Abercrombie, Allen 236, 237
Abernathy, W. M. 159
Abington, E. H., Dr. 230, 240
Abraham, Ernest "Ernie" 195-197, 199, 200
Abraham, Jewell 247
"Acres of Diamonds" story 65
Adkins, Homer 166, 300
"Advance" Newspaper 24, 53, 59, 63, 76, 78-80, 83, 95-97, 102, 111, 114-116, 119, 120, 125, 127, 133, 137, 156, 157, 180, 225, 231, 238, 242, 249, 266, 267, 294-296, 308, 323, 327
"Agent’s Bulletin" 67
Akin, John 16
Aldridge, ,prof. 257
Aldridge, C. W. 117
Allen, ,Sheriff 300
Allen, Lillie, Mrs. 172
Allsopp, Fred W. 13
Almond, A. J., Mrs. 49, 50
American Legion Post 164, 327
Ames, A. R., Dr. 147, 149
Anderson, George 231
Andersons 306
Andrews, B. W. 171
Andrews, Ben W., Grocery 110, 149, 255
Andrews, Bennie 277
Andrews, Charles H. "Charley", maj, col. 166, 177, 183
Angus, Bernadine Meadows, Mrs. 260
Arkansas Invincible Oil Co. 138, 146
Arkansas Power Co. 156, 157
Arkansas Power & Light 132, 157
Armory 202
Armstrong, Sanders, filling station 133
Arnold, ,Dr. 72, 73
Arnold, ... Shepherd, Mrs. 73
Arnold, Alford 16
Arnold & Shepherd Store 72, 249
Arnolds 189
"Arthur Hider" steamboat 111
Atterbury, Dorothy, Mrs. 260
Austin, D. L., Mrs. 81
B. W. Andrews Grocery 110, 149, 255
B. Y. P. U. 265
Bailey, 319
Bailey, Carl 166, 168
Bailey, James A. 28
Baker, Albert E. 52
Baker, Frederick L. 317
Baker, J. A., Mrs. 221
Baltimore Bridge Co. 99
Bank of Judsonia 158, 160, 323
Baptist 43-46
Baptist church 35, 46-48, 55, 59, 110, 179, 262, 264, 265, 270, 326, 327
Barker, P. L. 75
Barker & Slater 266
Barker & Walker firm 110
Barnett, I. N., Mrs. 53
Barr, L. V. 178
Barr, Luther 207
Bartles, B. F., Rev. 54
Batten, W. A. 145, 146
Bauer, 111
Bauer, Charles 178, 219, 244, 245, 277, 286
Bauer, J. A. "Jim", mayor 67, 127, 159, 230, 256, 286
Bauer, Jacob C. 60, 67
Bauer, June 67, 106
Bauer, Lottie 277
Bauer, Mary, Mrs. 180
Bauer, Nina 277
Bauer, Paul 165
Bauer Plant Co. 60, 67
Bauer, W. F. 159
Baugh, ,editor 152
Beals building 83, 97, 110, 196, 197, 254, 258, 259, 295, 327
Beals Hall/Theatre 253-255, 257, 258, 271
Beals, T. H. 128, 132, 161, 254, 256
Beals, T. H., home 18, 19, 134, 247
Beals, T. H., Meat Market 110, 136
Beals, T. H., Mrs. 161, 231, 256, 258
Beals, Victor 139, 232, 254, 255
Beals, Victor, Mrs. 139
Beane, ,Miss 35, 72
Beane, ,(Mrs. J. J. Wyeth) 33, 35
Beane family 32, 33
Beane, Robert 33, 34, 103, 104, 317
Beaumont, ,prof. 267
Beaver farm 52
Beavers, Newt 117
Beecher, ,Dr. 266
Beecher, D. J. 322
Bell, Charley 240
Bennett, Claude 202, 207
Bennett, David 19
Bennett, Eli 40
Bennett, F. 231
Bennett, Frances, Mrs. 181
Bennett, Jewell 282
Bennett, John 107, 317
Bennett, John, Mrs. 317
Bennett, Joseph 19
Bennett, Marion 40
Bennett, Neva (Mrs. C.C. Talley) (Mrs. J.H. Morris) 317, 318
Bennett, Roy 181, 190
Bennett & Son 106
Bennett, W. M. 40, 268
Best, F. B. 159
Best, Lelia 277
Best & Reynolds livery stable 83
Best, W. P. 161
Bethune, "Blind Tom" 252
Betts, Leonard 221
"Big Monday" 68
Billingsley, P. A. 160
Birdwell, Durward 178
Black, B. C., Capt. 25
Blaine, James G. 224
Blakemore, Henry, Capt. 25
Blanton, Ernest 178
Blaylock, J. M. 221
Blevins, T. 322
Block, R. Lee 149
Blont, D. J. 253
Blue Mountain 308
Boatwright, Samantha (Mrs. J. S. Eastland) 81, 99
Bogard, J. H. 117
Bolding, Anna Lou 246
Bolding, Joe, Jr. 178
Bond, John W. 19
Bonham, W. A., Mr. & Mrs. 262
Bookstore, Martin 306
Bookstore, Sopha Francis, Mrs. M. 6, 305, 306
Booster Club 183, 184, 191, 219, 328
Bower brothers 237
Bowermaster, E. C. 117
Bowman, Emerson 178, 319, 320
Box Company 63, 81, 327, 328
Boy Scouts 6, 230, 314-316
Boyd, Rupert 181
Bozarth, J. R. 159
Bramlett, Irene, Mrs. 215
Brashear, Carl 156
Brewer, J. N. F., Rev. 319, 320
Bridgeman, James 179
Bridgeman, Louise 177
Bridgeman, Newton, Mr. & Mrs. 269
Briggs, Bert, Mrs. 181
Briggs, Berton W. 6, 7, 30, 76, 77, 81, 97, 185, 189, 225, 230, 236, 315, 323-325
Briggs building/property 74, 105, 236, 250
Briggs brothers 7, 29, 189, 190
Briggs, F. G., mayor 7, 88, 105, 117, 224, 232, 250, 251, 253, 254, 265, 317
Briggs family 31, 32
Briggs, Flavel "Flay" 30, 57, 189
Briggs Hall (Theatre) 248, 250-255, 257, 258, 271
Briggs-Kinney Electric Clock 196
Briggs-Kinney Funeral Home 96, 105, 106, 189, 211, 313
Briggs, Mattie 51
Briggs, Nellie 74
Briggs, W. N. 30, 31, 74
Brinkley, John R., Dr. 6, 293-297
Brinkley, John R., Mrs. 294, 296
Britton, E. P. 322
Brock, A. E. 184
Brock, A. E., Mrs. 217, 218
Brock, Ed 106, 206, 219, 227
Rrock, Etta Chastain, Mrs. Ed. 106, 219 227
Brock, Thomas W. 179
Brown, 88
Brown, Allen, Mrs. 195
Brown, Ananias, 1
st Lieut. 92
Brown, James Allen, Jr. 221
Brown, Jim 117, 310
