I invite you to enter a query for your Sevier County ancestors but because of our limited space, please limit it to only Sevier County ancestors. If you are not sure what part of Arkansas your relative was born, died, or resided in, might I suggest checking the Arkansas Federal Census Index, ususally located at you local library or Historical Society or Genealogical Society, for the time frames before and after the one you think they would be in. Enter your query information exactly as you want it to appear including the name of the county in case of misdirection with one exception, please enter the surnames in capital letters. Also it would be helpful if in your subject box you type "Sevier Co., Ar." so that it is not overlooked or deleted by mistake. Every effort will be made to post your query as soon as possible.
We are looking for any information on Harve Ellis Pettigrew born in Sevier Co.
Arkansas. He was born 12/19/1873. He moved to Bonham TX, and had a wife Olive
Belle Longmar born 2/22/1872. We are really looking for Harve's mother and
father's names, his father may have been Sam. Any information please let us
know. You can also email dpetti@inebraska.com.
Thank You.
I am trying to get information on Samuel Pettus, a sharecropper in the
1860's, from the city of Locksberg. He married Flora Skinner, whose family
owned a department store there. They was supposed to have traveled to
California via covered wagon in the late 1880's with 6 or 7 children;
Herbert Leffel, Jack, Olive, Burnett, ?,? I would also like any birth
information on Herbert Leffel Pettus, born October 10, 1888 in Locksberg.
My Grandfather was born in Sevier County on 05 Oct 1878. I can find nothing on
his father or mother. His name was John Irvin Alcorn. His father was James
Alcorn and mother Rebecca Guffey, but I can find nothing on them. Please add
Alcorn to your list of Surnames. Thanks
I am the Gr Gr GD of my Father's biological Father, Thomas Lawson. I know he is
buried in the Horatio Cemetery. We understand he was a preacher for the Ch of
Christ church. We have one existing picture of him. I am searching for ANYMORE
information about Thomas Lawson or his ancestral family that anyone might share.
We are not related to his wife Connie Lawson or their children. I believe he
lived his entire in Horatio, AR. Thank you very much.
George William Cooper was married to Kate C Smedley they appear in the 1900
census Kate is buried in Brownstown Cem by Eunice Cooper
She said her Dad was from MS can't figure out who her parents were. Have
picture Also have picture of Dorsey Smedley which I believe is Dorsey Beckwith
Smedley 15 listed in 1900 census under A. Smedley 64 F.
I am trying to find any & all information on my dad Edward L. McWhorter Sr.
(married to Elizabeth P. Baudino), his father, my Grandfather(Perce)P.B.
McWhorter(married to Ozie A. Hill & later to Josephine ?) & I also know he had
2 brothers, Floyd & Dee, & their father, my great grandfather R.(Richard or Roy,
married to Ella Gray) & any farther back anyone can help me with would be so
greatly appreciated. I know my Great Grandpa (Dick,they called him) had a log
cabin & some property in the woods in Provo, Ark. when I was a child in 1953.
His son, my grandpa Perce,(they called him P.B.)either owned or worked at lumber
mills in Mena,Ark. (The Possum Creek Lumber Mill or Company) & was a commander
in the Sea Bees in WWII and worked for the Arkansas Highway Comission after the
i have a question about a certain MF thompson, wife of belford thompson. where
did she die? also, how did belford die?
I am looking for any information on William Herring's wife Caroline, what was
her last name? Was she William Herrings second wife? also a Walter Herring
son of I believe Constantine Herring. any information would be greatly
I am searching for information about Isaac Curry who married Opal Wilson.
They lived in Gilliam. Opal died in 1903 -1926. Isaac born in 1898. They married
in 1919. Thank you for any information.
I am looking for where walter raymond anderson was buried. I think it was in
Locksburg cemetery. Or any of his family. He was born and raised in Sevier co.
He was a vet of ww 11. thank you.
I am researching the SMITH family of Sevier County, Arkansas. I am looking for
information on the family of:Â Jasper A. SMITH & Sarah Evaline LEE, married on
April 28, 1889 in Sevier County, AR.Â
I know that my grandfather was born in Horatio on 10 April 1914 but I am having
trouble locating any information about his family. I would appreciate any help
that you or any one else could provide. I know that just having a name is not
enough information but if you know of anyone in your area that might be either
a Snow or related to a Snow family from that area would you please pass my
information on to them.
