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UNKNOWN PHOTO No. 33 FROM MT ECHO NEWSPAPER - August 30, 2001 Quote from paper: "Does anyone recall these young performers who were featured on a postcard some years ago? They were billed as "Stars of Today and Tomorrow: Honest Abe and Cousin Betsy" and the postcard listed their residence as Rainbow Spring Trout Farm, four miles south of Yellville. If anyone knows their identities and what might have become of them please send the information to the Mountain Echo, P.O. Box 528, Yellville, AR 72687" (no longer a good address) The Mt Echo has changed hands and they probably aren't interested in knowing who these "young stars" are, but I am. If anyone knows who the children are please let me know. Be sure to include the photo number in your email so I can locate the correct photo. Thanks Linda (email address below). Previous