Seeking descentants of John C. SWAN listed in 1900 Sevier county census as being 60 years of age, born in GA--family consisted of wife Nancy, age 46 born MI; Charlie C. SWAN age 15 born AR; Ben J. SWAN age 12 born AR; & James W. SWAN age 7 born AR. A Sallie SWAN b 1879 in MI married Joe B. SMITH Dec. 12, 1897 in Sevier county. In 1910 Sevier county census, dwelling 206, Clear Creek TWP is Joe B. SMITH born ca 1878 in TX, with wife Sallie, and children Joe SMITH age 11 born AR; Grace SMITH age 7 born AR; John SMITH age 4 born AR; Roy SMITH age 2 born AR; & Velma SMITH age 1/12 born AR. Next Door (dwelling 207) is Benj. J. Swan age 21 b AR, wife Nora SWAN age 20 born AR, and son Harley SWAN age 1 born AR. Benjamin J. SWAN married Nora SMITH 26 Nov 1905 in Sevier county. Nora was born about 1890 in AR. LDS Ancestral File shows Charlie Clark SWAN (born 30 Nov 1884 in Sevier county AR) as married to Lela Esora FERGUSON in November 1910 in Pulaski county AR. Lela was born 11 March 1887 in Sevier county AR. Charlie Clark SWAN died in Sevier county 20 Oct. 1959. Lela FERGUSON/SWAN died 14 Dec. 1937 in Ashdown, Little River county AR. Charlie & Lela had two named children; Beatrice Violet SWAN born 7 Feb. 1912 in Sevier county AR; and Durwood aka Deward Belmont SWAN born 27 Aug 1917 in Sevier county AR.
Also seeking whereabouts of Brian Kyle SMITH who apparently has some connection to the SWAN/SMITH lines. 8866 Hwy 151, Ignacio CO 81137 Ph. 970 883 2435
I am looking for Matilda Southerland Kuykendall. She signed pension papers in 1896 in Sevier Co. Ark with a Chapel Hill address. This is the only evidence that I have found of her being in Arkansas. I am trying to find where she died. Her husband was Thomas Jacob Kuykendall and he died Feb. 5, 1876 in Ala. Matilda was in 1810 in S.C. she married Thomas in Oct 1828 or 1829 in Flat Rock, N.C. They were living in Cherokee Ga during the 1840,1850 census and were living in Pickens Co. Ga in 1860. They are in the Winston co. Ala census in 1870. Thanks for helping!
I am searching for information on my maternal grandfather. The only information I have is that he married my grandmother on July 7, 1901 in Sevier County, Arkansas. His name was Alonzo Burton Kiningham. I don't know how long he was married to my grandmother, she would never say. However, my mother, Olivia Belle Kiningham, was born on February 15, 1905 in DeQueen, Sevier County, Arkansas. My grandmother would never talk about him and I am having a really hard time finding anything out on him. The story that was told was that he immigrated from Germany at age 12. However, in looking up the Family Search on the internet, I found a listing for him, showing a birth about 1876 in Texas, no parents or any other information shown. I have searched through many immigrations from German and have found nothing. I have looked in all the cemeteries and have not found any info.
Trying to find service record of John T. Reed (could be listed as John A. Reed) who served throughout the War of Northern Aggression with the Second Arkansas Mounted Rifles, Co. G discharged in April 1865. He filed a pension request in Cleveland County in 1910. Three Sevier county residents testified as to his service: J.W. Lieper, W.A. Henderson, and J.T. Kolb. The problem is that now the state claims no record of a John T. Reed having served with the 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles. They do have a record of a John A. Reed. His pension requests clearly state John T. Reed. Any help appreciated.