I an looking for BELL and GEORGE ancestors in Lockesburg, Sevier County. I believe
they came there in the early 1880s. I haven't been able to get further back than
William Mansfield GEORGE and his wife, Nancy Jane BELL George. Before they came
to Lockesburg they were in Hardin County, TN, living on land owned and adjacent
to Sarah BELL, Nancy's mother. I'm totally frustrated on these two lines, and
would appreciate any information you might have. Manse and Nancy George were my
Searching for any information on Beck and Ritter. Both families were in Seiver
County Arkansas at one time.
I am trying to find out any information on my great great grandfather
Richard MCWHORTER b. 15 Aug 1879 Provo Arkansas, and his wife Ella GRAY b. 22 Oct
1880 Sevier County, Arkansas. I know that they are buried in McHorse Cemetery
but that is about all I know any information that you might be able to share
would be wonderful. Thank you
Looking for information on David Foran or Elizabeth Rains Foran who lived in
Sevier Co. David was a Judge, Coroner, Magistrate, and Clerk of the Circut Court
during the years of 1831 to 1835. David and Elizabeth were my Great grandfather
and Grandmother. Do know they moved to Polk Co., but cannot find anything on the
family after that.
I am looking for information on Ransom Elijah Miears who was the son of
Thomas Lawrence Miears. Thomas Lawrence Miears was born in 1842 and married
Mollie Cox. Thomas Miears was from Guadalupe County, Texas. We believe he moved to
Sevier County ,Arkansas and Ransom would have been born there. I am a direct
descendent and have some gaps in our knowledge which I am trying to fill in.
I would greatly appreciate any responses. 9175 Bridgeton Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
I am the great grand son of John H. Power. I know that he is buried at the
Green Chapel cemetery if you have any information on John H. Power, I would greatly appreciate it if you
would share it with me. My father is still alive, but he does not know about John
(the work he did, where he lived, or who he was married to, or his siblings). Thank you.
I am looking for info on Dr. E. L. Callahan who was a practicing physician in
De Queen in 1954. Also, any info on his wife.
The Conn's of Sevier Co., Arkansas:William Conn (Art Hudson's
ggggrandfather) and his wife Mary and two children, Lucy Maryann and John were in Sevier Co., Ar. in the 1860 census. They were in Red River Township, PO Richmond. Also in the same township was a son William F. and his wife Retha and three children, the youngest Henry, 1, was born in Ar. William F. was listed Millwood po though. In the same county but in Franklin Township, Millwood PO, was another son:Isaac ( Art's gggrandfather) and his wife Docia Coleman Conn (they were both born in 1818 Ga.) With them were eight children, one of which was Pinkney b. 1851(Art's ggrandfather) and the youngest two which were born in Ar. (Paralee Francis 6 and John Daniel 2). Also in Franklin Township, Millwood PO in the next dwelling ( another son of Williams): Frances A. and his wife Francis and there two daughters (M. I. and Lucy C., 3 & 2) both of which were born in Ar. William's daughter Sarah and her husband Bird Coleman (which was by the way the brother of Isaacs wife Docia Coleman) was in Sevier Co., Ar. in the 1860 census in Red River Township, PO Richmond. Also with them were six children, the youngest two:Andrew 3 and Mary E. 5 months were born in Ar. William Conn bought
land in Sevier Co., Ar. in 1860 and 1861. Frances A. Conn bought land in Sevier Co., Ar. in 1860 and 1861 also. Isaac Conn bought land in Sevier Co., AR. in 1875. Isaac and several of the Conns and Colemans were in Texas in 1870. Part of the Conns and Colemans then went to I. T. Isaac went back to Sevier Co., Ar. We think Isaac's parents, William and Mary may have died in Sevier Co. When we find Isaac in the 1890 I. T. census he has his never married sister Lucy Maryann with him and his wife Docia is deceased. We have heard Docia may have passed away in what is LeFlore Co., Ok. We think Isaac may have stayed near his parents in Sevier Co. until they passed away. He then headed to I. T.( where some of his children were) with his sister, when his wife passed away. After Isaac died in 1892, his sister lived with Isaac's son Pinkney. She passed away in 1904 and is buried by Pinkney who passed away in 1905. I do not know how much of this you can use or if you might need other names and dates on some of the other children listed. I hope this is something that can be used on the Sevier Co., Ar. website.
I am hoping someone will be able to help me find the following information:
Sometime between the years 1883 and 1894, my great-grandparents, Thomas W. and Isabell Whitley had a fire that burned their house to the ground and either two or three children were lost. They were living in King, Sevier, Arkansas at the time and were at church when the fire happened. My understanding is that the children that perished in the fire were buried on the site. If anyone knows anything about this family and the fire, please contact me at.