Browning, Carrol 190
Browning, Lulu 277
Browning, R. C., Mr. & Mrs. 262
Browning Robert C. 317
Browning, Rose Shenstone, Mrs. 265
Browning, Roy 277
Brownings 189
Brunk’s Comedians 259
Bryant, Albert 205
Buffalo Frosted Foods 68
Buice, ,Mrs. 176
Buice, Bill 176, 178
Buice, E. L. 117, 176
Bunch, Arthur 221
Bunch, Earl, Mrs. 211
Burge, ,Dr. 118
Burge, "Blackie" 246
Burge, C. N. 117
Burge, Gradon 111, 190
Burge, Gradon, Jr. 173
Burge, Kelmer 243
Burge, T. G. 117
Burge, Veda 257, 260
Burke, Buddy 174, 179, 286
Burke, S. A. 117
Burkett, Floyd 117
Burkett, Grace 257
Burkett, J. E. 221
Burton, Dora, Mrs. 269
Bus Station Café 183, 198
Bush, Minnie 250
Busy Bee 110
Butler, H. W. 221
Byears, James 164
Calhoun, H. L. 117
Calue, Province of 11
Camp Livingston 150-152, 157
Campbell, J. T. 280, 281, 285
Campbell, J. T., Mrs. 280
"Cannon Ball", the 78, 79
Cardwell, P. 322
Cario & Fulton Railroad 39, 47
Carpenter, Mary Frances 246
Carpenter, Patsy 246
Carpenter, Wesley 243-245
Carrol, George 86
Carruthers, Wiley 308
Casey, J. Walter 299
Castile, H. L. 322
Cathcart, Frank 62, 63
Cathcart, Jim M. "Uncle Jimmie" 57, 62, 65, 124, 229
Cathcart, Johnnie 277
Cathcart’s Ventilated Berry Crate 63
Cedar Hollow 308
Chamber of Commerce 184, 219, 226, 227, 328
Chandler, R. G. 171
Chaney, M. J. 221
Chapman, Dave 190
Chapman, Edward 194, 199
Chastain, Barney 7, 175, 230, 321
Chastain, Etta (Mrs. Ed Brock) 106
Chastain, Flavel 243
Chastain, J. F., Mrs. 181
Chastain, W. B. 117, 268
Chenault, Fletcher 140-144, 146, 152
Chesman, A. E. 204
"Chickasaw" or "Hardcash" boat 31
Chief Tim (Cherokee Indian) 27
Chrisman, F. M., Capt. 25
Church of Christ 266, 269, 270, 328
Churchill, Harry 131
Chute, A. 262
City Restaurant 110
Clark, Myron 236
Claud, James 21
Cleveland, H. P., Lieut. 92
Cleveland, Luther 221
Cleveland, Margaret 157
Cole, O. L., Rev. 110
Community Auditorium 75, 168, 170, 173, 188, 219, 248, 259, 286, 328
Conley, Bertie 207
Conley, Horatio 277
Conley, Jesse 315
Conley, Max 243, 315
Conley, O. D., Mrs. 221
Conley, O’rasho D. 243, 285
Conley, Oscar D. 190, 277-279
Conley, Will 92, 117
Connell, Emory 302
Conyers, David, Rev. 270
Cook, John, landing 31
Cook, Maggie 277
Cook, R. A. 166, 168
Cooper, Manuel 178
Corbet, James J. 83
Cranberry, ,Capt. 92
Crawford, Alex, landing 31
Crawford farm 141, 144, 146
Crawford, J. T. 117, 138, 142
Critz, 319
Crockett, Bob 224, 225
Crook, William 16
Cross, James F. 323
Crow, J. B. 20
Crow, Sarah Earlin (Mrs. Cypert) 20
Crowe, Ed 236
Crowe, Tom 236
Culbertson, Ashley 277
Culbertson-Briggs firm 105
Culbertson building 74, 91, 105, 106
Culbertson, D. H. 54, 81
Culbertson’s Hardware store 81, 105
Culbertson & Martin store 105
Cullom’s Harness shop 110
Culpepper, L. M. 159
Cunningham, Marvin 172
Curtis barn 241
Curtis, Madie Yates, Mrs. 190
Cypert, Eugene, Judge 7, 13, 20, 100, 297
Cypert, J. N., Judge, Capt. 25, 48
Cypert, Sarah Earlin Crow, Mrs. 20
Dam No. 1 of Ark. Hydro-Electric Dev. Co 148-150, 155, 157, 160
Darden, Elzie 106, 218
Darden’s pressing shop (Cleaners) 23, 220
D’Armand, 13
Darr-Gray 259
Davis, Ira 117
Davis, L. B. 269
Davis, William 322
Dean, Guthrie 7, 269
DeBois, J. D. 76, 162
de Carondelet, Baron 14
Deison, J. T. 323
Denby & Wymer store 80
Denby, Nettie 277
"Depot Town" 41, 76, 200, 302-305, 318, 327
DeShong, 88
DeShong, J. D. 322
DeShong, J. F., Mr. & Mrs. 159
DeShong, James G. 317
DeShong, T. L. 159, 190, 250
"Devil’s Tea Table" 151
DeVoe, 232
DeVoe, W. W. 116, 164
Dickey, Bill 241
Dickey, George 87, 88, 277
Dickey, John 131, 277
Dickey, Lottie 277
Dickey, Will 277
Dickinson, W. D. 148, 149
Dillaha, 281
Dismukes, J. T. 322
Doak, Abe 69
Dodson, Hardin 277
Donnell, Bill Carl 315
Donnell, J. A. 221
Donnell, Lonnie 190
Donnell, Rachel 246
Doss, 239
Drake, T. B. 262
Duffy, E. H. 109
Dugger, S. C., Rev. 268
DuLaney, ,Mrs. 196, 198
DuLaney L. E. 196, 198
DuLaney Variety Store 196
Dulin 88
Dulin, Bernice 57
Dulin, C. B. 250
Dulin, P. R. 128
Dulin, Paul 117
Dumas, Buck 190
Dumas, J. D. 181
Dumas, James L., 1
st Lieut. 177
Dunaway, C. S. 117
Dunaway, Clarence 181, 307
Dunaway, Clifton 178
Dunaway, Russell 176, 178
Duncan, Onis 178
Dunham, Johnny 190
Dunn, Flossie 277
Dunn, James L. 179
Dunn, Mattie (Mrs. Elliott) Mrs. T. 103
Dunn, Maud 103, 231, 277, 279
Dunn, May 277
Dunn, Thomas 103
Dyer, Elisha, Rev. 269
Dyer, Nellie 268, 269
Earl Rogers Am. Legion Post, No. 13 164
Eastern Star 81
Eastland, Carrie 277
Eastland Drug Store 98, 99, 110, 195, 327
Eastland, John S., Dr. 75, 76, 81, 98, 99, 132, 159, 224, 236, 237, 241, 290, 295, 296, 322
