This is a list of Church Records that are available in Sevier County, Ar. If you know of any church records in Sevier County you would like to share; please email me jmfelihkatubbe@yahoo.com . Please be sure to list the subject area "Sevier County" so I will not overlook it by mistake. Thank you.
Information on this page may not be used for personal or financial gains. It is to be used for research only. Use of the material must be granted by the submitter of the information. Nor is any copywritten material to be submitted. Thank you.
- Methodist
- Methodism's Gateway to the Southwest
- Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Methodism in Arkansas 1816-1976
- Minister Credentials of Brother J.B. Flippo
- Methodist Churches for Sevier County History
- Fairview Missionary Baptist 1897-1905
- Historical Record of Churches - Little Rock Conference
- First United Methodist Church - DeQueen
- List of Ministers - First Methodist Church of DeQueen
- History of First United Methodist Church - DeQueen
- Cyrus Bynington 1793-1868
- David Ladd
- Early Baptist Church of Chapel Hill
- Geneva Missionary Baptist Church Members
- Sevier County List of Names of Methodist 1872-1890
- Church Rules of Decorum as Amended October 1896
- Dedication Service - Lockesburg Cumberland
- Presbyterian Church and Historical Records
- Oak Hill Baptist Church Books 1 & 2
- Images of Ministry - Lockesburg Methodism
- Brick History of Horatio Methodist Church
- Dilworth Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- First Methodist Church Bulletion - Laying of the Cornerstone
- Richmond United Methodist Church - 1854-1978
- First Presbyterian Church - Hope, Ar.
- Cossatot River Baptism Picture 1906
- "The Illegal Trial of Jesus" by Gordon Carlton
- First United Methodist Church of DeQueen 1978
- First United Methodist Church of DeQueen 1897
- First Baptist Church of Lockesburg by Fannie Baughn Grady
- Missionary Soc. 1916-1917 Horatio
- First United Methodist Church of DeQueen 1987
- Fisrt United Methodist Church of DeQueen 1990
Return to Master County Index
J. Myles Felihkatubbe