I am researching family history on the Moseley family of Arkansas. My great
aunt was married to a Rev. Robert Green Rowland. I am under the impression
that he had a church or churches near Sevier County.
Can you give me any direction to this research?
Looking for Ernest Raley (born in DeQueen in 1889) and his son, Cecil H. Raley (born in DeQueen in 1919) This family eventually moved to Oklahoma, Wichita Falls, Texas and ultimately to New Mexico.
Can you tell me more about Margaret Louis e Vaughn B17feb 1898 d21july 1998
inlockesburg we are trying to find some desendants Living in lockesburg thanks
I am trying to find information on my grandmother Mary (Molly) Adams
Hitchcock. She was married to David Starling Hitchcock and passed away I believe
in June, 1919. I am trying to find information on her family, Adams, and also if
she is buried in DeQueen.
I am seeking any information on the Martin Van Buren Teal line who lived in
JR.2, EMANUEL SR.1) was born May 11, 1843 in Cambellton Courthouse, Georgia,
and died October 30, 1920 in Dequeen, Sevier County, Arkansas. He married (1)
L. A. COUCH. She was born 1851. He married (2) ANNIE JOHNSON. She was born 1861. He
married (3) SARAH FRANCIS ( BAKER) GOODSON October 01, 1865 in Paulding
County, Georgia, daughter of JAMES BAKER and ELIZABETH HUMPHREY. She was
born September 15, 1843 in Paulding County, Georgia, and died June 14, 1906
in Dequeen, Sevier County, Arkansas. He married (4) IDA M. DEMIS November
15, 1908.
I am seeking any information on the Keeney line who lived in Sevier County,
Arkansas. There are several lines who lived there. Any information on Keeney
in Sevier County would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for any information on William Henry Bivens and Cass Cole (aka Cass
Thomas-Cole). William brother was the post master in Stringtown.
I have been trying to find some information for my family tree and I am at a
total loss. I was wondering if there was any way you may be able to help me.
My relatives name oris joseph smith he had a son born in dequeen, his name is
fredrick grant smith. all I know is that joseph was in the confederate army he
was supposedly married(not sure if technically married) to an indian woman who
died in 1912-1913. I have tried everything and I cannot come up with any info at
all.any assistance you may provide would be greatly appreciated. thank you
My Great Grandmother Susan Henderson was Born in Sevier County, Arkansas She is
the Daughter of J.T. Henderson and S Henderson. She had A Brother Named Charlie
Henderson, Enlisted in CSA. Susan Born 1847, Migrated to Texas Married Samuel Mayo
1865/68 in Ellis County Texas. Susan Died in 1911 is Burried in Fox Mountain
Cemetery, in Palo Pinto, County, Texas, Sam is Burried Alongside of Susan,
Susan was Listed on the Dawes Book with No. 429, Chickasas indian, 1906. Can
you help me out
I am looking for information on: Will, WHITE who married Charity B. BURT on Nov 3, 1904
in Sevier County Arkansas (1)Will, WHITE is my grandfather. I have no information
about his family or how he came to live in Sevier County, AR. According to my
father's birth certificate of 14 September 1945 (it is my understanding that
the court house in DeQueen burned after 1912) Will, WHITE was born in Aberdeen, MS in 1873.
I believe he would appear in census of SEVIER CO in 1910 with wife Charity,
BURT; Chrity's daughter from a previous marriage, Vassie, SMITH; son Burt,
WHITE and son Riley, WHITE (my father) and around 1914-15 the family moved to
Wewoka, OK, due to an association with the Wewoka Capital Democrat, where
Will, WHITE is buried. Will, WHITE aka William E. White aka Wm. E. White was
a Spanish American War veteran serving in CO. E. 2 MISS. INF. according to his upright military headstone
in Wewoka, OK City Cemetery. Will, WHITE d. July 3, 1920, was a printer according
to the obituary in the Wewoka Capital Democrat of Thursday July 8, 1920.
The fact that Will, WHITE was a printer is seemingly corroborated by source (1) with an information listing
under occupation as "Editor?, Auditor?" and by the fact that his family's arrival in Wewoka was because
of his association with the Wewoka Capital Democrat. It is also reported in the above referenced obituary
that his father was a printer also. It is possible that there were White's in Shawnee, OK
that were related as accoding to source (1) William TOLBERT and Nellie, WHITE lived in Shawnee, OK.
