

Will Abstracts & Intestate Statements

(& in some cases fully
transcribed wills:)

(VOL. "C")

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A.E. MORROW, Book C, p. 327, dated May 27, 1914. In ill health. Children: Charley James MORROW, Wilborn Emmett MORROW, Henry George MORROW, Joseph Walter MORROW & Clarence Alvin MORROW $1 ea. Beloved wife, Hattie May MORROW, all personal property & Jewelry store at 116 Main St., Argent, Ark. & lands: NW of SW Sec. 14 T 6 N R 6 W containing 40 ac. & NW Q Sec. 1 T 6 N R 6 W cont. 90 ac., both in White Co., along with all remainder of property. Wife is executor. Signed: A.E. MORROW. Witnesses: Jemima BRASHEARS (1223 Wolf St.) & Etta MUNRO (1223 Wolf St.) Will proved Sept.2, 1914 & says A.E. MORROW died on July 30, 1914. H.S.TURNER, clk., A.L.MOORE, D.C.


G.W.MORROW, Book C, p. 425-6, dated Mar.9, 1911. Of Kensett, heirs: John A. MORROW, G.W. MORROW Jr., Jas. A. MORROW, Albert S. MORROW, Thos. P. MORROW, Homer MORROW, Mary J.RUSSEL, Roy McCauley MORROW & Chas. R. MORROW $5 ea. Heir R.L. MORROW all the balance of the property. Signed G.W. MORROW. Witnesses: A.P. WILLS, H.E. WATSON & A.J. WEST. Will proved May 3, 1911. Lucius PILKINGTON, clk. Probated: June 12, 1918, W.H.BELL, clk.