1936 ~ 1938

Jefferson County Penitentiary Records for 1936 thru 1938; submitted by Deb Robinson

Aaron, Herman  W/M -35320   JEFFERSON       1  False Pretense  Received 10-14-1936 1936 - 1938
Aaron, Herman W/M -36732 Single 25  JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny  Received 4-28-1938  1936 - 1938
Anderson, G. C. B/M - 32369   JEFFERSON        3 Grand Larceny  Released Expiration 3-16-1937 1936 - 1938
Anderson, Thomas B/M - 35736 Single 46 JEFFERSON       5  Murder 2nd  Received 4-28-1938 1936 - 1938
Ballard, John  B/M - 34528   JEFFERSON      21  Murder 2nd         Deceased 2-6-1937 1936 - 1938
Baumgartner, Geo. W/M -35683 Single JEFFERSON       3  Burglary & Grand Larceny Received 3-29-1937  1936 - 1938
Beard, Alex J. W/M -36741  Single 40  JEFFERSON       1 Receiving Stolen Property  Received 4-30-1938 1936 - 1938
Below, C. A.  W/M -35846  Single JEFFERSON       1 False Pretense Received 5-25-1937 1936 - 1938
Below, C. A. W/M -35846 Single JEFFERSON        1 False Pretense Paroled 1-28-1938 1936 - 1938
Branham, Martha  B/F - 37072 Single 28 JEFFERSON       2 Grand Larceny   Received 10-7-1938 1936 - 1938
Brent, Elbert W/M -35359    JEFFERSON       3 Assault & Robbery Received 11-27-1936 1936 - 1938
Brent, Elbert W/M -35359  Single 21 JEFFERSON       3 Assault to Rob  Paroled 9-13-1938 1936 - 1938
Brownlee, Henry  B/M -35526    JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny  Received 2-13-1937 1936 - 1938
Brumett, Mike W/M -36692  Single 50 JEFFERSON        2  Forgery & Uttering  Received 4-19-1938 1936 - 1938
Carpenter, Rayfack  B/M -37273   JEFFERSON       1 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 12-29-1938 1936 - 1938
Carr, Fred  B/M - 35784   JEFFERSON       5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 4-22-1937     1936 - 1938
Cartwright, Chas. B. W/M -35201   JEFFERSON       2  Forgery & Uttering Received 10-7-1936     1936 - 1938
Cartwright, Chas. B.  W/M -35201 Divorced JEFFERSON       2 Forgery Paroled 12-8-1937     1936 - 1938
Chambers, John Henley  B/M - 35969 Married JEFFERSON       1  Grand Larceny  Discharged 5-30-1938    1936 - 1938
Chambers, John Wesley  B/M - 35969 Married  JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny  Received 7-9-1937    1936 - 1938
Cobb, Porter  B/M - 37271   JEFFERSON       5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 12-29-1938    1936 - 1938
Coggs, J. C. W/M -34650 Single JEFFERSON       2 Forgery  Released Expiration 11-14-193 7    1936 - 1938
Collins, Lonnie B/M - 34289 Married JEFFERSON       2 Burglary  Paroled 4-7-1937    1936 - 1938
Craig, Hubert L. W/M -35708 Single JEFFERSON        4 Grand Larceny, Receiving Stolen Property & Robbery Transferred to A.B.I.S. 11-19-1937    1936 - 1938
Cunningkin, Earl  B/M - 36191 Married  JEFFERSON       10 Murder 2nd  Received 10-14-1937   1936 - 1938
Curtis, Lee B/M - 35969 Married JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny Discharged 5-30-1938  1936 - 1938
Curtis, Lee B/M - 35970 Married JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny Received 7-9-1937   1936 - 1938
Davis, James W B/M - 36004  Married 24 JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny Discharged 6-23-1938  1936 - 1938
Davis, James Willis B/M - 36004 Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny  Received 8-3-1937  1936 - 1938
Davis, Robert B/M - 21230   JEFFERSON       21 Murder  Indefinite Furlough 11-16-1936  1936 - 1938