I know Mr. & Mrs. D.E. BURT lived in Shawnee, OK from the Wewoka Capital Democrat of January 1, 1920 as they
visited Mr. & Mrs. W. E. WHITE of Wewoka, OK over the Christmas holiday in 1919.
It is also possible that a Ms. Ann, TUCKER of DeQueen, AR is also related as the June 25th, 1920 edition of
the Wewoka Capital Democrat mentions that she was in town for a visit with Mr. & Mrs. W. E. WHITE.
According to my father we were related to Hugh Lawson White of McComb, MS. Apparently he was an uncle or
great uncle? My father said he was a crook. I am wondering if he got it wrong as he was 8 when his
father died. My father was related to a family named Bilbo and from an old address book that belonged to my
Aunt Vassie there were Bilbo's in Arkansas that were relatives and my father told me about a Bilbo that was
a relative of his that was a professional wrestler under the moniker Georgous George in California. So I
am wondering if the governor of Mississippi that we were related to wasn't Thomas G. Bilbo who had a very
sordid reputation indeed.
Willis Murray Evans b. 29 May 1918 d. Sept 1978 De Queen, Seiver County AR.
SSN issued in Louisiana, served in the U.S. Army prior to 1948.
married 4x; 3 children. Places known to have lived; Arizona, Texas, Arkansas.
Any family information (specifically parents) greatly appreciated.
My grandmother was from Sevier County, looking for info on my grandmother. Her
name was Lucy Mae Ritter & his was Willie Turner. Found ancestry on Lucy, but my
aunt (her daughter) said there were still at least 12 children missing.
Would appreciate anything you could fined.
My name is Suzanne and I have found that Eleanor Ray is buried at Clear
Creek Cemetary in Sevier Co. (1905-1965) (wife of R.E.) I am related to this
lady and would like to locate any remaining family members. Can you assist
me? Thank you
I have been working on my family tree, but have been unsuccessful is getting a
birth month & day on my grand-mother. She was buried at Clear Creek Cemetery
in Sevier County, Arkansas on 8-15-29. I would be greatful if you would be
able to help me to find this information. The following is information I do
have on her: Name: Willie Mae (Parrish) Litchford Born: 1901, Horatio, Ark.
(I would like to know the month & day.) Died: 8-12-29, Eagletown, Ok.
Buried: 8-15-29, Clear Creek Cemetery, Sevier County, Ark. Married: 5-5-15 to
Jesse James Litchford I hope to you will be able to assist me in getting my
grandmother's full birth date. Please let me know if you were or were not able to help me.
Benjamin F. Jones of Sevier Co Ark died in 1865/66 ( He was born in 1826 in
Kentucky). I'm trying to find out how he died and when. His widow and son -
Nancy Elizabeth (Samuel) Jones and Wiley P Jones, dissappeared between the
1870 Census.... where did they go? Need your help please!
I am looking for the Clark family in Seiver County, Ark. I believe my father
was born in that county in 1885. If anyone has any info on the William Owen
Clark, and Virginia Francis Frizzell family I would sure like to know.
I'm looking for any information on my ancestry. My great-grandfathers were
James Gabriel Pettigrew Sr. b. 8/04/1899 d.10/02/1982 and Rev. Al Ayers b.
12/14/1905 d. 9/30/1974. They lived in Sevier Co. in the Horatio/Frog Level
area. Could anyone help me research my family tree with names, dates,
interesting facts, etc ...? Thanks very much.
I'm tring to find information on Martha (Mattie) Ralls I think she had a half
sister by the name of Sarah. Can you help me with this?
I am trying to make sure that my gg-grandfather is buried in Mill Creek Cemetery.
I have been there several times but can not find a head stone. According to the
obituary in the De Queen Bee that is where they are buried: William W. Nethery
"Obituary: PETTY We were shocked to learn of the death of our friend and neighbor,
W.W. Nethery, which occurred on May 25. He was stricken about 9 o'clock p.m. on
the 24th and passed away on the following day. He was helpless and unconscious.
from the time of the stroke till his death. The remains were laid to rest in the
presence of a large crowd at Mill Creek Cemetery. Funeral services were conducted
by J.R. Pearce. One more Confederate veteran has passed away. Mr. Nethery was a
volunteer from St. Augustine County, Texas, and made a brave soldier, He had
lived in Sevier County since 1873. He left a host of friends to mourn his
death. A Friend" William W. Nethery May 25,1900 and Elizabeth C. Rush Nethery July 13, 1915.
If anyone can tell me who to contact about this matter. Thanks
(c) 2021 J. Myles Felihkatubbe All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the owners. If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information. |