If you know the spelling of a name that was illegible to the transcriber please let me know. There will not be corrected spelling of the census taker - ONLY for those of the transcriber that were could not be determined. Send your email to jmfelihkatubbe@yahoo.com. PLEASE put Sevier County in your subject line so I do not overlook it. Please thank Terri Buster for transcribing and submitting this informaion. Please remember this is a transcription, you should always view the actual document for you research documentation.
Males:under5,5-10,10-15,15-20,20-30,30-40,40-50,50-60,60-70,70-80,80-90,90-100,over 100
Females:under5,5-10,10-15,15-20,20-30,30-40,40-50,50-60,60-70,70-80,80-90,90-100,over 100
John Edmondson 0002000000000 1020010000000 James Morris 2000100000000 0000100000000 Ira T. Grant 1010100000000 1100010000000 Roger McCowen 1111001000000 2020010000000 Samuel Anderson 1000001000000 2000010000000 William Story 2000010000000 1000100000000 Barnett Walters 0000100000000 0001000000000 Henry Morris 1210000010000 1000010000000 Daniel Goodman 0100110000000 1001000000000 Allen Rains 0000100000000 1000200000000 Asa Blankenship 1010001000000 0210010000000 Joseph Ladd 1011301000000 0210001000000 Benjamin Rains 0000010000000 0000010000000 Polley Buckler 0010000000000 1220010000000 John Luce 2100010000000 1100100000000 Z. Clark 0000020000000 0000000000000 William McCowen 1010000100000 0121001000000 William Newson 0000100000000 1001000000000 William Luce 1010010000000 0200010000000 Catharine Hogan 0011100000000 0100001000000 Andrew Dollarhide 1000100000000 1001000000000 John Dollarhide 0010000001000 0000000001000 Gary? Cooper 1222000000000 0010110000000 Peter Miller 0100000100000 0000000000000 Absolum Boring 1100000010000 1100010000000 Thomas French 0000100000000 0000000000000 ************************ Thomas Polke 0110010000000 3000010000000 Gilbert Clark 1220110000000 0020010000000 George Taaffe 0000010000000 0001000000000 James R Brown 0000010000000 0000000000000 Jacob Morris 0100010000000 1001000000000 John Hays 1210010000000 1010000000000 John Larkey 2010010000000 2210001000000 Bailey English 2010020000000 0200010000000 William L. Mullins 2000010000000 0000100000000 Henry Wyatt 0100010000000 2100100000000 William Shannon 0100000100000 2010001000000 Richard Maby 0000100000000 2000100000000 Berry Sparks 2001010000000 1211010000000 David Foren 0100010000100 1100100001000 Ruebin Marces? 0000100000000 0001000000000 Benj. H. Hudspeth 1000010000000 0000100000000 Vincent Wyett 0100001000000 1210001000000 Benjamin James 2210010000000 2000010000000 Wyatt Anderson 1000100000000 0001000000000 Joshua Anderson 0110100100000 3021010000000 William Wright 3000010000000 1100100000000 James Wright 0000010000000 1001000000000 Elisha Bennett 0000001000000 0000000000000 John Slavy 1000100000000 1000100000000 James Holman 2210101000000 1111001000000 Manerva Clark 1000000000000 2100100000000 *********************** Benjamin Clark 1100100001000 0010100000100 Amos Wright 1100110000000 2100100000000 Asa Hartfield 0000000100000 1000001000000 Charles Moore 0000010000000 2000100000000 Jane McReave 0020000000000 2200010000000 William Boll 0002001000000 1110010000000 Elliott Jackson 0001100100000 0000000000000 John Hill 0110010000000 1110010000000 Nathaniel Moore 0000100100000 0010001010000 George Halbrook 0021011000000 0100001000000 George F. Boring 2010211000000 0201010000000 Robert Ash 2000010000000 1200010000000 James Anderson 1000100000000 1001000000000 Wyett Boll 1021110000000 0000100000000 William C. Compton 1000020000000 1200100000000 Joseph Branden 0001010000000 1112000000000 Waller Hogan 0001200000000 2000100000000 James Burk 1001001000000 3110101000000 Sherad Bradshaw 1122010000000 1211001000000 Phiness Robison 1000100000000 1000100000000 Asa Dollarhide 3011010000000 1210010000000 Adam Hampton 1000100000000 0100100000000 Daniel Buchanon 3000100000000 1000100000000 Isaac Tyler 1000100000000 0001000000000 Palinon Wood 0000100000000 1011000000000 Samuel Wiley 1200100100000 0010100000000 ******************** John Newman 0000000010000 0021001000000 James Clark 1000010000000 1000100000000 Maurice Rulany 0001010000000 2211101000000 Alexander Lynch 0010100000000 1001001000000 Joseph McCravens 0001000100000 3210010000000 Joseph Futon? 2100001000000 0000100000000 Ezekial Campbill 1000100000000 1000100000000 Nancy Thomison 0000000000000 0211010000000 Levi Davis 0000312000000 1001000000000 Charles (R)Sight 0000010000000 0001000000000 Lorenzo French 0000100000000 0010000000000 Joseph English 0010000200000 0001000100000 Samuel Bridge 0000000100000 0000000000000 John Wilson 1120000100000 1000010000000 Abner Luce 0011000010000 0001000010000 James Tyler 1001001000000 0210010000000 Thomas Bradey 1000100000000 1100100000000 Akina? King 1000001000000 3110010000000 Walter Anderson 2110001000000 1010010000000 Joseph French 0000010100000 0000001000000 Joseph Luce 0100100000000 1000100000000 *****************
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(c) 2021 J. Myles Felihkatubbe All rights reserved. This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information
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This site last updated: 21 Jan 2021