Captain Walter Greenfield
Captain Walter Greenfield was a brave soldier and is an honest citizen. What better eulogy could be passed upon a man who has earned those titles in military and civil life? He was born in Todd County, Ky., on July 4, 1833, and is a son of Thomas G. and Lucy (Hannah) Greenfield, both natives of the same county and State, who moved to Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1837, which place they made their home for the balance of their lives. The father dying in 1840, when thirty six years old, and the mother in 1853, at the age of forty-seven years. The elder Greenfield was a merchant and one of the first men to start in business at Pine Bluff. Under the firm name of Greenfield & Kay he and his partner conducted the largest mercantile house in that section. Both parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics the father was a Whig, and was also a Royal Arch Mason in high standing. His father was Thomas G. Greenfield, an old Virginian, and one of the heroes who fought in 1812. Thomas Greenfield was one of the earliest settlers of Kentucky, coming there but a short time after Daniel Boone, and was an intimate associate of that noted pioneer. The Hannah's were also a well-known family of Kentucky and very prominent people in Christian County. The Greenfield's were of English origin. To the marriage of Walter Green- field's parents were born five children, of whom he is the only one now living. He was educated in Pine Bluff, Ark., and later at private schools in Nashville, Tenn. After his school days were over he remained with his mother until her death and then turned his attention to farming. In 1858 he was appointed deputy sheriff of his county, and served creditably in that capacity until the out- break of the Rebellion. In the spring of 1862 he organized a company of cavalry, being chosen third lieutenant. This was Company G of the Second Battalion, which was afterwards reorganized with the First Battalion and made into one, in which he was promoted to first lieutenant. In October,1863, he was promoted to the captaincy of Company G for brilliant action on the field, and this position he retained until the close of the war. Capt. Greenfield was detailed for scouting duty a considerable part of the time, and took part in a great many battles, operating in Northern Mississippi to a great extent. In April, 1863, he was sent out on recruiting duty, but at that time was taken sick and unable to continue with the work for some time. He also took part in Price's raids through Missouri, and was foremost in every battle during that occasion, and at Pilot Knob he had charge of the skirmishers. Capt. Greenfield was next at Newtonia, Kas. From there he went to Pine Bluff, Ark., where he surrendered on June 8, 1865. He has had many thrilling escapes from death, and many times narrowly got through the clutches of the enemy, but his good fortune attended him all through and he yet lives to tell the tale. In 1875-76 he was appointed collector and filled that office, together with the position of sheriff, to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. Farming has been his business ever since the war, and he now owns 700 acres of good land with the principal part of it under cultivation, all of which he has made since that event. The war having left him practically bankrupt. In December Capt. Greenfield was married to Miss Mary C. Embree, a daughter of Israel Embree, an old settler of Jefferson County. Mrs. Greenfield was born June 29, 1844, and by her marriage became the mother of six children: Lucy M. , Gordon E., John T. , Maggie F., Mary W. and Carrie. The Captain is a Knight Templar and Knight of Pythias, besides belonging to several other fraternities. In politics he is a Democrat and a leader in political affairs as well as social and business matters. His son Gordon is also prominent in Knight of Pythias circles. W. B. Greenfield a farmer in Pine Bluff, Ark. It is doubtless owing entirely to the industrious and persevering manner with which Mr. Greenfield has adhered to the pursuit of agriculture that he has risen to such a substantial position in farm affairs in this county. His birth occurred in Jefferson County, Ark., on February 11, 1849, and he is the son of J. W. and Matilda (Bogy) Greenfield. The elder Greenfield was born in Tennessee, in 1821, was educated in that State, and then went to Kentucky, but later to Arkansas, where in 1845 he married Miss Bogy, the daughter of Mr. E. Bogy, an old French settler. To Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield were born eighteen children, six sons and twelve daughters; three sons and four daughters now living, two in this State and five in Texas. The father is still living, and in connection with farming is also engaged in merchandising in Texas. He is the owner of a large tract of land and is quite well to do. He was justice of the peace for two years, and is now notary public. W. B. Greenfield was educated at the Christian Brothers' College, at St. Louis, and after returning home married Miss Bettie T. Phillips, October 27, 1886. She was born in Arkansas, and is the daughter of John and Mary A. Taylor. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield was born one child, Willie, who died February 14, 1887. "Only a little child; pause not here to weep; Scarcely on earth it smiled, ere it fell asleep." Mr. Greenfield has about 1,200 acres of good land, with 375 acres under cultivation. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church.