Davis, Virgil  B/M - 34809    JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny Paroled 11-3-1936  1936 - 1938
Decker, Ernest W/M -37200 Divorced 35 JEFFERSON       21 Murder Received 11-27-1938  1936 - 1938
Elkins, Sweet Boy B/M - 37193 Married 29 JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Received 11-23-1938   1936 - 1938
Ellerson, McKinley B/M - 29527  Married 24 JEFFERSON        21 Murder 2nd Paroled 11-16-1938   1936 - 1938
England, W. D. Jr. W/M -36044 Married JEFFERSON       3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Received 8-24-1937  1936 - 1938
England, W. D. Jr. W/M -36044 Married JEFFERSON       3 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Released to Court 9-14-1937   1936- 1938
Fielder, Will B/M - 35527   JEFFERSON       10 Manslaughter Received 2-13-1937  1936 - 1938
Ford, Frank B/M - 34212 Married JEFFERSON       2  Burglary & Grand Larceny Released Expiration 7-4-1937  1936 - 1938
Foster,   J. D . B/M - 35718   JEFFERSON       2 Forgery  Received 4-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Foster,   J. D. B/M - 35718   JEFFERSON       2 Forgery  Discharged 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Frost, Jim  B/M - 28821  Married 36 JEFFERSON        21 Murder 2nd Paroled 8-17-1938  1936 - 1938
Gardner, Sam  B/M - 36185 Single JEFFERSON        1 Assault to Kill  Received 10-12-1937  1936 - 1938
Gardner, Sam B/M - 36185  Single JEFFERSON       1 Assault to Kill  Paroled 4-8-1938   1936 - 1938
Gassaway, Thornton  B/M - 34157   JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Paroled 1-6-1937  1936 - 1938
George, Albert B/M - 36455  Divorced 36  JEFFERSON     Life  Murder 1st  Received 2-7-1938   1936 - 1938
George, Robert B/M - 27433 Single JEFFERSON       21 Murder Paroled 4-8-1938     1936 - 1938
Gilbert, Nelson W/M -36181 Single JEFFERSON       2 Possession of Marijuana Received 10-9-1937  1936 - 1938
Green, Chester B/M - 35234 Married JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny Paroled 5-4-1937   1936 - 1938
Greene, Chester  B/M - 35234   JEFFERSON       1 Grand Larceny  Received 10-14-1936  1936 - 1938
Grey, Eddie B/M - 34470   JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Discharged 12-1-1936  1936 - 1938
Hammond, Walter T W/M -35769 Married 23 JEFFERSON        2 Uttering  Received 5-7-1938  1936 - 1938
Hankins, Samuel Otis W/M- 33348  Single JEFFERSON        5-21 Days Murder 2nd   Paroled 3-8-1938  1936 - 1938
Harris, Ly Hugh  B/M - 37074 Married 36 JEFFERSON        2 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 10-7-1938  1936 - 1938
Henderson, John  B/M - 35785   JEFFERSON        5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 4-22-1937  1936 - 1938
Henderson, Robert B/M - 36694 Married 29 JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 4-19-1938  1936 - 1938
Hoggatt, Marion W/M -34861  Married JEFFERSON         4 Forgery Paroled 1-12-1938  1936 - 1938
Holmes, Morris  B/M - 37230 Married 52 JEFFERSON        3 Grand Larceny Received 12-6-1938  1936 - 1938
Hudson, Clarence B/M - 35971 Divorced JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Received 7-9-1937  1936 - 1938
Hudson, Clarence B/M - 35971  Single JEFFERSON         1 Grand Larceny  Paroled 4-8-1938  1936 - 1938
Hudspeth, W. J. B/M - 30250   JEFFERSON        10 Assault to Kill  Returned/Parole Violation 2-25-1937  1936 - 1938
Hughes, Clayborn  B/M - 36651 Single 34 JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Received 4-9-1938  1936 - 1938