I live in Prineville, Oregon Can you maybe help me with some of my kinfolk that lived in the Sevier Co. area. Wallaces ( Wallis) were suppose to be Choctow. They are: John Wallace( Wallis) bn abt 1803 m. Charity Groos (Gross) Sevier Co. 1839 Children: That I have been told David, Augustus, George, Joshua and Margaret Wallace(Wallis) Augustus may have Married a Mary Edmondson Their Child was Sarah Louisa (Louiza) Wallace Louisa M. Festus Brown Children: Charley, Levi, Sammy, William, Edward, Lula, Lillie and Mary Brown Please help if you can, like I said I have not been able to come up with anything on these GGGrandparent and family. Thanks Betty
I am looking for information on the descendants of Carroll Johnson and his wife Mary. The 1860 Census of Monroe Township lists the following children in their household: William H; Sarah E; James C; John; Susan; Mary; Lucinda; Rebecca Stewart; Samuel B. Stewart; Josephine Stewart. I am also looking for the descendants of Hugh Hamilton and his wife Mary. They are listed on the 1860 Census in Monroe Township. Hugh and Mary had the following children: Alvin M.; Susan M.; Zachariah T.; Robert; Arminda; Julia A.; Oretha; Florence; William D. I am a descendant of Alvin M. Hamilton, and would like to connect with others researching either of these lines.
I am searching for information on the James Rowland BROWN family . I have two different names for his wife or wives , Margaret " Peggy " PITCHLYNN and /or Jane CHESSMAN . There is no wife listed in the household 1850 Sevier Co., Ark. census. I am descended through his daughter Nancy Ann BROWN md. Cornelius SMITH Sr. Dec. 22, 1861 , Waxahachie , Ellis Co., Texas . I would really like to find out more on this family. Any help appreciated .
Looking for info on Burrell H. Hanby that gave an affidavit for his step father Jeremiah Funderburk 16 July 1898. In the affidavit he stated he was of Sevier Co., AR. Burrell's mother is thought to have been Nancy Jane Hanby. 264 CH 469 Steele, MO 63877
Am searching for information on Thomas A. and Amanda Oakes DEHART and family, who lived in Sevier Co., AR in late 1880's. Their son Rodger Q. DeHart was born August 11, 1887 in DeQueen, Sevier Co., AR. Amanda died sometime between that time and 1904 ---possibly could have been buried in Sevier Co., as I've not been able to find her grave. Thomas A. DeHart was b. in Attala Co., MS, and in 1870 his family, the Oakes family and the Hooks family migrated to Washington Co., TX. They are found in the 1870 Census for Washington Co., TX. They are found in the 1880 Census for nearby Burleson Co., TX, but can't be found in 1900. In 1904 Thomas A. DeHart received a land grant for 160 acres in Township 8 in Sevier Co., AR. By 1910 he had moved his family to Bosque Co., TX. Any help you can give me as to where to search, info, etc. is appreciated
I am looking for info on the following families: ANDERSON, WILLIAMS, MARKHAM. Henry Clay Anderson was born 20 Jun 1856/58 in Arkansas. I found a James Anderson with a wife M.F on the 1860 Phillips co., AR census they had two children M.F a daughter 4yrs old and a son H.C 2yrs old. I believe this to be Henry's family. Henry married Mary Frances Markham Jan 27, 1881 in Lockesburg, Sevier, AR. They moved to Petty, Lamar, TX soon after that. I believe that they moved there with an uncle of Henry's by the name of Berry H. Williams. Henry and Mary had the following children: Lela, Vivian, Neoma, Minnie May, Isaac, Paul, Willie, and Ruth. After 1910 Henry and Mary moved to OK. where Henry died Oct 16, 1913. I would like to hear from anyone that has info on these names
Interested in learning more about the James E. CAMPBELL family of 1860 Sevier Co, AR. Appeared in the 1850 Census of Lauderdale Co, AL with a Nancy FOWLER enumerated with them. Attempting to learn who Nancy's parents were.
My grandfather Andrew Beck Jackson was born in De Queen AR 1902, father was James Henry Jackson, mother was Sara Elizabeth Golden possibly half cherokee. Does this strike a cord?
My grandfather was James O. Holder - he married Ruth BUXTON in Sevier County in 1911. We believe Ruth died in childbirth with their daughter, Stella. If there are any HOLDERS or BUXTONS living in Sevier County, I
would like to correspond with you.
