James Edward WRIGHT
Carrie Loren OLMSTEAD Parents of James WRIGHT: James Walker WRIGHT & Emma
Catherine FERGUSON
m: Ethel Ruth NETHERY b: 1902 Sevier Co., AR m: 1919 d: 1990 CA
2nd marr of Ethel NETHERY:
Benjamin (Frank)lin SMITH b: 1906 MI m: 1924 Sevier Co., AR d: 1964 CA
His parents: Martha Julian SMITH & Mary Ann CRIPPS 927 Porter Ave.
Stockton, CA 95207
I am looking for any information on Josiah
CORBELL. Would appreciate any info regarding this family or knowledge
of anyone researching this family.
Thank You!
Belinda Upton
Descendants of Josiah Corbell
1 Josiah CORBELL b: Abt 1805 in SC
..+Mary ??? b: Abt 1819 in AL
.......2 John CORBELL b: Abt 1831 in AL
...........+Sarah MASSEY b: Abt 1832 m: 26 Dec 1852 in Hemstead Co., AR
.......2 James CORBELL b: Abt 1834 in AL
.......2 Henry H. CORBELL b: Abt 1835 in AL
...........+Louiza MICHEAL b: Abt Feb 1839 m: 9 Aug 1855 in Hempstead
Co., Polk Co., AR
.......2 Mary CORBELL b: Abt 1837 in AL
.......2 Harriet C. CORBELL b: 15 Jun 1841 in AL d: 21 Jun 1912 in
Oakman, Pontotoc Co., OK
.......*2nd Husband of Harriet C. Corbell:
...........+Charles Gibbin CRUMP b: Abt 1828 in TN d: Abt 1890 in Boles,
Scott Co., AR m: Aft 1860 in Pike Co., AR
.......2 Samuel CORBELL b: Abt 1844 in AL
.......2 William CORBELL b: Abt 1846 in AL
.......2 Tennisson CORBELL b: Abt 1848 in AR
.......2 Alabama CORBELL b: 1850 in AR HC 63 Box 5340
Hodgen OK 74939p>
RR. # 1 BOX 494, PARIS, TX. 75460
I am looking for information on Ransom Elijah
Miears who was the son of Thomas Lawrence Miears. Thomas Lawrence Miears
was born in 1842 and married Mollie Cox. Thomas Miears was from
Guadalupe County, Texas. We believe he moved to Sevier County ,Arkansas
and Ransom would have been born there. I am a direct descendent and have
some gaps in our knowledge which I am trying to fill in. I would greatly
appreciate any responses.
I am trying to make sure that my gg-grandfather is buried in Mill Creek
Cemetery. I have been there several times but can not find a head stone.
According to the obituary in the De Queen Bee that is where they are
buried. William W. Nethery May 25,1900 and Elizabeth C. Rush Nethery July
13, 1915. If anyone can tell me who to contact about this matter.
Thanks< 1322 Baylor Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909
Christian Taylor Hollowell b.April 29, 1862 Ind.
son of Christian Bingiman Hollowell, married Mary
Magdalene Owens b. abt 1855. They are listed in the
1900 census of Seiver Co.,Ark. children: Matilda
(Josse)b.1882, B.Benjiman b. 1888, Verta May b.1896 524 West St.
Grand Island, Neb 68801
Elizabeth Frances MCBROOM HAMBY (b 26 July 1837 in
Lafayette, MS, d 14 Jan 1901 in Pullman, Sevier Co., AR and her son
Willis Patrick HAMBY (b 31 May 1859 in Lafayette, MS, d 1900 or 1901 in
Sevier Co.) died in Sevier Co. Elizabeth was said to have been visiting
relatives at the time of her death. She is buried in the Pullman Cem on
Hwy 71 outside of DeQueen. I'd like to know where her son is buried and
what relatives lived in the area. Any information on HAMBY or MCBROOM is
appreciated 9 Carthage Circle Fort Smith, AR 72901
I am looking for the birth-parents of my father who
was born in DeQueen April 18 1925. The name of Evins is only one I have
been able to find.
He was adopted soon after birth by Joe and Ida Reese. I have been told he
had four older siblings. He passed away in 1987 without knowing his
heritage. I would just like to find a link to his past for myself and my
son. Thank you. P.O. Box 202 Nash, TX. 75569-0202
probably about 1900 and is buried in the Piney Grove Cemetery in Geneva
near Locksburg. His wife was CAROLINE PERDUE PRATER, married 13 Feb 1845
in Monroe Co., GA. Would like to contact anyone with knowledge of this
family. Would also appreciate very much receiving data from
gravestone. 1017 Marilyn Drive Mtn. View, CA 94040
Need help fiinding ancestors of David Clowers died DeQueen, Arkansas m.