Eastland, Samantha Boatwright, Mrs. J. S. 81, 99
Eaves, W. M. 143-145
Eders, E. H. 322
Edie, J. W. 81, 263, 322
Edwards, A. F., Mrs. 221
Edwards, Charles 321
Edwards, James 315
Edwards, Olan 178
Electric Theatre 116, 118, 136, 147, 197, 248, 255, 256
Elliott, Charles 253
Elliott, Charles, Jr. 253
Elliott, Charles, Mrs. 253
Elliott Hotel (House) (Pacific Hotel) 6, 18, 34, 103, 104, 106, 122, 140, 142, 203, 240, 290, 294
Elliott, John D., Capt 31
Elliott, Julia 231
Elliott, M. A. 159
Elliott, Mattie (Mrs. T. Dunn), Mrs. G. B. 103, 104
Elliotts 189
Ellsworth Post No. 18 81
"Emigrant House" 40, 41
English, Elbert H. 322
Enterprise Box Co. 39, 62-65, 73, 107
Epps, Guy, Mrs. 282
Epps, Guy W. 98, 183, 213, 286
Erganbright, C. M. 106, 117, 128, 158, 240
Egranbright, C. M., Mrs. 231, 232
Erganbright family 126
Erganbright, H. R. 117
Erganbright & Ladd garage 295
Erganbright, Maude Pryor, Mrs. R. 128
Erganbright, Russell 128
Evans, L. G. 218
Evenger, S. 159
Evergreen Cemetery 74, 90, 134, 181, 184, 189, 206, 250, 326, 327
Eyestone, R. H. 117
Fairless, Herbert 226
Farmer, R. E. 117
Farmers & Merchants Bank 23, 99, 102, 107, 110, 131, 158, 159, 164-167, 197, 211, 215, 327
Fate’s loom 321
Felts, ,(Mrs. W. R.) 198
Felts, John 301
Felts, W. R., Dr., mayor 111, 116, 164, 168, 190, 191, 198 221, 296, 301
Fiddler’s Ridge 308
Fields, 238, 239
Figley, ,Mr. & Mrs. 111
Figley, Charles A., Capt. 63, 64, 117, 177, 179, 260, 309
Figley, Charles A., Jr. 65
First National Bank 110, 159
Fisher, Maud, Mrs. 205
Fitch, W. S., Mrs. 289, 290, 291
Fitch, W. S., Rev. 253, 289, 290, 291
Fletcher, S. I., Col. 149-151, 154, 156, 157, 159
Flood, the 1927 167
Forbes, , Dr. 75
Forbes, Bob 231
Forbes Brothers Hardware 110, 128, 133, 136
Forbes, Ernest 257
Forbes, Henry 117
Forbes, J. C. 117
Forbes, John 190
Forbes, Lula, Mrs. 7
Forbes, Maggie, Mrs. 221
Forbes, Mary 257
Forbes, W. E. 20, 133, 156
Forbes, W. E., Mrs. 161
Ford, Everett 277
Ford, T. B., Rev. 266
Fordyce, John R. 10, 190
Forey, M. R., prof., Rev. 42-48, 55, 71, 262, 263, 275
Fountain, Paul 271
Four-Mile Creek 307, 308
Fox, John W. 154
Francure, Francois 12-15, 326
Frank Hearn Supermarket 19
Fraser, , Dr. 118
Fraser, H. B. 116
Free & Accepted Masons 322
Freeman, 319
Frenner, , fireman 79
Fruit & Vegetable Growers Assoc. 66, 327
Fry, Dwight 315
Fryar, Ruth (Mrs. W. McCauley) 312
Fulton Hollingsworth house 203
Furguson, Carl 117
Fyatt, Jean 12, 14
Gaines, Ed 131, 190
Gaines, Ed, Mrs. 131, 268
Gambil, Homer Lee 209, 221
Gamewell, John W. 221
Gassoway, Jackie 315
Gaster, R. L. 160
Georgetown 10, 12-14
Gibbs, A. W., Rev. 206, 207
Gibson, 313, 314
Gibson, J. C., mayor 117, 129, 181, 190
Gibson, T. H. 116
Gilbert, Noah, Rev. 110
Giles home 114
Giles, Lewis 190
Giles, Lizzie 114
Gill, Bernice E., Capt 177, 243
Gill, "Booter" 241, 247
Gill, Jim 241, 257
Gill, W. W., Dr. 7, 57, 110, 117, 169, 181, 277, 309, 312
Gill, Will 240
Gilpin, S. C. 117
Glosson, Boss 27
Glosson, Jim 237
Glosson, Joe 23, 26, 27
Glosson, Mary (Mrs. Joe) 23, 27
Glosson, Lucy 267
Glover, Albert 117
Goree, Wayman 244, 245
Gower, Red 169
Graham, ED 92
Graham, John 92
Granberry, , Capt. 92
Grand Army of the Republic post No. 18 90, 91
Grant, J. R., Dr. 270
Gravenmier, Pauline 231
Graves, J. H., Mrs. 282
Graves, J. Herbert 128, 164, 166, 168, 215, 282
Gray, Robert, Mr. & Mrs. 265
Gray sisters 259
Great oil boom 136
Green, Dee M. 179
Green, Emma, Mrs. 221
Green, M., Rev. 262
Green, Nathaniel S. 321, 322
Green, Pendleton 96, 102
Greenwood, Moses 19
Gregory, Erastus 16, 17, 19, 38, 74, 93, 314, 326
Griffin, John 24
Grissom, Claudia, Mrs. 221
Grissom, Donald E., 2
nd Lieut. 177
Grissom, H. C., Jr. 178
Grissom, Homer 117
Gurney, Frank 96
Gustafson, , Capt. 117
Guthrey, Charity 22
Guy Smith’s Barber Shop 110, 136
Hack, The 103
Hague, Bob 293
Hague, Mary Lewis, Mrs. Bob 293
Hall, Gertrude Swenstone, Mrs. 265
Hall, Maurice M., 1
st Lieut 177
Hallis, J. 322
Hallmark, A. W. 117
Hamilton, Griffin, Rev. 268
Hamilton, Lula (Mrs. S. Taylor) 139
Hammond, J. H., Mrs. 181
Hammonds, J. F. 190
Hamp, John 181
Hampton, 319
Handel, Otto 221
Hanks, Fannie, Mrs. 221
Hanks, Harvey 221
Hanks, Julia 227
Hanks, Lena Mae 181
Hannah, 239
Hanson, Ben 190
Hanson, Bill 166
Hanson, Flossie 111
Hanson, George W. 322
Hanson, J. P., Mr. & Mrs. 128
Hanson, Laura 90
Hanson, Marie 111
Hanson, Willie 117
"Hardcash" or "Chickasaw" boat 31, 82
Hardeman home 26
Harding College 202, 209, 269
Hargis, 111
Harley, R. B. 322
Harley, Wilber 152, 154,155, 157
Harris, Kim, landing 31
Harris, Kimbrell, Capt. 24
Harrison, Barney 260
Harrison, Cecil, Lieut 177.
