Reaves and Garrison

John and Mary Nichols Reaves

John and Mary Nichols Reaves

John Reaves was born 12/10/1845 in Alabama and died 10/28/1913. He is buried in McFarland Cemetery in Banks, AR.

Mary Nichols Reaves was born 9/26/1845 in Georgia and died 10/01/1920. She is buried in McFarland Cemetery in Banks, AR.

Alfred and Birtie Reaves Garrison, Jr.

Alfred and Birtie Reaves Garrison, Jr.

Annie Eubertie "Birtie" Reaves is the daughter of John and Mary Nichols Reaves. She was born 8/10/1880 in Banks, AR. and died 11/28/1950. She is buried in McFarland Cemetery in Banks, AR.

Alfred Garrison, Jr. was born 12/01/1878 and died 01/19/1968. He is buried in McFarland Cemetery in Banks, AR.

The eleven children of Birtie Reaves and Alfred Garrison, Jr. were Clara, Mett, Craven, Alma, Ocie, Paul, Johnnie, Max, Lawrence, Florence and Ted Garrison.

"Florence Garrison is my mother." ~ Mindy Gillert

Birtie Reaves Garrison

Birtie Reaves Garrison

Photos courtesy of Mindy Shull Gillert.

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