I am trying to find information on the children of Julia F. DAVIS (b. 1836 Georgia, d. 1926 Sevier County and buried in Clear Creek Cemetery). She married Thomas J. HADLEY (b. 1836 Franklin County Alabama, d. 1864 in Civil War) in Sevier County abt. 1859. In 1866, she married Dr. James H. HADLEY, also of Sevier County. I believe that one or the other of these marriages (probably the first) begat my great-grandmother, Martha Louise Pinina "Mattie" HADLEY, who married Melvin Meeks SHIPMAN in Sevier County on 14 JAN 1880.
Looking for John Richard Hogg and Julia Poole Hogg Looking for any members of this family or any relations. John and Julia are buried in the Milwood Cemetery. They had four children that lived, John Richard Jr., James, David Stephen, and Anna Wallace Hogg Gore
I am looking for my Great Grand mother Mary Frances (Barnett) Byrd she was born around 1851 she married Emery Josiah Byrd in Boone County Arkansas in 1870 and they lived in Izard County Arkansas after they were married. I found a family on the 1850 Sevier County Arkansas who might have been her family. They are listed as: J.W. Barnett, 39, Male, Farmer, N. Carolina. Mary W. Barnett, 35, female, N. Carolina. Joseph A. Barnett, 14, Male, N. Carolina. Ann E. Barnett, 12, Female North Carolina. Mary F. Barnett, 9, Female, Tennessee. They have her listed as 19 when she married my Great Grandfather in 1870 so this could be her family on the Sevier County Arkansas Census in 1860. Any help with this family would be appreciated. I have some information to share. Surnames on my web page are Barnett, Byrd, Hawkins, Covington, White, Lamb, Hand, Anglin.
I am looking for William R and Aluida L (Hill) Batey. We know that they were in Provo area in 1900. and my have Married there. William R Batey b 1860 in Georgia. Aluida L Hill b1866 in Ar her parents were from Alabama. They had 2 girls Anus and Cora Batey. I hope some one can help
My Grandfather was born in Sevier Co. according to all the info that I'm able to find in my mother belongings. His name is Lake Erie Davis dob 10-5-1900 and died on 8-25-63 in McCurtain Co. Oklahoma. Looking for his father and mothers name if you are able to help.
Researching William Calloway Mize Family, Ben Lomond, Ark. Howard Fletcher Cobb, died 12/23/1915, married to Roxanna Spigner, died 12/5/1938. Jacob Hallman, died 1890, married to Margaret Summerow, Ben Lomond, Ark. L.C. Hallman married to Barbara Georgiana Hallman, Ben Lomond, Ark. Sidney Floyd Mize married to Mallye Elizabeth Hallman, Ben Lomond, Ark.
Looking for William M. Wallis and his brother Washington Wallis. I found that they owned land in Sevier Co., Ar. in 1860 and 1861 for Will and in 1875 for Washington. I am hoping to find them buried in Sevier Co., Ar. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for information on Atkins/Rind families who were living in Sevier County in the 1850/60s. Charles H. Atkins was my great, great-grandfather. He joined the Confederate Army (2nd Arkansas Mounted RIfles) in Sevier County and was killed in the Battle of Murfreesboro, TX. The Rind Family was his in laws. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Here is what I know: Charles H. Atkins was born about 1834 in TN. He died on January 3, 1863 in the Battle of Murfreesboro, TN (CIvil War). He married Juliet Laticia RInd on 10 Feb 1859 in Sevier County, AR. She was the daughter of Henry G. Rind and Rebecca Rowsey. Child: i. Frances C. born on Feb 1, 1860 in the Choctaw Nation (Arkansas). Died on May 28, 1904 in Okemah, OK. She married Andrew Jackson Cooper, date and place unknown.
Looking for an Uncle named Daniel Brown who is buried in DeQueen, Ar. Cossatot Cemetary around 1900-1910. Married to Lucinda (?). Vet. of Civil War. Had a son Bedford Alvis Brown, a Grandson living named Bedford Carl Brown in Ardmore, Ok. age 79. Would love to have any info you might have on this person.
