Pangburn Eastern Star 1928-68
History of Pangburn Chapter No. 502 Order of Eastern Star of Arkansas
The history of Pangburn Chapter No. 502, Order of the Eastern Star of Arkansas, is that of a small chapter which has met a great need in the small town of 669 inhabitants.
Organized in 1928, when Mrs. Sarah Verinda Stover was Worthy Grand Matron of Arkansas, and Mrs. Minnie Lee Robbins of Heber Springs was District Deputy Grand Lecturer of what was then the Eighth District, Pangburn Chapter had its beginning as an Instituted Chapter on the night of April 30, 1928.
Twenty-five members met at the old Masonic Hall, which was located in the upstairs of the old Methodist Church building where the residence of Mrs. C.M. Peeler now stands.
Mrs. Robbins had been in the community previously contacting eligible members who would petition Grand Chapter for a Charter. Charter members and the offices to which they were elected are as follows:
W.M. – Emma Medlin
A.M. – Jewell King
Secretary – Icy Wood
Cond. – Linnie Van Patten
Chaplin – Angie Van Patten
Organist – Anna Butler Faulkner
Adah. – Irene Sutherlin
Esther – Gladys McAdams
W.P. – Cleaton Crosby
Treas. – Nettie Lewis
Asso. Cond. – Ruby Crosby
Marshall – Lizzie Cox
Ruth – Edna Hughen
Martha – Lois Steward Rushin
Sentinel – Bro. Lowell Lewis
Elect. – Carrie Marsh
Warder. – Effie Doyle
Other members: Sarah Butler, Leona Miller, Mary Butler, Clara Mae Steward, Ruth Wood and Vernon Hook.
Mrs. Robbins’ home chapter, Heber Springs Chapter 440, assisted in the institution by exemplifying the entire work of the order which included Opening, Closing, Balloting, General Business Outline, Committee Reports and Examination. These members were: Mr. and Mrs. A.Q. Davis, Mrs. Minnie Bradford, Mrs. Ethel Casey, Mrs. Ethel DeLoach, Mrs. Nannie Little, Mrs. Dottie Robbins, Mrs. Marie Sherlock, Mrs. Ina Thompson, Mrs. Clarice Turner, Mrs. Stella Bradford, Mrs. Lucy Dial, Mrs. Mary Griffin, Mrs. Ethel Nunnaly, Mrs. Nora Raywinkle, Mrs. Ruth Spaunhurst and Miss Fay Turner.
Dedicated to Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness, the chapter has flourished from the beginning. Perhaps this may be attributed to the impressiveness and beauty given the work given it by the Heber Springs Chapter at the Institution, or perhaps from the excellent leadership of the Worthy Matrons who have served the Chapter through the years. Names of the Worthy Matrons follow with a short resume of activities of the chapter:
Emma Medlin – 1928-29 - C.F. Crosby, W.P.; April 30 to Grand Chapter 1928 U.D. 1929
Mrs. Medlin’s years as Worthy Matron were dedicated to learning the ritualistic work in all of its phases as well as securing the paraphernalia of the Chapter [such] as badges, emblems, chairs, tables, pedestals, rituals and an organ for Chapter music. Funds for the purchase of these items were raised by the Chapter having a concession stand at the Fourth of July picnic celebration. In view of the fact that all members worked hard in the early years of the formation of the Chapter and that we appreciate more the things we work hardest for, Pangburn Chapter soon was known as one of the strongest in the district.
Regular meeting night was set for first and third Monday nights in each month. Initiation fee of five dollars and annual dues of two dollars was voted, and except for the 50 cents added to annual dues for the support of Grand Chapter project of Home for the Aged, these both have remained unchanged during the 26 years of organization.
Much of Mrs. Merlin's year was devoted to the functioning of committees. Outstanding work of the Charity and Good Cheer committee soon gave a meaning to the chapter and recognition was given the Chapter in the community as a most worthwhile organization. Five members were added during her tenure.
Mrs. Jewell King – 1930 – C.F. Crosby, W.P.
