Courtesy Marie Yingling
These 11th and 12th grade students (above) at Pangburn gathered for a photo after a ride to Hot Springs in the back of an open truck in 1940 or ’41, according to Lillie Mae Hardcastle. Shown are (left to right): front row – Voleta Joyner, Doris King, Lila Durham, Lillie Mae Hardcastle ( behind Lila), Ruth Carter (in black just behind Lillie Mae), Odell Cathy, June Fields, Harley Bridges (wearing wide brim hat), Clarence Henderson, Billy Willis Davis, Freeman Bryant and Bryant Henry Anders; second row, standing – Jack Albert, Boyce Martin, Maxie Sharp, Harold Cofer, , Eugene Treat (in letter jacket), A.J. Wiggs, William Gentry (in letter jacket), Thomas Anders, Raymond George, Grayson Lewis, Adrian Hale, Pauline Fredrick, Emma Lea Slaten, Maxine Drake, Bill Haynes, Lee Steward, Connie Yingling; back row – Crosby Bryant, Arvin Edwards, Leroy Baker, Nell Meacham, Lorene Floyd, Mazelle Baker, Sue Castor, Marcella Snow and Averil King.