Martha Lucinda Little b 15 Aug 1867 in Locksberg, Sevier, Ark. Looking for information on her parents. ie marriage date and location. Parents Reece C. Little and Mary J. Whitney. Any information would really be appreciated. 13585 Woodside Lane Sutter Creek, Ca 95685
Looking for information on Grace Wallace Southworth dob Jun 22, 1900 in DeQueen, AR. Father William Wallace; Mother Elizabeth Mitchell. 31 Rebellion Rd Charleston, SC 29407
My Grandfather is buried in either Horatio or Clear Creek Cemetary. The funeral home in Dequeen has no record of his burial. He died in Feb. 1953. Was there another funeral home that the records may have been recorded at? Please help if possible. Thanks ahead of time. His name was Eber Eastman Bias.
My Dad, Jesse Stephens was born in Sevier County Oct 4, 1913 but I don't know much about his father and Mother James William and Molly Stell. Dad married Effie Neeley in 1931. Their children are Billie Jean, Orval Wayne, Evelyn Joyce, Alma Faye ) deseased)Eva Clarice, Judy Elaine, and Norma Lee. My mothers father was James Neeley and he married Eva Buffington. There are quite a few Buffingtons in Texas I believe and if anyone recognizes any of these names please get in touch with me Thank You, Billie Jean
Sevier County, Ar--1900 Census--MillCreek T Do you have info on these people? Dwg. # 542 HOLLINGSWORTH, Charles,born Oct 1868-age 31-born Tx-parents born MS HOLLINGSWORTH, Hellen-wife-age 30-born Oct 1868-TX-parents born GA HOLLINGSWORTH, Lillie-daughter-born Sept 1888-TX HOLLINGSWORTH, Otto-son-born June 1890-TX-age 10 HOLLINGSWORTH, Belle(Velma)-daughter-born Dec 1981-TX HOLLINGSWORTH, Charley-son-born Feb 1896-TX HOLLINGSWORTH, Sallie-daughter-born May 1898-IT Sevier County Marriages Hollingsworth, Velma,17, of Blanchard, to, M.A. Jackson of Blanchard-age 32--26
Aug 1909 by J.W. Nethery. Hollingsworth, Otto P., of Gillham-age 28 to BREWER, Myrtle, 19, of gillham--9 Dec 1910 456 Ridgeway road DeQueen, Ar
Looking for descendants or someone having information about the family of David C. Tate. He was born 1859 in, Tippah Co., MS, the son of John W. and Sarah Tate. David moved to Sevier County about 1900. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for death dates for John/James Robinson died in 1847 in DeQueen, and Sara B. Robinson, died in 1866 in DeQueen. 1525 Brandon Dr.Marietta, GA 30008
Thomas Hosea Barnes m Lois Flannigan on 8-12-1871 in Sevier Co. Lived around New Hope. Had 7 children: Tom, Dora, Joe, Laura, Lee, Etta, and Annie. My grandmother, Lee, m James (Jim) Crenshaw and had 4 children: Leonard, Clyde, Clara, and Jim. Any info appreciated. PO Box J,
Tallihina, OK 74571
I am looking for info on the following: Beverly Allen DUKE, 1843/1900, who was married to Adelizer/Eliza HARRISON. They were supposed to have lived in the DeQueen area. beverly had a twin brother,Jesse, who was killed in the civil war. Their father was William DUKE-unk if he was ever in the area also. Beverly had one child from this marriage-William Jason DUKE, born 1-27-1869. William married Sarah NEAL (12-4-1878/1953). Sarah's parents were Ezekial Alexander NEAL (1836/1902) and Elizabeth Adeline FRISBEE ((1884/1885). Any info on any of these people would be greatly appreciated! 321 Carolina Ave Bogalusa, LA 70427
I am looking for parents of Robert Hull Rodgers, b.March 27, 1854 in Locksburg, Sevier Co, AR. His father was killed in the Civil War (unit unknown). He had a brother Joe, sisters Liza and Safrona, and a half-sister Dora (so presumeably his mother remarried). He moved to Texas about
1877, as did his siblings. I don't know if his mother and stepfather did or
not. 55 Laurel Leaf DR Gales Ferry, CT 06335
Seludia Ann McGee Merritt Hutson Price appears on the 1920 census there in Sevier Co., AR ... as Merritt w/her son Edward Merritt ... I am trying to determine if she is buried in Sevier Co., AR ... She died 5 May 1925. 1st husband: James Ross Merritt. 2nd husband: Lon Hutson. 3rd husband: Unknown Price. I do not know that dates of birth of any husbands nor the dates/place of marriages for 2nd & 3rd marriage. Any help appreciated.http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-
bin/igm.cgi?db=fridayP. O. Box 16604 - Houston, TX
Looking for information on a Louise
Johnson who married Luther Eldon Vannest in 1928 in DeQueen, Sevier Co. They had
one child, Bertha Dean Vannest who eventually married George William. By 1932
Luther was in OK and married to Lizzie Betts.