Harrison township 21, 24
Harvey Holmes’ Grocery 195-197
Harville, Bob 99
Hassell, Cynthia 246
Hassen, Allen 178
Haynes, Sarah, Mrs. W. 22
Haynes, W. 22
Hazelwood, Porter 118
Head, J. W. 190
Hearn, Dewey 211, 286
Hearn, Frank, Supermarket 19
Hearn, Leonard L. 190
Hearn, Vander 220
Hearn, Vander, Supermarket 19, 23, 218
Hearst, William Randolph 91
Heath, Betty 246
Heath, E. V. 172
Helton, Mary Jane, Mrs. 269
Hembree, Herman 221
Hembree, Mina, Mrs. 221
Hembree, Susie, Mrs. 190
Hembree, Tom 120
Hembree, W. H. 183, 217
Hendrickson, Martha Ann, Mrs. 221
Hendrix, Claude 221
Henniger, Alice C., Mrs. 291
Henniger School of Music 291
Henson, 100,110, 126, 130
Henson, A. W. "Alf" 100-102, 127, 132, 159, 164
Henson’s, Browning & Drake 81, 181
Henson, Conally 102, 166, 257, 258
Henson home 18, 102, 192, 236
Henson, J. A. 117
Henson, John 7, 102, 127, 164, 268
Henson, Laura 127
Henson, Rose Lee Meadows, Mrs. A. W. 101, 102
Henson store 181, 327
Herndon, ,Mrs. 81
Herndon Blacksmith Shop 121
Herndon, Callie, Mrs. 7
Herndon, J. M. 322
Herndon, Jim 121-124
Herndon, Josie 277
Herndon, Minnie 277
Herndon, Paul 173
Herrin, Blanche 279
Hersh, Barbara "Grandma", Mrs. 263
Hesterly, J. H. 145
Hicks, 313
Hicks, A. J. 117
High School 50, 178, 187, 194, 273-287, 327
Hilger, Elsie, Mrs. 221
Hilger, Elvin 221
Hilger, L. N. 308
Hilger, N.P. 190
Hill, C. O. 260
Hill, Cyprian 194
Hill, F. H. 149
Hilton, Bertha 277
Hilton, Cassie 190
Hilton, George W. 60, 81
Hilton, "Slough" 241
Hippo-Olympiad & Mammoth Circus 28
Hoag, C. A. 7
Hoag, C. H. "Cap" 63, 66, 241, 308
Hoag, C. M. 253
Hoag, Casper, Jr. 122
Hoag, Casper, Sr. 122
Hoag, Charlie, Dr. 122-124
Hoag, W. F. 63
Hoag, Will 122, 125, 126
Hobo Island 302-305
Hoffman, W. G. 66
Holland, Ella 277
Holland, I. M. 81, 171, 327
Hollingsworth, Fulton, house 203
I. O. O. F. Hall 81, 91
Ike, J. W. & Co. 59
Iron Mountain, The 131
Issa Quenna" steamboat 111
Island, The 6, 302-305
J. S. Ladd & Son 110
Jackson, C. W., Dr. 218
James, Albert T. 317
James, Charles D., Col. 52, 53, 76, 224, 237
James, Frank 28
James, Ike 243
James, Jesse 27, 28
James, Johnnie (Johnny) 243, 247, 260
James, R. R., Dr. 149
James, R. S., Dr. 53, 263
Jameson, John 254
Jarvis, Ben 240
Jenks, 271
Jennings, 128, 238, 239
Jennings, L. S. 106, 190, 240, 241
Jennings, L. S., Mrs. 106, 161, 260
Johnson, 286
Johnson, , Capt. 26
Johnson, , Dr. 120
Johnson, Bertha 221
Johnson, Bill 238
Johnson, Etta 190
Johnson family 7, 105
Johnson, George 105, 117, 238
Johnson, George, Mrs. 219
Johnson House 103, 105, 240
Johnson, Ivy 197, 198
Johnson, J. C., Mr. & Mrs. 103
Johnson, J. T. 117
Johnson, Lindsey, Mrs. G 105, 205, 207
Johnson, Mary Ola 161
Johnson, Mildred 260
Johnson, Shannon 172
Johnson, Theodore, Mrs. 227
Johnson, Thomas C. 215
Johnson, Thomas W. 284, 286
Johnson, Turner 128
Johnson, W. L. 117
Johnson, Walter 163
Johnston, O. J., T-Sgt. 204
Jones, Boothe, Capt. 25
Jones, C. 231
Jones, D. I. 159
Jones, Ed 114
Jones, James, prof. 50
Jordan, Bert 277
Jordan, Flora 277
Jordan, Fred 117
Jordan, John 195, 201
Joseph, Don 14
Joyner, John 116
Judd Theatre 174, 191, 248, 254, 259
Judson, Adoniram 45-47
Judson University 29, 30, 33, 36, 38, 45, 47-57, 71, 74, 95, 100, 236, 248-250, 263, 270, 275, 277, 281, 285, 326, 327
Judsonia Mercantile Co. 162
"Judsonia Review" 95, 96, 326
Judsonia State Bank 159
Judsonia Symphony Orchestra 116, 253
Junior High School 194, 285, 327, 328
Keeling, L. M., Rev. 7
Kell’s Comedians 259
Kell, "Skeeter" 259
Kelley, Fannie 277
Kelley, J. S. 76, 83, 117, 278
Kelley, J. S., livery stable 83
Kelley’s landing 31
Kelley, Seeley 240
Ken-Ark Oil Co. 138, 145
Ketcham-Chastain Insurance Agency 106
Ketcham, George P. 93, 106, 117
Ketcham, George, Mrs. 181
Key, Frances (Mrs. Stevens) 221
Key, George 57
Key, J. C. 156
Key, Sue 181
Kimbro, Alice, Mrs. 269
Kimbro, Eunice 269
Kinder’s landing 31
King, Soldier 111
King, T. E. 221
Kinison, T. J. 83, 117, 128
Kinnison, T. J., livery stable 83, 84
Kinison, T. J., Mrs. 128
Kinison, Tom, Mrs. 161
Kinison & Walter’s Livery & Feed Stable 294
Kinney, Carley 90
Kinney, E. C. 24, 59, 75, 76, 96, 97, 102, 322
Kinney, E. C., Mrs 81
Kinney, Earl 57, 97, 277
Kinney’s Emporium of General Merchandise 80
Kinney, Ezra 243
Kinney, Jim "Jimmy" 105, 106, 211, 217, 231
Kinney, Jim, Mrs. 211
Kirkwood, Ethel 277
Kirkwood, James 162
Kitchen, , (Mrs. D. L. McLeod) 61, 62
Kitchen, W. W. 137
Kittler, A. M. 66, 159, 253
Kittler building 270
Kittler’s Hall 164, 253