Hughes, Clayborn B/M - 36651 Single 38 JEFFERSON         1 Grand Larceny Paroled 11-20-1938  1936 - 1938
Hughey, Sarah  B/F - 37268   JEFFERSON        1 Receiving Stolen Property Received 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Humphry, Wiley Arnett  B/M - 35847 Single JEFFERSON        7 Highway Robbery  Received 5-25-1937  1936 - 1938
Hutson, James Thomas B/M - 36134 Divorced JEFFERSON      Life  Murder Received 10-2-1937  1936 - 1938
Jackson, Clifton B/M - 34450   JEFFERSON        2 Assault to Kill Paroled 11-3-1936  1936 - 1938
Jackson, Henry B/M - 34451   JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Deceased 11-3-1936  1936 - 1938
Jackson, Morton B/M - 36899 Married 38 JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Received 7-23-1938  1936 - 1938
Jinkins, Sarah  B/F - 36714 Married 19 JEFFERSON        5 Murder 2nd Received 4-26-1938  1936 - 1938
Johnson, Fred  B/M - 33913 Married 52 JEFFERSON         4 Forgery  Discharged 9-2-1938  1936 - 1938
Johnson, Lee B/M - 33052 Married JEFFERSON        5 Murder 2nd Paroled 12-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Johnson, Willie B/M - 35202    JEFFERSON      Life   Murder Received 10-7-1936  1936 - 1938
Jones, Ace B/M - 35406   JEFFERSON        1 False Pretense  Received 12-14-1936      1936 - 1938
Jones, Ace B/M - 35406 Single JEFFERSON        1 False Pretense Returned/Expiration 11-2-1937  1936 - 1938
Jones, Ben B/M - 37269    JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny 1 Received 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Jones, Sylvester B/M - 35618 Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny  Received 3-13-1937  1936 - 1938
Jones, Sylvester B/M - 35618  Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Released Expiration 2-3-1938  1936 - 1938
Kelley, Howard  B/M - 35203   JEFFERSON      Life Murder Received 10-7-1936   1936 - 1938
Knoble, Willie B/M - 34711 Single JEFFERSON         2  Forgery  Paroled 6-12-1937   1936 - 1938
Lindsay, George B/M - 33914 Single JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Paroled 4-6-1937  1936 - 1938
Lomax, Sylvester B/M - 36343   JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Paroled 12-7-1938  1936 - 1938
Lomax, Sylvester B/M - 36434 Married JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 12-16-1937  1936 - 1938
Loyd, Charlie W/M -33278  Married JEFFERSON        4 Burglary & Grand Larceny Discharged 4-8-1938  1936 - 1938
Manuel, Luther Lee B/M - 31849  Married JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Returned/Escapee 9-7-1937  1936 - 1938
Maxwell, Marion B/M - 36718   JEFFERSON         1 Grand Larceny Paroled 12-7-1938  1936 - 1938
Maxwell, Marion B/M - 36718 Married 22 JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Received 4-26-1938  1936 - 1938
McDaniel, Henry B/M - 29060  Single 18 JEFFERSON        21  Murder Paroled 11-17-1938  1936 - 1938
Mitchell, Ike B/M - 33790   JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Received 10-6-1936  1936 - 1938
Mitchell, Ike B/M - 33970  Single JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Released Expiration 5-26-1937  1936 - 1938
Mitchell, J. C. B/M - 33971   JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Returned/Parole Violation 1-16-1937  1936 - 1938
Mitchell, J. C. B/M - 33971 Single JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Released Expiration 5-26-1937  1936 - 1938
Moore, Randall B/M - 35204   JEFFERSON      Life Murder  Received 10-7-1936  1936 - 1938