Catherine (Katie) Elliott HOPKINS supposedly died in Sevier County in 1845. She was married to Richard Francis (Frank) Hopkins. Does anyone know where she is buried or have documentation about her death? 3116 Woodstocker Alexander, AR 72002
I am looking for any information on a T.J. Ward. He was born in Sevier County. He married Dora Ann Smith. I know that they had one son named Will Ward born Mar. 22,1865. He lived in Red River Parish La. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for Robert Lee Gardner Wife Sue
Bogard Gardner, They were in Sevier Co. In 1893, because my grandfather Arch Lee
Gardner was borned in DeQueen, Ark. P.O.Box 510 Arp, Texas 75750
Looking for information on Sarah Elizabeth (MEAD)? FRENCH, buried in the Gillham, AR cemetery. Sarah was born 02 FEB 1870, d 14 NOV 1911.Married to Joseph Samuel French,b 19 DEC 1860,d 21 Jan 1937. Joseph is buried in Latimer Co.,OK. Daughters were Lucy Amanda, Dora, Julia, and Josie. Lucy was born in Latimer Co., in 1901. It is not known if there were other relatives living in Gillham, AR at the time Joseph & Sarah moved from OK to AR or when & why they may have moved.
Seeking information on Ggrandparents, James (or Henry) Mack Stanford and Prudence Anderson Polk Stanford. Children: Lelia Stanford, b. 1875 in De Queen, AR (married John B . Clifton); Henry Clay, b. 1878; Calvin, b 1881; Emma, born ~1883 (married David W. Bud Clifton); Hattie, b. ~1885. Any help appreciated.
On 9 February 1873 James Elisha Henry Lanious who was 30 years old married Mary (Mollie) E. Grahma Still, daughter of Jacob and Mary Ann Watson Still in Chapel Hill, Sevier Co., AR. They had 7 children to this union 5 of which were born in Sevier Co., AR. Lucy V, b. 1876 Mary Hope G., b. 1877 Anna May, b. 1879 William H., b. 1880 Kate Ola, b. 1886 James (Jim)
Elisha, b. 1890 Thomas Lenard, b. 1893 This family was on the 1880 Sevier Co., Monroe Twp Census with 4 of the above children. Soon after that they moved to Red River Co., TX, in the Manchester, Detroit area. I would enjoy exchanging information with anyone who is interested in these names. Thank you
I am searching for the parents of Dr. A. C. KOLB, (Allie Carl KOLB), who was born on a farm in Lebanon, Sevier County and graduated from Nashville High School in 1909. Dr. KOLB's mother was a CANNON prior to her marriage, which would have taken place between 1880 and 1895 probably in Sevier or Hempstead County. Any information or leads would be most appreciated.
My greatgrand father was Paul Knod Sr.and is buired in Gillham Cemetery,(d.1929) He was a farmer and a mercantile store owner in Atimony And Gillham and possibly in the wholesale grocerey bussiness in DeQueen.