KiWanis club 219, 328
Knight of Elvos 11
"Knights of the Grip" 76
Knowlton, E. E. 117
Knox, Alfred E., 1
st. Lieut., Rev. 117, 268
Ladd Auto Company building 115, 130
Ladd, C. 159
Ladd, Clifton "Cliff" 126, 240
Ladd, Gwynn 231
Ladd, John S. 110, 124, 127, 160-162, 312, 317
Ladd Kathryn 127
Ladd, Lulu 277
Ladd, Marie 127
Ladd, S. N. 76
Ladd, Vera 231
Ladd, Walker 124, 128, 159, 162
Ladd, Walker, Mrs. 231
Ladds 189
Lafferty, Arthur 221
Lafferty, Brose 190, 243
Lafferty, T. M. 13
Lake, Agnes 28
Lake, Bill 28
Lampkin, B. H. 322
Land, Bud 179
Land, L. B. 215
Land, L. B., Jr. 178
Land, Raymond 247, 316
Lane, Carl 205
Lane, Frank, Mrs. 205
Lane, Henry 181
Langford, James 164
Langley, Nora, Mrs. 190
Latta, Marvin (Ladda, Ladd, J. M. Later) 208
Launius, Lowell 259
Launius, Lowell, Mrs. 260
Law, D. N., Mr. & Mrs. 207
Leader, The 110
Leasure, Leslie 117
Leasure, Ross 190
Leasure, Will 66, 97, 181, 230, 241
Leasure, Will, Mrs. 269
Leggett, John 92
Legion Hut 168, 169, 202, 259, 269, 327, 328
Leonard, J. A. 221
Lewis, Keene 291
Lewis, Mary Maynard, Mrs. K. (Mrs. B. Hague) 6, 254, 288-293
Lewis, Mona 254
Lewis, O. L. 117
Lewis, R. B. 81
Lewis, W. B. 210
Lewis, Willie 254
Light Guards, The (Band) 6, 57, 63, 76, 249
Lightle, Virginia 319
Lindsay, George 231
Lindsey, C. A. 190, 308
Lindsey, C. A., Mrs. 268
Lindsey, Carl 243
Lindsey dock 308
Linscott, John 57, 87
Little, , Dr. 118, 296
Little Drug Store 294
Little Elijah 93
Little, Hazel 111
Little, J. W. 117, 128
Little, R. L., Dr. 117, 118, 311
Little, R. L., Mrs. (Mrs. J. A. McCauley) 311
Lloyd, Harold 257
Long, Charles 243
Long, Mona 254
Longeoy, Ruth 266
"Lookin’ Down Main" 69
Looney, Rella, Mrs. 278
Lotridge, C. A. 181
Lotridge, Erold 260
Louks, George 221
Louks, Henry 117
Lowdermilk, Ford 257
Lowrey, William 31
M. E. Church 268, 269
Macrell, James "Uncle Mac" 187, 188
Macrell Orphans’ Home 187
Madden, G. W., Jr. 178
Majors, Beulah 278
Maness, Frances, Mrs. 190
Maness, W. A. 190
Mann, 128
Mann, Clark 281, 284
Mann, Ralph C., Capt. 97, 106, 117, 176, 177, 230, 240
Mann, Ralph, Jr. 155, 173, 176, 178, 231, 242, 246, 247
Mann, Thomas L. "Tommie", Capt. 177, 179, 256
Marley, F. E. 81
Marsh, Claude, Mrs. 195
Marsh, Minnie 277
Martin, 105
Martin, C. R. 117
Martin, George 6, 309
Martindill, C. E. 110
Mason’s Lodge 202, 216, 322, 323
Mason, Ray 258
Masons, The 6, 81, 316, 322, 323
Maynard, Hattie, Mrs. 290, 291, 293
Maynard, Mary (Mrs. K. Lewis)(Mrs. B. Hague) 254, 288-293
McAdams, Bonnie 246
McAdams, Linda Carolyn 202, 207
McAdams, Paul 117
McAdams, Robert M. 221
McAdams, Roy 195, 198
McAllister, E. D. 81, 103
McBroom, Nelia 110
McCauley, G. H. 190
McCauley, Homer 7, 92, 311
McCauley, Homer, Mrs. 92
McCauley, J. A. 311
McCauley, J. A., Mrs. (Mrs. R. L. Little) 311
McCauley, James (Jimmy), Capt. 23-25, 326
McCauley, John C., Capt. 25
McCauley, Ruth Fryar, Mrs. W. 312
McCauley, Wayne, Gen. 134, 177, 254, 310-312
McClain, William 23
McDearman, Ida 276
McDearman, Nellie 277
McDougal, J. R. 221
McInturff, Dale 65, 219
McInturff, Howard, filling station 195
McLain, W. 322
McLeod, Kitchen, Mrs. D. L. 61, 62, 137
McLeod, D. C., Capt. 76
McLeod, D. L., Capt. 61, 62, 137
McMath, Sid 187, 188
McMillan, R. J., Rev. 207, 208
McNally, , Capt. 212
McNutt, Walter Scott 168
McRae, Dandridge, Gen. 22, 24
McRae, Margaret, Mrs. 22
McRae, Mona 22
McRae, T. C., Gov. 156
McVey, Melba 155
Meacham, Charlie 239, 241
Meacham, Edith, Mrs. 215
Meacham, Everett 66, 211, 221, 286
Meacham, Golden "Goldie" 239, 241
Meacham, J. M., Mrs. 190
Meacham, Jerry 260
Meacham, Vera 257
Meadows, 281
Meadows, Bernadine (Mrs. Angus) 260
Meadows, C. A. 81
Meadows, Conally 260
Meadows, Rose Lee (Mrs. A. W. Henson) 101
Meadows, Stand 101
Meadows, Willis "Willie" 76, 101
Merrill gang 13
Methodist church 99, 131, 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 216, 265-270, 293, 327, 328
Methodist Episcopal church 110, 266, 289, 327
Middleton, J. M. 277
Miesen, Joe 172, 173, 179
Miller, 111
Miller, C. M. 117
Miller, Christian 262, 323
Miller, Christian, Mrs. 262
Miller, Dora, Mrs. 181
Miller, Emmett, Jr. 178
Miller, Ida (Mrs. Yates) 190
Miller, Joe 221
Miller, John E., Sen. 149, 168, 169
Miller Pete 159, 180
Miller, Ray 117
Miller, Sallie, Mrs. 221
Miller, V. L. 108, 109
Miller, W. 253
Miller, W. J., Dr. 129
Mills, A. P. 215
Mills, Wilber 204
Missouri Pacific Railroad 138
Mitchell, Billy 42, 55
Mitchell, Frank 307
Monday, D. C. 231
Monday, Dude 229
