
Benton County, Arkansas
Genealogy Resources



Letter to Lucy Clair PAGE (Mrs. Frank LOW)

Transcription contributed to Benton County ARGenWeb by Kristi Taylor, 20 Apr 2006

The author of this letter was May (Andrews) PAGE b. 18 Mar 1863 in Sullivan County, Missouri; d. 9 Nov 1928 Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. It was written to her daughter, Lucy Clair PAGE b. 21 Feb 1892 in Sullivan County, Missouri, d. 22 Nov 1970 Borger, Texas; wife of Frank LOW b. Oct 1882 in Missouri, d. 1964 Sulphur Springs, Arkansas.

Envelope dated 5 pm October 6, 1927
From: Box 2 Sulphur Springs, Ark.
To: Mrs. Frank Low, Onalaska, Texas

Sulphur Springs
Oct 5 1927

Dear Lucy and All:
I think I hav paper enough to write one letter so I'll make it to you.
This is like a summer day though we have had some pretty coll days and have fuel up our stove but have had us frost yet. Our summer garden is all gone, but we had lettu[c]e and radishes for dinner that was planted in August. We also have plenty of mustard greens and will have turnips pretty soom. Papa is taking care of the schoolhouse again and Edith is in the hotel. It looks a lot better than it did when we had it and is hardier, but I do not envy her the job. She thinks she will make it all right though and seems to not mind the work. Geo and Edward both help her a lot. Ther are several cases of typhoid fever in town more than I have ever known at one time but none fatal so far. Ebner Days little Mildred was buried yesterday but she died not have it she had an abcess on the brain my I felt so sorry for them. There are three of the Owens family sick and Dr. Buffington and Dick Hobsons wife. They all have typhoid but are getting along all right. Bertha Woods has got to be quite a nurse. She is kept pretty busy and makes herself some extra money. Had we told you that Mat?-Anna is in Tulsa. Clark has to go to a hospital for an operation and they first sold their furniture and she  went to work or rather went to find work. She had work for a week at $5 a day but I have not heard whethter she has found anything else or not. Clyde is in Dallas on his job again. He is not very far from where Duane and Merle are. I wish you could meet Merle and the girl Map is going to marry. I think they are both lucky boys. I like both of the girls fine. I guess Clyde has decided to be an old bachelor. The club meets Friday with Mrs Cawley. Tell Dean I believe he has been a very good boy. Bless his little heart. He don't know how Grandma wants to see him. I hope you are having cooler weather and that you ar all well. Tell bell to drop me a line once in awhile.

Love to you all

I almost forgot to tell you that Jesse Morehead had been to visit us. He was taking a trip through the Ozarks with tow other Milan fellows and stopped here and stayed all night with us. We did not know him but I had not seen him for twenty five years. He has been worried but his wife died two years ago. He said he was coming back next summer to stay two weeks. Stella Ryan was in a hospital in Kansas City when he was here in a serious condition he said. Aunt Bel was with her. We have not heard any thing since.