He had 5 son's Paul Jr., George, Thomas Lewis, Edger Wm. Fredrick (Fritz), his wife's name was Ida Elizabeth Luhn Knod, Paul & Ida migrated from Germany in approx. 1875 and was in Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennesse before coming to Arkansas in approx. 1880. Paul Jr. was my grandfather and moved from Gillham abt. 1920 to Fort Smith, AR., Any help would be greatly appreaciated.
I am trying to locate information about Robert Mckinley and his wife Martha Amos McKinley. He was born in 1867 to Jacob Gillham and Maryann McKinley. Martha was still living in 1938. I know she remarried and had a Lindsey Cunningham as son or step-son. I really want to know where Robert was born and when he died and what of. Some of this family still
lives in DeQueen, hopefully someone knows them. Thanks.
Trying to locate this family of Broyles, Williams Hansford. b.1865-Emma Gertroo Clark Broyles b. 1873 d. ? in DeQueen, AR. Children: Clarence 1896, Marvin, woodrow, Leonard. Thanks Betty
I am looking for information on the family of Charles Turrentine Smith and his wife Lenora Jackson Smith of Seiver County Arkansas. Charles's father and mother were George W. Smith and Polly Turrentine. Lenora's father and mother with I.N. Jackson & Elizabeth Pride Jackson....Any assistance will be greatly appreciated
Looking for information pertaining to the family of Joseph Golden McKinley who married Georgia Ann Galloway April 21, 1916 in Sevier County. Georgia Ann was the daughter of Ann Eliza Alsobrook, sister of our great-grandfather.
I have HUSTON WALDROP on the Sevier Co., Census in 1920 listed with wife Rody? 33 children" Minnie 8, b. ok, J. 6 b. Ark Hister 5, Edna M. 3, and Earl 8 mo." Any connection? Am interested in any Waldrops in this area. Thanks denim@gemstate.net permanent e-mail hennigan7l@hotmail.com (that is seven L)
Pierce Kelly Vance Mattie Wood Lockesburg, Ar
I am seeking information on the ancestors of the following people: John Nobel MILLWEE (11 Oct 1871-23 Jul 1899) married Josephine HADLEY (23 Nov 1872- 10 Feb 1896), daughter of Dr. James HADLEY and Julia F. DAVIS. John and Josephine were the parents of Ethel Treasure MILLWEE and Mary Irene MILLWEE. I am also looking for the ancestors of James PETTIGREW (~1839 TN - ~1893 AR) who married Elizabeth SHIPMAN 07 Jan 1868 in Sevier Co., AR. James and Elizabeth were the parents of John Harrison PETTIGREW (1868-1943); Harvey PETTIGREW (b.~1873); Margaret Jane PETTIGREW (1877- 1927); Louis PETTIGREW (b.Jan 1880); and Bettie PETTIGREW (1883-1974). I am particularly interested in the HADLEY line. Thank you!
Seek information on Newton A. Lord and Violette (Burgess) Lord. Violette died in Sevier Co. 1881. Where buried? Newton sold land in 1882 and moved to TX. Will appreciate any informtion.
James William Qualls married Lydia Angeline Flood down in Little River County, AR, on 4 May 1894. On 12 Oct 1898, in De Queen, Sevier County, they gave birth to a daughter they named Lillie Mae. Seeking ancestors and siblings.
WILLIAM DAAB, born June 2, 1860, in Spraytown, Jackson County, Indiana, is believed to have lived in Sevier County, at one time. It is thought he died in Sevier County, or in Lockersburg, in the 1930's. It is also believed he worked on a chicken farm. His wife, LYDIA ISABELLA WEEKLY died in Paragould, Arkansas, in 1899. She, too, was born in Indiana. We do not know if he remarried or where he is buried. If anyone has any information, please write to us. Any help will be greatly appreciated
Have Info on Granville Jones and Sarah Tollett Married in Sevier Co, Ark 1844
EARNEST V. needing more information on him. We know he born July,11,1899 died Jan. 1978 in Sevier AR.