Monk, Jennings 181
Moody, Alf 57
Moody, Bing 57
Moody, Jane Hughes, Mrs. 174
Moody, M. D., Capt. 92
Moore, Arthur 243
Moore, I. C. 60
Moore, James L. 76
Moore, M. V. 322
Moran, M. Y., Rev. 48
Morgan, Cecil, Mrs. 260
Morris, 239
Morris, Henry 221, 257, 258
Morris, Joseph H. 318
Morris, Neva Bennett, Mrs. J. H. (Mrs. C. C. Talley) 317, 318
Morris, Will 236, 237
Morrise, Luther C. 19
Morrison, Cyrus L. 24
Moser, J. R. 221
Mosier’s landing 31
Mosley, Ada 137
Mosley, Eugene 117
Mungar & Brown drug firm 92
Musical Grays 259
National Guard 202-204
Nau, Moung 47
Neely, A. 160
Nehi plant 181
Neil, Jerry 207, 208
Nelson, A. E., Ensign 174, 177, 316, 317
Nelson property 43
Newman, C. E. 250, 276
Newman, Charles E. 317
Newman, Ethel 90
Newman, Lily 276
Nichols, C. C. 322
Nichols, C. O. 322
Nichols, Columbus, Dr. 398
Nichols, Thomas, Capt, Mayor 38, 39
Nichols, Tom, Dr. 39
Nier, Herman 178
"Nigger Hill" 13-16
Nimrods 6, 306-309
Noble, Jennie 251
North, W. C. 66, 117, 141
Nutt, Ed C. 259
O. C. Waller & Brothers plant 67
Odd Fellows 231
Offley, Anna 53, 249
O’Kelley, Nora 190, 277
Old Section Boarding House 99
Oldfield, William A. 92
Order of the Arrow 315
Orendorff, D. W. 322
Orr, Bonnie, Mrs. W. E. 8
Orr, Edna N., Mrs. 317
Orr, Ewing 243
Orr Grocery Co. 6, 130, 167, 310
Orr, J. H., Mrs. 7
Orr, John Hurley 3, 117, 131, 159, 167, 181, 241
Orr. W. E. 1, 2, 8, 98, 278
Ostick, John 221
Overstreet, J. A. 181
Overstreet, John 117
Owen, Shay 238
Owens, Bob 28
"Owl Eyes Mine" 11
Pace, W. W. 269
Pacific Hotel (Elliott Hotel) 18, 34, 103, 104, 106, 122, 140, 142, 203, 240, 290, 294
Painter, "Jaw" 172, 174
Parent, P. M. 81
Parent-Teachers Assoc. 281
Parham, O. H. 215
Parish, Ray 196, 198
Parker, 281
Parker, Myrtle Young, Mrs. 195, 199
Parker, Ralph 195, 198, 199
Parker, Wayne 195, 196
Parnelle, prof. 52
Patterson, Edith Mae 153, 155, 156
Payne-Hanner general merchandise store 34, 72
Peacock, Devoe 243
Peasley, J. W. 322
Pemberton, J. A., Capt. 25
Pence, J. A., Mrs. 209
Penn, W. E., Rev. 263
Perkins, 241
Perkins, J. W. 117
Perryman, Jeff 221
Pettie, Virgil C. 149, 153, 154, 156, 157
Phillips, Lem 236
Phillips, P. H., Mr. & Mrs. 262
Pickering, Ernest, Lieut-Col. 206
Pifer, C. A. 221
Pinecrest Memorial Park 288
Pope, J. D. 126
Porter, Christene 246
Postal, , Capt. 31, 32, 82
Powell, R. E. 128, 159
Powell, W. R., Mrs. 221
Pratt, E. W., Mrs. 219
Pratt, J. H. 181
Pratt, J. H., Mrs. 181
Pratt, James 247
Pratt, Olan 178
Pratt, Perry 217
Pratt, Terry 221
Presbyterian 291, 306
Presley, J. W. 322
Presley, Tommie 315, 316
Presley, W. B. 316
Presswood, Clarence 114
Prince, John 24
Prosspect Bluff 4, 9-40, 43, 44, 76, 89, 93, 98, 189, 201, 262, 274, 275, 319, 322, 326
Prospect Bluff Lodge, No. 236 322
Prospect Bluff Lodge, No. 384 322, 323
Pryor, Maude (Mrs. R. Erganbright) 128
Pullens, 259
Pyles, Almedia, Mrs. 190
Pyles, Irma Neal 282
Pyles, Johnny 243
Pyles, L. M. 66
Quachita College 311
Queen, Arle E., Capt. 64, 134, 177, 183, 210, 286, 315
Queen, Charles 315, 316
"R. P. Walt" boat 33
Rackley, J. A. 117
Randolph, Ella, Mrs. 221
Ranes, Bob 75
Ransom, Lizzie, Mrs. 221
Rawlings, J. K. 109, 277
Ray, T. B. 46
Reconstruction Finance Co. 215
Red Cross 116, 203, 210, 211, 215, 286
Red, Joe, St. 68
Red River Hotel 103
Reed, 238
Reed, Bobby 315
Reed, John M. 73, 211, 220
Reeves, Laura (Mrs. B. Thomas) 49
Renfrow, Jennie B. York, Mrs. W. C. 278
Renfrow, William Cary 278
Reynolds, , prof. 50, 51, 55
Reynolds, Eber 254
Reynolds, Edie 277
Reynolds, F. A., Mrs. 7, 17, 23, 37
Reynolds, L. R. 117
Reynolds, Lynn 254
Reynolds, Mollie 277
Rhew brick 110
Rhew, J. C. 128, 159, 161, 163, 190, 260
Rhew, J. C., Mrs. 161
Rhew, J. C., Jr. 247
Rice, Luther 46
Rich, L. S. 253
Rich, O. R. 97
Richardson, Bedford Sangster, "Uncle" 319
Riley brick 97, 101, 131, 327
Riley’s drug store 105
Riley, Mitchell 237
Riley, W. 322
Riley, W., Jr. 81
Riley, Wilshire, Dr. 59, 63, 73, 105, 327
Ritter, Henry 221
Rivers, J. F., Jr., Rev. 52
Robbins, Alma, Mrs. 221
Robbins, Gerbert 221
Robbins, Mary B., Mrs. 190
Roberts, Gregory 38
Roberts, Philip W. 17-19, 38, 93, 326
Robertson, Bill 120, 167
Robertson, J. A., Mrs. 181, 190
Rogers, Earl 117, 327
Rogers, Mattie, Mrs. 190
Roper, Joe 216
Roper, Joe, Mrs. 269
Roper, Marion 172, 174
Rose Hill Nurseries 66
Roth, Bernice 117, 196, 197, 199, 200
Roth, Florian 221
Roth, G. F., Mrs. 268
Roth, J. H. 63, 64, 117, 268
Roth, J. H., Mrs. 190
Roth, Olan 178, 179
Roth, Philip 47, 59
Roth, William 92