Mrs. King was the second Worthy Matron when Mrs. Ann Dial was W.G.M. Her year was a continuation of securing needed facilities for the Chapter room as a rug for floor and other conveniences. Minutes of her year are filled with reports of Good Cheer committee sitting up with the sick, sending fruit and flowers to lonely people. A most enjoyable occasion during that year was a picnic supper in Spring Park at Heber Springs. Mrs. King will long be remembered by her outstanding memory work. At the time of her installation as Worthy Matron, she had committed to memory the entire Ritualistic work.
Linnie Van Patten – 1931
When Mrs. Van Patten was Worthy Matron, Mrs. Amy Stuttle was Worthy Grand Matron. Minutes of that year show "for the good of the Order" an unusual number of entertainment features. The chief one being an old-fashioned party for Masons and their wives as well as Eastern Star members and their husbands. This entertainment proved so successful with games, songfest and potluck supper that it has been an annual affair every year, usually in November. Other entertainment features that year were planned talks on the history of Star Points, etc., and musical numbers as Duets and Trios. This added to the interest of the Chapter.
Ruby Crosby – 1932 – C.F. Crosby, W.P.
Mrs. Crosby was Worthy Matron the year Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton was Worthy Grand Matron. This marked the first Appointment to Grand Chapter when Mrs. Crosby was appointed Grand Representative for the state of Louisiana.
Since this was was one of the hardest years of the Depression, the Chapter took care of many needy families.
This being the 100th centennial of George Washington’s birthday, the Chapter observed the occasion with a Centennial Party with the guests wearing colonial day costumes with Prince Wood and Mrs. Lizzie Sims winning prizes for best George and Martha costumes.
During this year the organ which had been used for Chapter music was traded in on a piano.
Mrs. Angeline Warren, one of the oldest members, became an invalid. A special committee from the Chapter was appointed to look after her welfare as she was a widow with no family here.
Nettie Lewis – 1933 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
Since this was still a heavy part of the Depression years, the Chapter continued its charity activities. Quilts were made and sold and the Fourth of July concession stand provided funs for taking care of sick and needy families.
Mrs. Lewis honored her chapter by receiving Grand Appointment as Grand Page for Grand Chapter.
Icy Wood – 1934 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
The year 1934 will be remembered as "the year we built the new Hall." The Federal Government was building American Legion buildings to provide jobs for unemployed and a new building was being erected at Pangburn under the supervision of Leo King, a member of the Masonic Lodge at Pangburn. Permission was received to add an upstairs to this building at the expense of the Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star to be used for their Hall. This necessitated much fund raising in the form of community suppers, pie suppers, charge parties, sandwich and coffee sales and private donations.
Since materials from the old Methodist Church, used for a Hall, was salvaged and used in the new Hall, it was necessary to get dispensation from Grand Chapter to meet in a classroom at the High School for the three months the building was under construction. March 5, 1934, the Chapter held its first meeting in the new Hall. The rest of the year was spent in providing facilities as floor covering, electric fans, tables, mirrors, etc.
The activity of doing these projects together for a common cause built a strong interest and much entertaining was done that year because of the pride in the new "home."
Eva Crook – 1935 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
When Mrs. Crook was Worthy Matron, Mrs. Virginia Lee Wilkins was Worthy Grand Matron. Mrs. Crook’s year was a continuation of providing facilities for the new Hall. Also, the Chapter entertained the District when the School of Instruction was held. Other entertainment included a Valentine Party in February and the Fall Annual party.
Due to the continued illness of Mrs. Warren, special committes to assist the regular committee were appointed to sit up at night and care for her. Mrs. Warren passed away and named the Masonic Lodge and Order of the Eastern Star Chapter as joint beneficiaries of her estate.
Lillian Capps – 1936 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
This year when Mrs. Capps was Worthy Matron, Mrs. Edith McClain was Worthy Grand Matron. Outstanding events of this year was the sponsoring of the Boy Scouts and helping to buy uniforms for the boys. The Chapter cooperated with the WPA workers by providing care and Christmas Cheer boxes for needy families. Also, the Orphans Home at Batesville and the Children’s Home at Booneville were special projects of the Chapter that year.