My gr-gr-grandparents Dr. Ferdinand Smith & wife Lucy Ship Garnett moved their family to Sevier County Ark about 1880. I am looking for the burial place of Ferd, and copies of photos. Also any information on Soletha Maroney (wife of James Autrey) or Matilda Edmonson (mother of James and Wife of Hiram Autrey (Jr.?). Thanks
Could you please tell me the principal industry for DeQueen during the late 1880s and early 1900s. I have an old picture of a sawmill with the workers standing out front. I would like to know if it was taken in DeQueen.
I am interested in information on Pullman ancestors who I understand lived in Sevier County. Our line started in Boston, MA in 1658.
Looking for leads, information on Stephen P. DAVIDSON b ca 1841 OH md 1869 Brown Co OH Sarah O. NIVEN. Children Clarissa DAVIDSON b 1870, Lilly DAVIDSON b 1872. From a reference in History of Clermont & Brown Cos OH it states they were residents of Locksburg, Sevier Co AR.
Looking for info. on John W. Loving a Confederate Solider 1861 entered service in Sevier co. , Co. G, 2nd Ark. Mtd. Infantry.Have a marriage record to Lucy Woodell in the house of Griffing, Sevi er Co.1860. Lucy may have died shortly after marriage. His father was David Loving.Sister Eliza, brother Tenessee Loving all b. in Tenn.
HENRY WASHINGTON PRATER, b. in GA, died in Sevier County probably about 1900 and is buried in the Piney Grove Cemetery in Geneva near Locksburg. His wife was CAROLINE PERDUE, married 13 Feb 1845 in Monroe Co., GA. Would like to contact anyone with knowledge of this family. Would also appreciate very much receiving data from gravestone.
The Douglas F. Nunnally family is on the 1860 Sevier Co. census. His indigent family is recorded in the 1863 court record. My confusion comes in when I cannot locate a military unit for D.F. Can anyone give me some direction as to possible CSA units organized in/from Sevier Co.? He is not listed in D.W. Allen's AR CSA patriot's index; nor can I locate D.F. in the Consolidated Confederate Solier's Index. Also, I don't know what happened to this family. He was a J.P. for an 1867 Sevier Co. marriage.
Looking for information on HIRAM A. AUTREY, Sr., b. 1771 in Alabama or North Carolina. Wife POLLY FOX. HIRAM AUTREY died 9 Dep 1857 in DeQueen, Sevier, Arkansas. I am looking for the burial place of Hiram and Polly.
I am looking for info on my gggrandfather, Richard Monroe MOFFITT, the following is a copy , hand typed,of his Obit.Any info on the families mentioned would be appreciated. RICHARD MONROE MOFFITT Funeral services were conducted for Richard Monroe MOFFITT at the Cumberland Presbyterian at Falls Chaple Wednesday Dec 5, 1933, at 230pm by the Rev. Zackry of Ben Lomand. The deceased passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs AA DEAL of Formand on Dec 4. The deceased was born in Sunflower County, Miss. Jan 4 1856 an at the age of four years, he came to Arkansas with his parents. In 1879 he was married to Miss Lucy OVERTON, who passed away in 1905. To this union were born nine children of which seven survive their father. They are: Mrs. Wylie Penney of De Queen, John MOFFITT and J.W. MOFFITT of Chandler, Ariz., Mrs Arthur RUDOLPH and Mrs A.A. DEAL of Forman, Miss Mollie MOFFITT of Horation. He was also survied b a brother, John MOFFITT and a sistrer Mrs Martha WEST of Searcy, Ark. The deceased was an active member of the Cumberland Presbyterian of Fall Chaple Church and quite well know in Seivier County.
Looking for info on a Joe D Allen who lived in Sevier Co. in 1880. Had listed on census with him wife Elizabeth, dau Jessica, sons, Louis and David. also servants by last name of Lizin ?. Also looking for church area of Mt. Pleasant Baptist . a Daughter was Baptized in this church in the 1890's named Melvina Allen.
