


From 1918-1920 are listed.

For records 1800's - 1995 - - call either Gean Yelverton or Sheila Moses at the Arkansas

Department of Correction, 1-870-267-6425. They will look for the file and

if it exists, they will make copies at $.75 a page.

1995 - present - - call Gail Ramsey at Central Records at Pine Bluff,

1-870-267-6684. The cost will be the same.

I have been told that many of the records did not survive the moves

throughout the years, so they may not exist.


ALEXANDER, PETE         16648 1918-1920

ALEXANDER, STEVE       16364 1918-1920

BARGER, LEE 17108 1918-1920

BARKLEY, KENMAN         16011 1918-1920

BEARDEN, E. 17104 1918-1920

BECKLEY, LENNIE 15404 1918-1920

BERRY, E. 16360 1918-1920

BONDS, S. ? 18196 1918-1920

BOTTOM, C.C 19477 1918-1920

BROWNFIELD, J.M.          16361 1918-1920 Rel. Exp.12-22-19

BRUNSON, GUTHRIE       16008 1918-1920

CAMPBELL, ROBERT      16362 1918-1920

COFFEE, S.A. 17350 1918-1920

COMMORS, J.M. 17112 1918-1920

DALTON, BILL 18477 1918-1920

DAVIS, JIM 17107 1918-1920

ELLIS, J.B. 16006 1918-1920

FAKES, NOBLE 15802 1918-1920

FINCH, J.D. 18195 1918-1920

GAITHER, OTTO 20108 1918-1920

GARRISON, LUTHER       17349 1918-1920

GEORGE, SEE 18034 1918-1920

GREEN, H. C. 20083 1918-1920

GROSS, HOMER 15818 1918-1920

HAMILTON, WILL 18890 1918-1920

HAMRIC, QUINCY 17694 1918-1920

HERMAN, HORACE 18104 1918-1920

HESS, LEE 17696 1918-1920

HOWARD, O. C. 10084 1918-1920

HOWELL, W. H. 16363 1918-1920

HUBBARD, HENRY 18891 1918-1920

HURN, ROBERT 17352 1918-1920

HYLER, JOHN 17105 1918-1920

Jenkins, Harold 15939 1918-1920

Jenkins, Ellis 15940 1918-1920

Johnson, Buddie 16359 1918-1920

Jones, R. M. 17697 1918-1920

Kirkland, Walter 17111 1918-1920

Kirk, Jess 19608 1918-1920

Koonce, Ambrose 17110 1918-1920

Lemmons, D. F. 15413 1918-1920

Long, W. W. 15801 1918-1920

Lynch, Ed 16639 1918-1920

Mayfield, Joe 15407 1918-1920

Matthews, J. W. 17106 1918-1920

Mash, C. OL. 17348 1918-1920

Martin, Albert 17698 1918-1920

Mayhue, Bill 20241 1918-1920

Miller, Frank 15408 1918-1920

Miller, A. 16007 1918-1920

Moore, John 15403 1918-1920

McCoy, Harry 15406 1918-1920 Rel. Exp. 7-2-18

McGarrity, K. C. 15405 1918-1920

McGann, George 16010 1918-1920

McNeelly, Andrew 17695 1918-1920

Nelson, Henry 17127 1918 - 1920

Parks, Paul 19478 1918 - 1920

Poe, Nick 16013 1918 - 1920

Quillin, Paul 17113 1918 - 1920

Reynolds, Allen 20085 1918 - 1920

Reynolds, Floyd 20233 1918 - 1920

Roberson, Ethaniel 1918 - 1920

Scruggs, E. T.        15687           1918 - 1920

Smith, Robert         20075 1918 -1920

County is Unknown Oxford,Harvey 17282 1918 - 1920

Page, Eugene 18431 1918 - 1920

Parker, Will 18601 1918 - 1920

Quattlebaum, John 15414 1918 - 1920

Qualls, Ebb 19543 1918 - 1920

Rhodes, Joe Felix 17244 1918 - 1920

Russell, Warren 18115 1918 - 1920 Forgery

Submitted by: Deb Robinson and Cindy Gill

Arkansas Dept.of Corrections (ADC) – has photo gallery and history

Arkansas Dept. of Corrections – Inmate Population Information Search

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