Almeda Crook – 1937 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
Miss Crook’s year as Worthy Matron when her mother Mrs. Eva Crook was secretary, was a year when many lovely addendahs were given. The chapter participated in the community annual stunt night when Mrs. Capps gave a pantomine, "The Old Rugged Cross." And for the Worthy Grand Matron’s visit at Heber Springs, another addendah, "Welcome, Sweet Springtime," was given by Billie Butler and her mother. A beautiful memorial service was given honoring the memory of Mrs. Ruby Crosby, who passed away. A shower for our Worthy Matron was given in Chapter Hall.
Jewell King – 1938 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
Due to there being a shortage of officer material following the Depression years, Mrs. Jewell King accepted the office of Worthy Matron for her second time. Pangburn and Searcy Chapters were grouped together for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron. Mrs. Francis Bogan was W.G.M. The meeting was with Pangburn Chapter. A joint Sunshine Committee from each Chapter was a feature of this meeting. Caring for needy families and boxes for the Orphans Home at Batesville was a large part of the year’s activities.
Eva Crook – 1939
Shortage of officer material still existed and Mrs. Crook accepted Worthy Matron office for her second year. Mrs. Louise Thompson was Worthy Grand Matron and she selected Mrs. Crook as Grand Representative to the State of South Carolina. The Chapter entertained with a large party in her honor and presented her with the Flag which she used in Grand Chapter March.
Myrtle Johnston – 1940 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
A record was set in new members during Mrs. Johnson’s year as Worthy Matron. New members that year were: Iva Crosby, Mamie Sooter, June Sutherlin Nowell, Ocie Walker, Pet Price, Gertrude Hawkins, Christina Doyle and Lucille Whiteacre. Perhaps the most enjoyable event of this year was the joint meeting and banquet at Heber Springs for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron. A highlight of this year was that the Chapter adopted evening dresses for Chapter use for Initiation and Installation ceremonies. This gave the Chapter added beauty and dignity and impressiveness, and was felt to have been instrumental to building our Chapter's interest.
Connie Yingling – 1941 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
Due to this year being on the verge of World War II, much of the Chapter was given to cooperation with the National Defense Program, and a Special Committee was appointed for this. War was declared December 8, 1941, and the Chapter was busier than ever.
Garments were made in cooperation with Red Cross activity. New emphasis was placed on the Flag, and special Flag Night was observed. Also, Obligation Night was held this year. Unfortunately, our Worthy Matron became ill and was hospitalized. Her year was completed by Junior Matron Myrtle Johnston.
Faye Brown – 1942 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
This year, which was the first year of World War II, the Chapter gave much time to Red Cross and Defense work. Lists of names of boys from our town who were in service were prepared and members chose names of boys to write news of home in appreciation for their service. Obligation Night when Worthy Patron gave first sentence, with members adding following sentences.
Effie Doyle – 1943 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
When Miss Glenn Stockburger was Worthy Grand Matron, MRs. Doyle was another Wartime Worthy Matron when much of the Chapter’s activity was directed around the war effort. Miss Stockburger, during her official visit here, urged that members work in Red Cross Surgical Dressing room, knit garments, etc. Luncheon in the home of Worthy Matron honoring Miss Stockburger was a most enjoyable occasion for those who attended. Secret Friend Program was introduced for Chapter members to draw names and observe birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas of secret friedn. At close of year at annual Christmas party, members tell who they think their secret friend has been before members reveal the secret.
Miss Connie Yingling – 1944 – Luther Landrum, W.P.