Rowe, William 81
Rudd, B. F. 117
Rudd, Betty 246
Rudd blacksmith shop 119, 121, 124, 125, 298
Rudd, Frank Marshall 7, 119, 120, 125, 298, 300-302
Rudd, N. W. 122
Rudd, Walker 301
Rumble, Freddie 277
Rumble, Walter 205, 207
Russell, Malcolm K. 7, 38, 39
Ryan, Tommie 258
Safley, Roffie 216
Safley, Roger 247
Sales, R. M. 301
Salt Mine 11
Salvation Army 203-206, 209-211, 215
Sanders Armstrong’s filling station 133
Sanford, 232
Schmidt, John J. 179
Scruggs, Henry 190
Searcy, J. B., Rev. 48
Seawell, Chester 127
"Section Boarding House" 40, 99
See, J. F., Cabot mayor 152
Sellers, O. C. 221
Sexton, , Mrs. 86
Shaddock, , Sheriff 299, 302
Shaver, Tommie 179
Sheehan, 271
Sheepneck neighborhood 308
Sheffer, 247
Shelby, J. E. 315, 316
Shenstone, Alice (Mrs. W. P. Winn) 264, 265
Shenstone, Gertrude (Mrs. Hall) 265
Shenstone, Lou (Mrs. C. E. Smith) 264, 265
Shenstone, Rose (Mrs. Browning) 265
Shepherd, Charlie C. 72, 73, 322
Shepherd, Walker 236
Sheridan, Skinny 238
Sherman, Jefferson, Rev. 207
Sherwood, Diana 7
Shew & Monday Blacksmith shop 110
Shiloh Institute 48
Shrop, L. W. 267
Sigler, W. H. 221
Sigler, Wayne 247
Sigler, Will 301
Silver Dolphin Wagon 28
Simmons, Pearl, Mrs. 221
Simpson, George 236
Simpson, W. M. 131
Sims, Will 301
Skinner, Herbert M. 50, 95, 96
Slater, 266
Slater, F. A., prof. 50, 53, 54
Slater, Franklin 277
Slater, Olney 277
Slidden, Henry 21
Smallwood, W. B. 117
Smith, C. C. 66
Smith, C. E., Rev 264, 265
Smith, G. E. 254
Smith, George 231, 236
Smith, Guy, Barber Shop 110, 136
Smith, Guy, 2
nd Lieut. 117, 135, 181
Smith, Herbert 277
Smith, Jesse O., 1
st Lieut. 177
Smith, Lou Shestone, Mrs. C. E. 264. 265
Smith, Mark 63
Smith, Samuel 322
Smith, Walter 179, 220
Solomon, S. A. 117
Southern Methodists 110
Southwestern States Telephone Co. 132, 216
Spencer, Arthur 171
Spicer, J. E. 117
Spriggs, G. M. 73
Stahle, 238
Stanfield, E. T. 147, 149
Starr, W. H., Mrs. 161, 173
Steadman, Ethel 254, 257
Steadman, Mary 254
Stebbins, Lee 241
Steed, A. L. 184
Steed, Lyle 220
Steed, Mary, Mrs. L. 220
Stephens, 152
Stephens Balloon Co. 109
Sterling, Cecil 245
Sterling, Cecil, Mrs. 219
Sterling, Clyde 307
Sterling, J. R. 221, 268
Sterling, J. R., Mrs. 221
Stevens, Carl 184, 211, 215
Stevens Creek 137, 308
Stevens, Edward 159
Stevens, Frances Key, Mrs. 221
Stevens, Howard 117
Stevens, Leonard 102
Stevens, Oscar 160
Stevens, Ralph 102
Stevens, Raymond 102
Stevens’ Store 18, 19
Stevens, W. H., Mrs. 160
Stewart, R. L. 117
Stice, J. D. 221
Storms, Thomas H. 322
Strahl, 232
Strahl, , Mrs. 176
Strahl, Alfred 254
Strahl, Edwin 230
Strahl family 126
Strahl, I. F. 117, 176
Strahl, Joe 176, 178
Strawberry Growers’ Assoc. 66
Strong, Rhoda (Mrs. B. Thomas) 49
Strother, A. P. 7
Stutts, J. L. 221
Sullivan, "Diamond Joe" 302
Sullivan, Eulos 6, 298-302
Summers, Alice 277
Sutton, "Speed" 241
Sylvestor, J. J. 31
T. H. Beals Meat Market 110, 136
Talley, Cecil C. 318
Talley, Neva Bennett, Mrs. C. C. (Mrs. J. H. Morris) 317, 318
Taylor, , Miss 246
Taylor, Bill 244, 245
Taylor, Creed 14, 15
Taylor, Henry 244
Taylor, Lula Hamilton, Mrs. S. 139
Taylor, Sammie 245, 246
Taylor, Shannon 139, 141, 145
Teague, Charlie, Mrs. 207
Thennis, , officer 168
Thomas, Benjamin, Rev., D. D. 6, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 57, 74, 263
Thomas, Charles R. 49
Thomas, Cora 277
Thomas, E. E., Dr. 49
Thomas family 74
Thomas, Glenn 236
Thomas, Idella 49
Thomas, J. C. 276
Thomas, J. S., Rev. 52
Thomas, John Orlen 49, 73, 317
Thomas, Laura Reeves, Mrs. B. 49
Thomas, Orley 236
Thomas, R. W. 117
Thomas, Rhoda Strong, Mrs. B.. 49, 277
Thomas, Steve 190
Thomas, Tracy Yerkes 49
Thompson, I. T. 66, 251
Thrift Stamp clubs 116
Tisdale, 281
Tisdale, Jack 247
Titus, Ira 277
Titus, Jennie 277
Toms, James 277
Toms, Jim 221
Tornado 192-212
Travis, Don 108, 160, 238, 316, 317
Travis, Steve 315
Trinity Methodist church 267
Trudeau, Don Carlos 15
Tucker, William 322
Twyford brothers 174
Twyford, Dutch 190
Twyford, Joyce 246
Tyler, Pierce 179
Valentine, , engineer 79
Valliere, Don Joseph 14, 15, 326
Valliere, Mary Ann (Mrs. C. Taylor) 14
Van Akin, J.P.. 266
Vander Hearn’s Supermarket 218
Vanderford, Charlie 221
Vangine, Eulalie (Mrs. C. Taylor) 14
Van Meter, Americus V. 24
Van Meter, Eulalie (Mrs. C. Taylor) 14
Van Meter, Evelyn, Mrs. 8
Van Meter family 20
Van Meter, Henry R. 16
Van Meter, Jess 221
Van Meter’s landing 31
Van Meter, R. L. 98
Van Meter, Ralph, Mayor 8, 166, 191, 210, 212, 215, 255
