White County Death Index
The following was collected by Leroy "Lee" Blair. White County Arkansas Historical Society-April 1, 2020. I made this list so you can find where someone is buried without having to look at all the cemeteries in White County. The following names and dates came from my visits to cemeteries in and around White County. From death records at some funeral homes. From death notices printed in the Daily Citizen Newspaper and from old White County Historical Society Records. When a name has only one date in most cases it came from a double tombstone and the person may still be living also some people have bought their tombstone in advance. I included these names for future references There may be names missing or errors in dates as some cemeteries are very hard to get a good listing of. Because some of the graves are scattered and tombstones worn or broken. Some graves may be unmarked. If you have any corrections or additions to the following let me know. On names with (Obit) at the end means I have or have access to this obituary. If you would like to have one or more obituaries E Mail Me at lblblair74@gmail.com or mail it to Leroy Blair 197 Baker Road, Searcy, AR. 72143. Cost is $3.00 each. Make all checks White County Historical Society. Over 71 thousand files listed by Alphabet-Webmaster-Paul V. Isbell
Adams, Kamolia "Kam"– October 10, 1926 – January 24, 2021 – White County Memorial, Searcy, AR – (Obit) Book # 1 page 162 Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M
Letter N Letter O Letter P Letter Q Letter R Letter S Letter T Letter U Letter V Letter W to X Letter Y Letter Z
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