Due to the resignation of Pet Price, Worthy Matron Elect, a special dispensation was received to elect another. Miss Connie Yingling, who had been unable to complete her year in 1941 because of ill health, agreed to accept this office. Activities that year were centered around learning the Secret Work and Land Marks of the Order. A GO TO CHURCH Program was established this year in cooperation with the Grand Matron’s program. Door prizes were given this year to stimulate and build up the Chapter’s interest. An outstanding entertainment feature that year was a potluck dinner in the lower hall of Legion Hut honoring the Deputy, Mrs. Elsi McCai, and the annual Christmas Party.
Lois Rushin – 1945 – Luther Landrum,W.P.
The highlight meeting of this year was when the entire Chapter went to Heber Springs for the banquet and official meeting of the Worthy Grand Matron. Mrs. Lizzie Sims, known as "Aunt Bart," was made an honorary member that year in recognition of her leadership in early formation of Chapter and respect for her age. Eight members were added that year. They were: Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Siler, Mr. and Mrs. Isom Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reaper, Doris Martin and Esther Marsh. A most enjoyable occasion was when three men and two women were initiated and the meeting was preceded by a potluck supper with more than 50 members attending.
Billie Butler – 1946 – Luther Landrum, W.P. – Teresa Scott, W.G.M.
Billie Butler’s year as Worthy Matron will be remembered as the year when "widows and orphans" were given special attention. A special committee was formed for this work as Mrs. Butler stated that this was the purpose for which we were organized, in her opinion.
When announcement was made that this Chapter would be grouped with other chapters for official visits of Grand Matron, Pangburn Chapter expressed a desire to Mrs. Scott for her to visit Pangburn. She graciously accepted the invitation and was a guest in the home of Worthy Matron with Mrs. Laura Smith, Grand Ruth. Heber Springs and Edgemont Chapters were grouped with this Chapter and a Fellowship supper with more than 100 members from the three chapters and visitors from Searcy attended this supper. Special music, provided by daughters of Eastern Star members, was most outstanding.
Mrs. Butler honored her Chapter by receiving Grand Appointment as Grand Page to Grand Chapter. She presented Mrs. Scott with an oil painting at Grand Chapter session.
Clara Wood – 1947 – Isom Byrd, W.P. – Myrtle Cathright, W.G.M.
Highlights of Mrs. Wood’s year as Worthy Matron were the several Initiation ceremonies when the new Worthy Patron, Isom Byrd, presided. New members that year were: Dee Southerland, Rose Phifer, Arlena Boles, Doris Clark, Evelyn Bowen, Louise Mullins.
The Chapter members went to Heber Springs for the official visit of W.G.M. and two carloads of members attended Grand Chapter and enjoyed supper together. The annual Christmas Party was a pleasant occasion this year.
The Chapter went by busload to Beebe for a joint meeting with several chapters for the official visit of Mrs. Katheryn Norrell.
A birthday party was held for two of the Chapter’s oldest members, "Aunt" Ella Marsh and Mrs. Clara Johnson. Both were made honorary members.
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Lewis, was entertained in the home of Icy Wood with a going-away party which was in the form of a treasure hunt. Treasure was a chest filled with gifts from members. For the remainder of the year, past matrons filled her office.
Mrs. Clara Steward – 1949 – Isom Byrd, W.P. – Oral Cone, W.G.M.
Beyond doubt, the outstanding event of this year was when Pangburn Chapter entertained with a banquet at Home Ec building honoring Mrs. Cone when she made her official visit April 19, 1949.
In cooperation with Grand Matron’s plans, Obligation Night was held.
"Aunt" Ella Marsh, one of the oldest and most beloved members, died July 20, 1949. The annual party for Masons and wives and Eastern Stars and husbands was held December 3, and annual Christmas Party was held last meeting of the year.
Elma Byrd – 1950 – Isom Byrd, W.P. – Mrs. Oral Cone, W.G.M.
In cooperation with the Grand Matron’s project for Jacksonville Children’s Hospital, Pangburn Chapter was 100% in contributing quarters for this.
The Chapter attended a special meeting honoring Mrs. Valrie Price, at a District Meeting at McRae Gymnasium. Billie Butler presented a gift from this Chapter.