Blanche Dover. Thank You. Rt.1 Box1315 Afton, OK.74331
I'm looking for the maiden name of my grandmother,
Louise (?) Arnold of Lockesburg. She was born in 1898, died in 1979.
She married Mr. Arnold (first name?) later in life. Thank you! 5835 South 73rd East Avenue, Tulsa Ok
seeking information on EMMA STILL (possibly MARTHA
E. STILL) who married WILLIAM MART HALL in Clark County AR. 1880 census
shows the family in Sevier County. 1990 census shows wife's name as
Mary, married to William Mart Hall for 3 years. Did Emma die? If so, it
was after 1884 (when her last child was born) and before 1897. Last
child (my grandfather) was born in Horatio, AR.
Emma's father was possibly JOHN or JONATHAN STILL. Any information would
be appreciated 217 S. 1st Ave. Safford, AZ 85546
Researching David Carson BEARD, born in Tenn. and
married Sarah Ann Hill on January 5, 1841 in Sevier County, Arkansas.
Their children were Mahala C., James M., Elizabeth A., Sara C., Mary P.,
Ann A., Emmaline and Martha J.(Mattie). Martha married Samuel Syracuse
TINDALL on June 12, 1884 in Brownstown. 1149 North Kirkwood
Shreveport, La. 71118
John Albert Fuller was born in Locksburg,
Ark. 25 December 1885.
He always talked about growing up around DeQueens, however, he
never told any one his parents' first names and origin. We dont
know when he married Agnes Chesshire, yet, they did later move
to Red River Co. in Texas. Agnes' parents were William and Elizabeth
Chesshire, but we have no information concerning their origins. If
anyone has information concerning my ggrandparents, it is greatly
appreciated. 701 W. Van Buren Lovington, NM. 88260
I am requesting information about cemetary
located outside of Central Community. Cemetary Headstones
contain many Griffins. It appears that it hasnt been
used in quite some time. Any information will be helpful. 3100 South 39th
Fort Smith, AR 72903
My great grandparents were listed in the 1900 cencus
as living in Monroe Township of Sevier County, AR.
on an 80 acre farm. He was Jackson LeRoy Roberson,
born Nov. 1864. He died in Ashdown, Little River
County, Arkansas in approx. 1945.
She was a Choctaw indian lady, Elizabeth Blankenship,
born Feb. 1858, died 1910, I believe, in or
around the DeQueen area in 1910.
He was from Alabama. She was from Louisana. I believe she
died & was buried in Sevier County? Probably there were no
records of either of their births. Their children were Oscar,
Enoch C., Minnie O., LeRoy Jackson, and Ralph R.
They were probably married around 1883? Any info relative
to him or her or their relatives
will be appreciated. . 619 East 6th Street
Texarkana, Arkansas 71854
Looking for any info on Henry Harrison HEWITT born
in 1829 in either Ar or Ky. First wife was Sara KIZZIA. The 1880 census
shows him to be in Sevier Co. AR married to Martha and they have several
children.In the 1850 census he was residing in Sevier, Co. Ar. with the
John STALCUP familty. box 421234 del rio, texas 78842
Joesph C. MARSH born Januray 8, 1870, De Queen, AR., reccording on his death
certificate. 438 FM 880 So. Baird, Tx 79504
Seeking information concerning:
Mrs. John R. SCOTT (Martha Ann STANFORD)
b. abt 1843 GA
d. abt 1930 Lockesburg (or possibly Cerro Gordo) AR
John Thaddeus STANFORD
b. 10 Apr 1846 GA
d. 04 Jul 1904 De Queen, Sevier Co., AR
m. Josephine C. Hodges 10 Nov 1867
Josephine Leak STANFORD
b 12 Oct 1879
d. 1962 De Queen, Sevier Co., AR
m. Tarver Marcellus MASHBURN
b. 27 Mar 1881
d. 05 Dec 1930 Waldron, Scott Co., AR
m. Minnie MATTHEWS
220 Mountain View Drive Gainesville, GA 30501
(C) 2021 J. M. Felihkatubbe