Van Meter, Ralph, Mrs. 215
Van Meter, T. J., Mrs. 231
Van Meter, Tom 180, 308
Van Meter, Tom, Mrs. 7
Van Meter, Warren 323
Van Meter, Warren, Mrs. 7, 268
Varnell, Albert 221
Vaughan, Oran J. 215
Vaughn, 232
Vick, S. C., Rev. 7
W. A. Waller’s Store 197, 198, 201, 314
W. C. T. U. 81
Waggoner, Loren 241
Waggoner, Martha Zane 282
Waggoner, V. C., Mr. & Mrs. 181
Waggoner, Virgil 246
Wagner, Clara 277
Walker, Amos, Dr. 30, 42
Walker, J. A., Dr. 27
Waller, Billy, Mr. & Mrs. 198, 201
Waller, Calvin, Rev. 153
Waller, Emma, Mrs. 181, 190
Waller, Forest, Judge 221, 283
Waller, James 68
Waller, Jeanette 201
Waller, Mike 201
Waller, Mildred 282
Waller, Mona 282
Waller, N. A. 159, 181
Waller, O. C. 67, 221, 259
Waller, O. C. & Brothers plant 67, 68, 107
Waller, Ralph 178
Waller, Roy 66
Waller, Roy, Mrs. 219, 269
Walls, Robert 221
"Walt, R. P." boat 33
Walter, George M. 93, 97, 125, 126, 159, 171, 312, 317
Walter, P. J. 180
Walter, Phil 244
Walters, John T., Rev. 110
Warlick, Newton 24
Warrick, Rose, Mrs. 177
Watkins, Ercel 178
Watkins, G. A. 148, 149
Watson, Amy, Mrs. 262
Welbourne, Fitzhugh 117, 257
Welton, Dorothy 99, 190, 254
Welton, F. L. 129, 250, 253, 254
Welton, F. L., Mrs. 105, 254
Welton, Frank 7, 57, 99, 105, 181
Welton home 26, 312
Welton, Leslie 127, 253
Wentworth Military Academy 311
West, Hascel, Rev. 221
West Point 16, 31
West, R. L. 181
West, T. W. 221
Westbrook, C. L. 221
Westbrook, Topsy 246
Wheaton, D. W. 59, 60, 326
Wheeler, A. B., Mrs. 277
White Co. Agricultural & Industrial Fair Assoc. 75
White Co. Farmers Co-op 67
White Co. Printing Co. 220
White Co. Record 7, 43, 69, 95, 97-99, 171-173, 175,
182, 184, 185, 188, 191, 195, 213, 215, 216, 227,
230, 232, 249, 255, 309, 313, 323
White Co. Training School 320
White, F. O., Judge 160
White, J. C. 267
White, James T. 266, 267
White, John, Confectionary 312
White, John, Mayor 117, 161, 240, 312
White, John, Mrs. 91, 161, 219, 260
White, William 322
Whitney’s Lane Skirmish 26, 28
Wicoff, Edward F. 190
Wiggers, 238, 239
Wiggs, R. L. 180
Wilkins, E. B. 117
Williams A. Oldfield Camp No. 16 92
Williams, Brenda 246
Williams, G. W. 164
Williams, Gene 247
Williams, Hampton 21
Williams, M. D. "Doc" 245, 281, 284
Williams, Patsy 246
Wilson, Fred 117
Wilson, George, Mr. & Mrs. 190
Wilson, Horace 28
Wilson, J. E. 323
Wilson, Joe 92, 180
Wilson, John 15
Winn, Alice Shenstone, Mrs. W. P. 264, 265
Winn, Clarence 131, 171, 232
Winn, Clarence, Mrs. 232
Winn, Edith 277
Winn, Lois 277, 279
Winn, R. J., prof. 53, 54, 66, 81
Winn, S. M. 232
Winn, W. P., Rev. 264, 265
Winsett, E. W., Mr. & Mrs. 231
Wish, Clarence 240
Wish, J. C. 128, 159
Wish, L. W. 128
Wish, Wert 159
Witt, J. S. 117
Witter, James 179
Wood, Billy 68, 216
Wood, Bud 180
Wood, E. U. 159
Wood, Eddie 315
Wood, Jack 211, 215, 243, 247
Wood, Jack, Mrs. 215
Wood, Jerry 325
Wood, Morris 26, 68, 216
Woodall, W. H., prof. 53-55
Woodward, Ed 92
Woodward, George 120
Woodyard, Billy 166, 257
Woodyard & Felts Drug Store 165, 190, 252
Woodyard, Gypsy (Mrs. G. D. Young) 128, 195, 254
Woodyard, W. H. L., Dr. 110, 118, 126, 127, 159, 164, 165, 181, 190, 230, 295, 296, 301
Woodyard, W. H. L., Mrs. 195
Woodyard & Welton Drug Store 131
Woodyards, 212
Wools, Curt, Mrs. 260
Wools, Martin 221
Woosley, Robert, Mrs. 8
Worley, Ted 7
Wormsley, Stephen 323
Wright, 319
Wright, Arthur 240
Wright, Flossie 269
Wright, Grace 269
Wright, John 16
Wright, Lin 199, 200
Wright, Lloyd 178
Wright, Martha, Mrs. 269
Wright, Otis 178
Wright, Raymond 243
Wyeth, 266
Wyeth, Beane, Mrs. J. J. 7, 33-35
Wyeth, Bernice 277
Wyeth, Clara B., Mrs. 190
Wyeth, Jerome 277
Wymer, (Denby & Wymer Store) 80
Yates, H. H. 117
Yates, Harvey 221, 227
Yates, Ida Miller, Mrs. 190
Yates, Madie (Mrs. Curtis) 190
Yingling, "Bull" 247
Yingling, C. E., Sen. 283
Yingling, Frank 322
York, Jennie B. (Mrs. W. C. Renfrow) 278
Yost, "Hurry Up" 144
Young, A. W. 81, 322
Young, C. D. 250
Young, Clyde 57
Young, D. C. 54
Young, Frank 190
Young, Glen D. 194, 195, 198, 241
Young, Gypsy Woodyard, Mrs. G. D. 128, 195
Young house 196, 198
Young John 322
Young Mark, landing 31
Young, Max 241, 243
Young, Myrtle (Mrs. R. Parker) 195, 199
Young, N. W., Mr. & Mrs. 269
Young Nell 90
Young, O. L. 117
Young, Oppie 7, 253
Young, Squire 313, 314
Young, T. H. 30, 131, 171, 243, 253, 254
Young, T. H., Jr. 98, 166
Young, T. H., Mrs. 195, 199, 207
Young, Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. 7, 269
Young, Tom 205
Young, William 322