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Graphics by Rhio

Mt Echo Newspaper, Oct 11 2001 Issue

Dividing Line

DOWN MEMORY LANE: "The boy pictured on the far right is the late Jess Johnson. Jess ran a grocery store in Yellville that was located on the south side of the square for a long time. The smallest baby pictured is Opal Johnson, Fred Keeter's mother. The next small girl is Ruby Johnson, Augusta Roach's mother. Henry Clay Johnson married Jesse Ann Williams, one of the pioneer families of Marion County. He homesteaded the Johnson Place at the mouth of George's Creek in 1852. The homestead stayed in the family until 1948."

Update from Rita Wood: "My name is Rita Wood and I am a Johnson descendant from the John William and Sarah Davis Johnson line.
    I am just delighted with the photograph, and have one thing to add, should you ever up-date.
    Henry Clay Johnson didn't homestead the "Crooked Creek Farm" he inherited it from his parents, John William and Sarah Davis Johnson. Henry Clay tried Texas, but came home (wisely-God's country, is it not?) and his mother moved from the home and went to live with her daughter Eliza Elizabeth Johnson Coffee in Gassville, Baxter County. She returned at death and was buried beside John William on a hillside on the farm, which was across Crooked Creek at the George's Creek location. John William came to the county in 1869, but he'd scouted the area as a part of the Cherokee Removal that used the Binge Trail."

Back row - left to right: Unidentified girl, Henry Clay Johnson, unidentify boy
Front row - left to right: Ruby Johnson, Opal Johnson, Jesse Ann Williams Johnson, Jess Johnson

Dividing Line

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