Unknowns 7 - Can you help identify these people?

Unknowns 7 - Can you help identify these people?

Unknowns 7 - Can you help identify these people?

"This picture was in a box of pictures I got from my sister-in-law, this picture was in the early 1920-30 of Bradley County. The man on the back row, 3rd from left, holding a small child, is also in the picture on the Bradley site of Unknown Loggers of Bradley County.

The Gorman family said they didn't know anyone in this picture, but there has to be some relationship. This picture was in a box of old pictures belong to Tennie G. Garrett Gorman (my mother-in-law).

George S. Gorman, husband of Tennie, was a farmer, and in the fall and winter months he worked in the woods as a logger, this was up to about 1937, when the family moved to Calhoun County, but still could walk down a road and be in Bradley County. I will have to find out if any one knows how long he worked as a logger." ~~Coyal Gorman

This photograph appears courtesy of Coyal Gorman and was submitted to the web pages by Margarett Hollingsworth.

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