Morgan, Clifton B/M - 34058 Single JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Paroled 6-9-1937  1936 - 1938
Murray, James B/M - 32886    JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Released Expiration 3-17-1937  1936 - 1938
Murrow, J. W W/M -34734   JEFFERSON        7 Forgery & Uttering  Paroled 4-6-1937  1936 - 1938
Mutt, B. F.  W/M -36765 Married 24  JEFFERSON        1 Assault to Kill Received 5-5-1938  1936 - 1938
Neely, Henry  B/M - 35719   JEFFERSON        3 Burglary  Received 4-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Nelson, Gilbert W/M -36181  Single 24 JEFFERSON        2 Possession of Marujuana Paroled 8-15-1938  1936 - 1938
Newton, A. G. B/M - 30475 Single 26 JEFFERSON         18 Assault to Rape Paroled 8-18-1938  1936 - 1938
Parks, Prather  B/M - 34477   JEFFERSON        1 Involuntary Manslaughter  Discharged 11-29-1936  1936 - 1938
Paul, Richard B/M - 29432   JEFFERSON        10 Assault to Kill Returned/Parole Violation - 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Perry, Wes B/M - 35713    JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 4-4-1937  1936 - 1938
Perry, Wes  B/M - 35713    JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Discharged 12-25-1938  1936 - 1938
Pierce, Dave B/M - 33448   JEFFERSON         5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Escapee 3-4-1937  1936 - 1938
Pierce, Dave B/M - 33448 Married JEFFERSON        5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Escapee/Returned 4-25-1937  1936 - 1938
Pierce, Ruben W/M -36405 Single 37 JEFFERSON        10 Murder 2nd Deceased 7-28-1938  1936 - 1938
Price, Herbert  B/M - 36014 Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Received 8-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Price, Herbert B/M - 36014  Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Paroled 3-10-1938  1936 - 1938
Price, John "Son"  B/M - 34210 Single JEFFERSON        2       Burglary & Grand Larceny  Released Expiration 7-2-1937  1936 - 1938
Redd, Geraldine  B/F - 35898 Single JEFFERSON        2 Forgery  Received 6-16-1937   1936 - 1938
Redd, Geraldine B/F - 35898 Single JEFFERSON        2 Forgery  Paroled 3-9-1938  1936 - 1938
Reedy, Wiley B/M - 35352   JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Received 11-23-1936  1936 - 1938
Richardson, Charlie B/M - 33735 Single JEFFERSON        5 Burglary & Grand Larceny Discharged 12-31-1937   1936 - 1938
Rogers, Freddie  B/M - 34057   JEFFERSON        2 Assault to Kill Paroled 1-6-1937  1936 - 1938
Rogers, Jimmie W/M -36277 Single JEFFERSON        5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 11-18-1937  1936 - 1938
Ruffin, Jesse  B/M - 37270   JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Received 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Rye, Castile B/M - 35235   JEFFERSON      Life Murder Received 10-15-1936  1936 - 1938
Sanders, Elvin B/M - 35786   JEFFERSON       5 Burglary & Grand Larceny Received 4-22-1937  1936 - 1938
Seaphus, Theo  B/M - 34154   JEFFERSON        5  Burglary & Grand Larceny Paroled 1-6-1937  1936 - 1938
Smalley, John  B/M - 35552   JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 2-20-1937  1936 - 1938
Smally, John  B/M - 35552 Single 30 JEFFERSON         2 Grand Larceny Discharged 11-10-1938  1936 - 1938
Smith, Arthur T. W/M -36755  Married 24 JEFFERSON        1 Assault to Kill  Received 5-5-1938  1936 - 1938
Smith, Clifford  B/M - 37068 Married 24 JEFFERSON        1 Assault to Kill Received 10-6-1938  1936 - 1938