A dinner meeting held at the Home Ec Cottage honoring the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Cone, was held preceding her official visit. Mrs. Jewell King was appointed Grand Page at this meeting.
This year, new facilities as blacktopping road toHall, and installing water in the Chapter’s kitchen was finished.
Annual party was held November 15 for Masons and wives and Eastern Stars and husbands.
Goldie Reaper – 1951 – Isom Byrd, W.P. – Jewell King, D.D.G.I. – Ruth Slaten, W.G.M.
This year when Goldie Reaper was Worthy Matron was the yar when Ruth Slaten, Worthy Grand Matron, started her project of the "Home for the Aged." It was felt in Pangburn Chapter that this was responsible for renewed interest in the Order. Despite the illness of our Worthy Matron in the early part of the year, this year was considered as one of the best years of the Chapter’s organization.
One of our members, Mrs. Jewell King, has accepted the appointment as Deputy Lecturer which added strength to our local Chapter.
Friendship Night when members invited friends from other chapters to fill their stations was a new project and added special interest. A Valentine party was held in February. A birthday party for "Aunt" Bart and Mrs. Clara Johnson, two of our oldest members, was held.
Lola Vernon – 1952 - Isom Byrd, W.P. – Jewell King, D.D.G.I. – Ruth Thorp, W.G.M.
A Family Night, a Youth’s Night and Masonic Night were observed during Mrs. Vernon’s year of service. The annual entertainment for Masons and wives was held this year in January, in the form of a charge banquet, which netted $121 after expenses were paid. This was used to improve and add facilities in the Chapter room.
The Youth’s Night was a supper held for the daughters of members of Eastern Stars when mothers and daughters attended together, one of the loveliest events of the Easter season and most successful.
Assisting a neighbor chapter, Judsonia, who lost their building in a cyclone which practically swept the town off the map, was a privilege this year.
The Chapter entertained the W.G.M., Ruth Thorpe, with Kensett and four other neighboring chapters in this district.
Birthday Night was observed in the Chapter this year when the last meeting night of each month was chosen for birthday cakes to be brought and birthdays of all members occurring this month were observed and celebrated with a social hour after the meeting.
Rose Phifer – 1953 – Isom Byrd, W.P.
Many lovely suppers and entertainments were held this year when Mrs. Phifer was Worthy Matron, and it was felt that this added to the fellowship existing between the Masons and Eastern Stars. Exchange of visits with other chapters for the Friendship Night programs were enjoyed also.
A Charter member, Gladys Crews, passed away this year. OES Funeral ceremony and Memorial was held for her. Birthdays of "Aunt Bart" and Mrs. Floyd were remembered with gifts.
Modean Lowe – 1954 – Isom Byrd, W.P. – Edna Wilson, D.D.G.L.
This year when Mrs. Lowe was Worthy Matron marked the 25th anniversary of the Chapter’s organization. A special Silver Anniversary Night was held when all Past Matrons and Patrons were honored as well as Mrs. Minnie Lee Robins Pearson, who organized the Chapter, and Mrs. Lucy Mae Dial, who succeeded Mrs. Robins as D.D.G.L. and was very instrumental in making this a strong chapter. A photographer was on hand to make pictures of the Past Matrons and Patrons, of the five Charter members present and of the entire group. Each P.W.M. gave a sketch of "Her Year" and Mrs. Emma Medlin, first Worthy Matron, assisted by Jewell King, gave a humorous sketch of what it was like in the first year of the Chapter’s organization. This, indeed, was the outstanding meeting of the Chapter’s history.
Four of our eldest members were made honorary members this year. They were Effie Doyle, Mary Yingling, Ophelia Floyd and Mamie Sooter. A new fund, Religious Education Fund, was contributed to this year.
A member of our Chapter, Esther Marsh, was remembered with a miscellaneous shower following her misfortune of losing all her belongings in a fire which destroyed her new home.
Arlena Boles – 1955 – Buford Phifer, W.P. – Lottie David, D.D.G.L. – Katheryn Green, W.G.M.
