Edgin and extended Family

From: Ronnie & Sherrill Cox <rlsacox@cablelynx.com>
To: donkelly@grovenet.net


This is a photo of Eliza Jane Riley Edgin, widow of James Madison Edgin and her family taken about 1910.  The house in the photo was located on 5th Street in Ozark but was moved a few years ago. 

Those in the photo are (L-R) Eliza Jane Riley Edgin, Benjamin (Ben) Franklin Edgin with his second wife, Pluria J. Newberry Edgin behind him.  Next is James (Jim) W. Edgin with his wife, Virginia (Jennie) Gazaway Edgin behind him. Next is Mary Lucinda Edgin Adams with her husband John Columbus Adams behind her.  Thomas (Tom) Preston Edgin is next with his second wife, Angelina Bertha (Bert) Cook Edgin behind him.  Seated last is John David Edgin with his wife Bonnie M. Bounds Edgin behind. 

The small picture added to the right is William Riley (Rile) Edgin who was absent when the other photo was made.