Pangburn 8th grade graduation 1929. From left in photo: Front row – Vernice Nowell, Avaline Wallis, Pauline Coffey, Carthel Brooks, Earline Jenkins, Arwood Marsh, Lois Stahle, Russel Ghent. Middle row – Mr. Hickman, Meredith Mitchell, Ruth Fowler, Christina Doyle, unknown, Daisy Gray, Wilma King, Avis Floyd, Mrs. Howard, teacher. Back row – Forrest Short, Ms. Hamilton, teacher, Lavern Collins, Harry Hammock, Oleta Marsh, Hubert Epperson, Harold Crook.
Eighth Grade Graduation
Pangburn School in northern White County, Arkansas, operated on the 8-4 grade plan in the 1920s. Students graduated at the end of the 8th grade and at the end of high school. I remember that my 8th grade graduation almost meant more to me than high school graduation. Maybe it was because it was my first graduation.
We gathered honeysuckle vines to put on a trellis background on the stage, made purple crepe paper flowers that looked like wisteria blossoms to hang among the honeysuckle. The stage looked and smelled pretty with the fragrance of honeysuckle. We practiced marching. I remember Miss Howard directing us and telling us just where we should stand and sit.
I had a new white dress for the occasion and I got Flossie Dailey to Marcel my hair. She heated the Marcel iron in the flame of the kerosene lamp and my hair was crimped and frizzed to perfection.
Mr. Sharp took the picture above with our teachers. We were ready for high school and a new experience.