This year when Arlena Boles was Worthy Matron and Katheryn Green was W.G.M., a large group meeting was held for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron at the Mayfair Hotel at Searcy, which was very inspirational. Pangburn Chapter did the closing ceremony. Two projects sponsored by Grand Chapter – Eastern Star Home and fund for Religious Training received special emphasis.
The Chapter, having permission to use downstairs of Legion Hut, placed a store there.
The annual dinner was held March 18, this year with the entertainment featuring a history of our town’s origin with a picture gallery of early residents.
In keeping with Katheryn Green’s wishes, a History Committee to compose the history of this Chapter, was appointed as follows: Emma Medlin, Icy Wood and Jewell King.
Lorena Stewart – 1956 – Hayston Stewart, W.P. – Lottie David, D.D.G.L.
This year, our Worthy Grand Matron’s visit was made at Searcy, on May 17. Chapters meeting there were Searcy, Kensett, Judsonia and Pangburn. Pangburn Chapter closed the meeting. This year there was a list of 12 new members added, as follows: Ivon Harrison, Ruth Bell, Evelyn Frazier, Clint Bell, R.A. Finney, Mrs. Faye Finney, Imogene Albert, Truman Albert, Troy Nowell, Lindsey Wyatt, Wilda Wyatt and Mrs. Jessie Caplener. Through this year we continued having "birthday" night the last meeting night in each month, honoring those whose birthday came in the month.
We voted Mrs. Mary Yingling our Chapter Mother and presented her with a Mother pin. We concluded the year’s social functions with a party for Masons on November 17 and with a Christmas Party.
Bennie Williams – 1957 – Hayston, W.P. – Grace Capshaw, D.D.G.L.
April 6 was an oustanding night this year as we met at Searcy with Searcy Chapter for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron. This was an outstanding meeting and was attended by an unusually large crowd. Pangburn Chapter gave the Addenda, made the gift presentation and closed the Chapter. Through the year, we observed Birthday nights, Friendship Night, Founders Night, Masons Night and Christmas. Aded to the roll was Louise Jones, Myrtle Jones, Wallace Bell, Eva Lou Bell, J.B. Barnes and Hazel Barnes.
Geneva Huffman – 1958 – B.B. Huffman, W.P. – Grace Capshaw, D.D.G.L.
One new member, Edith Mae Holt, was added to our Chapter roll this year. We observed the visit of the Worthy Grand Matron at Searcy with supper in the Blue Room at the Rendezvous with a meeting after, held in Searcy Lodge Hall. The Worthy Grand Matron’s talk was very inspirational. Pangburn Chapter had the closing. This year the Chapter fixed Christmas baskets for shut-ins.
Estus Snow – 1959 – Berylon Huffman, W.P. – Verda Haile, D.D.G.L.
The highlight meeting of this year was when Pangburn Chapter went to Heber Springs for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron, which was March 4. Supper was enjoyed at Alexander’s Café, after which the meeting was held in Heber Springs Chapter Room. Pangburn having the closing. Friendship Night, Masons Night and the Christmas Party were some of the social events. The new members were Nancy Moreland and Oleta Snow.
Ruth Bell – 1960 – Hayston Stewart, W.P. – Verda Haile, D.D.G.L.
Three new members were added this year. They were Peggy Salter, Anna Mae Sandage and Mrs. Dale Gregory. This year the Worthy Grand Matron made two visits to our district. Pangburn, Kensett and Heber Springs met at Kensett for her visit April 18. Friendship Night, Masons Night and the annual Christmas Party were observed.
Modean Lowe – 1961 – B.B. Huffman, W.P. – Nell Stewart D.D.G.L.
Ada Hawkins Jones was admitted to the Chapter this year. April 22, we met with Heber Springs and Quitman for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron, at Heber Springs. Friendship Night, the annual fellowship supper for the Masons and the Christmas Party were observed.
Dorothy Taylor – 1962 – Henry Taylor, W.P. – Edith Jenkins, W.G.M. – Nell Stewart, D.D.G.L.
