Marshell Sylvester Gleason

Photo shared by Vickie Graves Jones

Marshall Sylvester Gleason was born April 4, 1917 in South Sebastian Co., Ar. to Sylvester "Ves" & Amelie Gertrude "Gertie"Tomlin Gleason. He married Bobbie Peters at Greenwood, Sebastian Co., on January 31, 1948,

Marshall registered for the military draft October 16, 1940 in Prairie Township, Sebastian Cc., Ar. He enlisted in the US Army June 18, 1942 at Camp Josepth T, Robinson at Little Rock, Arkansas. He states he has a grammar school education and his civil occupation is mining.

Marshall Sylvester Gleason passed away May 26, 1996 at Alamogordo, Otero, New Mexico. His grave location has not been found.

Biography shared by Vickie Graves Jones
from Fighting Men of Arkansas