I have been looking for the burial place for my great grandfather, Levastus McKinney Lee, who is said to have died in Sevier County near Lockesburg in late 1912 or in 1913. He was also supposed to have been living on the MOLDEN farm. Does anyone know where that might be and the funeral homes or cemetaries nearby. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Trying to locate army buddy Jack HOLMAN from DeQueen AR in WWII. He was in Co. F. 407th Inf. Regt., 102nd Inf. ("Ozarks") Divn. He liked the nickname "Studs," and his Army Srial No. was 18219669. If deceased, please give me as many details as possible. Many thanks
Can someone tell me who the parents were of the David Weaver age 72 born SC listed in the Sevier Co., AR census? Also in his household are his wife Sarah age 52 born GA, daughter Nancy J. age 21 born AL, son William J. age 20 born AL, son George W. age 16 born AL, and daughter Milly S. age 13 born AL. Who did the children marry and where are David and Sarah Weaver buried?
I am looking for any Teal information. Here is just some of the line and do have more information. 1. George Washington Teal b. 1800 Anson County, North Carolina d. 1872 Paulden County, North Carolina 2. Martin Van Buren Teal, b. May 11, 1843 Cambellton Courthouse, Georgia, d. October 30, 1920, Dequeen, Sevier County, Arkansas 3.Martha Alice Teal b. November 27, 881
De Queen, Sevier County, Arkansas. d. June 20, 1912 Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
I'm trying to locate the grave of Needham Ingram FLOWERS. I have him born before 1831 and dying in Sevier Co. on May 1, 1871.
Looking for surviving relatives (if any) of Cecil H. Allen born in De Queen in 1901.
Several researchers and myself need help in finding the parents and siblings of several NULL female ancestors who came through Sevier Co. AR prior to 1830 from Missouri. Oral history says there were 7 NULL sisters, all with the middle name of ANN. So far, four have been located in TEXAS for sure, and possibly a 5th one. However, we have no CLUE as to the mother or father. There may have been 1 or 2 NULL brothers as well, possibly a Jacob who appears to have died as a young man in Texas. Known NULL girls thus far are: Susan Ann, Lucinda, Margaret A., and Mary A. (Polly). Another may be
Julia Ann. My ancestor, LUCINDA NULL, m. Levi V. ARNOLD in Sevier Co. AR, pre 1840-- official record on file. ANY HELP would be appreciated. The older girls were born in Missouri, younger ones in Arkansas. Indications are that the parents were first in TN.
My husband's ggrandfather was in Sevier County in the 1860 census with his father, William H. HOLLOWELL. His name is Charles Silas HOLLOWELL. He may have married in Sevier County; his first child was born 1874 and the only marriage record we can find is for him and Minnie HAMILTON in Little River County in 1884. Can anyone help with this?
INFORMATION ON THE 1870 Sevier County Census in
1870 for David and Ellenor Bunch and their children
I am looking for info. on my husbands
grandparents. John Wesley MURPHY b:8/3/18? in Louisiana d:5/19/1935 in Jessie Oklahoma m:12/2/1896 in Sevier, Dequeen Ak. to Jennie GREY(GRAY) Jennie GRAY(GREY) b:7/1875--Sevier Co. DeQueen Ak. d:? In Bennington, Ok. If anyone has info. on this family, please e-mail me at jmnurph@cooke.net I would really appreciate it as we have very little info. on this family. Thanks
Looking for information on the Olds Family who lived in DeQueen AR Florence Olds B 1901, Leonard Elvis Olds b. March 6, 1902 Thanks for any help Patrick Olds
Looking for information
on Edwin R. or Edward N. SHEPPARD b 1815 AL. married 25 Apr 1848 to Sara Jane JOHNSTON b 1830. They had four children Jeramiah, John, Mary, Henry Edward, William. Was in Sevier County untill after 1860 them moved to Indian Territory around Tishomingo. Would like to correspond with anyone that has any information on any member of this family.
(c) 2021 J. Myles Felihkatubbe All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information
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This site last updated: 21 Jan 2021