Sneed, John  B/M - 33557 Widowed 24 JEFFERSON        7  Murder 2nd  Paroled 11-16-1938  1936 - 1938
Stard, George  B/M - 37194 Married 60 JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 11-23-1938  1936 - 1938
Strickland, Willie B/M - 34288 Single JEFFERSON        2 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Released Expiration 7-14-1937  1936 - 1938
Swift, Sam B/M - 36608 Single JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny  Received 4-1-1938  1936 - 1938
Tines, Joe B/M - 36003 Married JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny Received 8-3-1937  1936 - 1938
Tyler, Cloyd B/M - 37195 Married 32 JEFFERSON        2 Grand Larceny  Received 11-23-1938  1936 - 1938
Walker, Ray W/M -32741   JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Paroled 11-3-1936  1936 - 1938
Walls, Walter  B/M - 36968 Married 27 JEFFERSON      Life  Murder 1st  Received 9-9-1938  1936 - 1938
Ward, Oscar B/M - 34457   JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny Paroled 1-6-1937  1936 - 1938
Warfield, R. E. B/M - 37272   JEFFERSON        1 Burglary & Grand Larceny Received 12-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Washington, John B/M - 34478   JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Discharged 12-1-1936  1936 - 1938
Washington, Lenzy B/M -37367  Married 28 JEFFERSON        2     Grand Larceny Received 10-6-1938  1936 - 1938
Washington, N. W. B/M - 36182 Single 50 JEFFERSON        1 Embezzlement Discharged 8-29-1938  1936 - 1938
Washington, W. W.  B/M - 36182 Single JEFFERSON        1 Embezzlement Received 10-9-1937  1936 - 1938
Watkins, Alex B/M - 36117  Single JEFFERSON        2 Possession of Marijuana Received 9-18-1937  1936 - 1938
Webb, Amos B/M - 17181 Single JEFFERSON        2 Robbery  Returned/Escapee 11-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Wiley,Reedy B/M - 35352 Married JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Paroled 5-4-1937   1936 - 1938
Williams, Cephus B/M - 35362   JEFFERSON        2 Manslaughter Received 12-2-1936  1936 - 1938
Williams, Cephus B/M - 35362 Married JEFFERSON        2 Manslaughter Paroled 10-5-1937  1936 - 1938
Williams, Charley B/M - 34055 Married JEFFERSON        3 Burglary & Grand Larceny   Released Expiration 2-10-1938  1936 - 1938
Williams, Milton B/M - 34274 Single JEFFERSON        3 Grand Larceny Discharged 4-11-1938  1936 - 1938
Wilson, D. B B/M-335617 Single  JEFFERSON         1 Grand Larceny Received 3-13-1937  1936 - 1938
Wilson, D. B B/M - 35617 Single JEFFERSON        1 Grand Larceny Paroled 12-8-1937  1936 - 1938
Wise, Roosevelt B/M - 34156   JEFFERSON        3 Grand Larceny Paroled 11-3-1936  1936 - 1938
Wise, Walter  B/M - 37598  Single JEFFERSON     5-17        DAYS      Burglary & Grand Larceny Returned/ Parole Violation 3-20-1937  1936 - 1938
Withers, Haywood B/M - 30353 Single JEFFERSON         5 Burglary & Grand Larceny  Released Expiration 4-25-1937   1936 - 1938
Withers, Haywood B/M - 35802    JEFFERSON          3 Grand Larceny  Received 4-25-1937  1936 - 1938
Withers, John Chas.  B/M - 36676 Single 19 JEFFERSON        10 Murder 2nd  Received 4-14-1938   1936 - 1938
Withers, John Chas. B/M - 36676 Single 19 JEFFERSON        10 Murder 2nd  Deceased 7-16-1938  1936 - 1938
Young, Boone  B/M - 36693  Married 31 JEFFERSON        5  Burglary & Grand Larceny  Received 4-19-1938  1936 - 1938
Young, Cephus B/M - 35682 Married JEFFERSON        2 Burglary Received 3-27-1937  1936 - 1938
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