Without a doubt, this was one of the outstanding years in the history of the Chapter. The old Lodge Hall burned in July of this year and plans were formulated for a new one to be built. Therefore, there were numerous fund-raising activities throughout the year. But on September 3, 1962, the first meeting was held in the new hall. We received a new charter to replace the old one which burned. Besides the fund-raising activities, there were 19 new members added to our roll: Carl Ashworth, Lorene Ashworth, Cleston Hughes, Charlesree Southerland, Ernest Southerland, Elmer Allen, T.B. Pasley, Alvin Snow, Woodrow Gregory, Bill Martin, Anette Martin, Sue Tipton, J.L. Moreland, Betty Rose, Ferrel Davis, Ruth Cook, Mary Snow, D.H. Tipton, Jane Bares and Clarice Smith. Badges and all paraphernalia were purchased as well as 50 new chairs, dishes and kitchen equipment. A new 50-star flag was received by the Chapter from Congressman Wilbur D. Mills. Numerous social functions were held during this year.
Nancy Moreland – 1963 – Henry Taylor, W.P. – Stella Palmer, D.D.G.L.
This year there was still several things we had to get for the new Chapter room. Curtains were purchased, made and hung. A committee was elected to set up a new set of by-laws for the Chapter. Charlsie Baker transferred to our Chapter from Heber Springs. Also initiated were Ernest Southerland and Verl Bates. The usual activities were had, such as Masons Night, Friendship Night, Christmas Party, plus Honor Night for past Worthy Matrons and Past Patrons.
Dale Gregory – 1964 – Elmer Allen, W.P. – Stella Palmer, D.D.G.L.
This year, our Worthy Grand Matron’s visit was at Heber Springs September 16. W.G.M. Marion Crosby, Worthy Grand Patron Dr. Miller. There were two new members, Reba Cook and Reba Pasley. Friendship Night and Masons Night and Christmas Party were observed during the year.
Jewell Pasley – 1965 – Elmer Allen, W.P. – Hazel Gilliam, D.D.G.L.
The Worthy Grand Matron Grace Capshaw and Worthy Grand Patron Ted Vernon met at Pangburn for their official visit. This year, Friendship Night, Founders Night, Masons Night and Christmas Party were observed. There were three new members, Leona Mae Sharp, Marjorie Davis and Mamie Gay.
Charlsie Baker – 1966 – Woodrow Gregory, W.P. – Hazel Gilliam, D.D.G.L.
The Worthy Grand Patron, Ruby Caplinger, met at Searcy with Pangburn September 21. Five members attended the Honor Night for Hazel Gilliam of Searcy. There were three new members, Carolyn Johnson, Amie Permenter and Wanda Holleman. Pangburn observed Founders Night, Friendship Night, Mason Night and Christmas Party.
Dixie Frazier – 1967 – Woodrow Gregory, W.P. – Dorothy Roetzel, D.D.G.L.
The W.G.M. Crissie Raymonda and W.G.P. George Walker met with Pangburn, Edgemont and Heber Springs at Heber. There were six new members, Percy Hall, James Baker, Clara Barger, Judith McMillian, Linda West, Sherrell Johnson. The Stars made a payment on the Lodge Hall for the Masons. For this they were honored with a fish fry and a gift was presented to Dixie Frazier. Founders Night, Friendship Night and Masons Night and Christmas Party were observed.
Lorene Ashworth – 1968 – Carl Ashworth, W.P. – Dorothy Roetzel
The W.G.M. Sally Loflin and W.G.P. Fred Lane met at Pangburn with Edgemont and Heber Springs on April 24. There were about 125 guests present. There were four new members, Harold Davis, James Flowers, Joyce Flowers and Georgia Rogers.
Birthday Night for every member was observed on the second meeting night of the month. Friendship Night, Founders Night, Masons Night and Christmas Party. Mrs. Emma Medlin was honored on our 40th anniversary, as our first W.M. Also Charter members Icy Wood, Linnie Van Patten, Jewell King and Effie Doyle.