--photo by Gerald Torrence, 2000

St. Paul’s Cemetery

Armstrong Springs, Arkansas

This cemetery is located near the old Morris School for Boys and was maintained by the Franciscan Brothers until the school was sold in August 2000. This list was prepared by Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society, who visited the cemetery September 12, 2000. A list prepared years earlier by Brother Linus Meyers of Morris School contained names and death dates only. Blair found 22 graves that were not on the Meyers list. There are 11 Franciscan Brothers buried here. Blair provided these directions to the cemetery: “From Searcy take Highway 36 west about 3½ miles to Morris School Road. Turn right [north]; the cemetery is on the right about one-quarter mile past the old school. There is a gate by the road and the cemetery is back in a field about 100 yards. It is a clean cemetery.”

The area surrounding Morris School was sold by the Catholic Church in 2000. (See 2003 White County Heritage.) The land including the cemetery was sold to nearby residents Mary and Kenneth Cook, who locked the gate to the cemetery to deter hunters, but will open it for cemetery visitors.

Leroy Blair visited the cemetery on February 23, 2007, and prepared a new list, adding Row numbers – starting at the gate and going toward the back of the cemetery. There are two infants buried near the far end of the cemetery.

There is a list of veterens buried in this ccemetery at the end of the list

If you have corrections or additional information on this cemetery, contact the White County Historical Society, P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145.

Aman, Brother Francis May 19, 1912 November 4, 1987 (Row 4)
Batts, Henry Payne March 14, 1905 April 24, 1905 DS with Margaret Annie Batts (Row 5)
Batts, Margaret Annie March 12, 1905 May 24, 1905 DS with Henry Payne Batts (Row 5)
Bauer, Brother Lambert January 4, 1901 September 6, 1987 (Row 5)
Bauer, Brother Leo January 1, 1903 February 20, 1982 (Row 5)
Bishop, Willa Ethel March 10, 1905 May 30, 1905 (Row 5)
Boudreaux, Joseph B. November 6, 1917 November 29, 1966 Pvt. Co D 117th Inf WWII (Row 4)
DiSabella, Brother Maurus May 2, 1924 December 30, 2002 Husband of Dorothea DiSabella (Row 6)
Duran, Brother Stanislaus March 13, 1915 May 15, 1997 (Row 4)
Edwards, Infant December 5, 1937 (Row 3)
Edwards, Infant October 31, 1938 (Row 3)
Feltrop, Benjamin Herman February 8, 1880 May 9, 1947 DS with Mary Holtmeyer Feltrop (Row 3)
Feltrop, Carson Angel Born and died March 21, 2003 Child of Frankie & Cassandra Feltrop (Back side of cemetery)
Feltrop, William February 5, 1888 March 20, 1963 DS with Lucy Ellen Feltrop (Row )
Feltrop, Franklin August 19, 1944 October 22, 1961 (Row 2)
Feltrop, Infant Born and died November 6, 1936 (Row 2)
Feltrop, John Andrew April 10, 1938 July 15, 1988 U.S. Army (Row 2)
Feltrop, Laken Angel Born and died June 8, 2003 Child of Frankie & Cassandra Feltrop (Back side of cemetery)
Feltrop, Lucy Ellen October 12, 1903 January 17, 1979 (Row 2)
Feltrop, Mary January 30, 1905 April 12, 1905 DS with Stephen Feltrop (Row 3)
Feltrop, Mary Holtmeyer September 15, 1882 September 13, 1942 DS with Benjamin Feltrop (Row 3)
Feltrop, Stephen January 29, 1905 April 14, 1905 DS with Mary Feltrop (Row 3)
Gerbert, John Henry December 15, 1905 February 5, 1927 (Row 5)
Gerbert, Judy Faye March 11, 1944 April 11, 1984 (Row 5)
Hagan, Mary Ellen December 31, 1884 December 10, 1927 Daughter of J.A. & Annal Hagan (Row 4)
Hewitt, Brother Bernard November 18, 1914 November 15, 1988 (Row 4)
Hill, Brother Cyprian February 7, 1904 November 7, 1991 (Row 4)
Hite, Brother Benedict December 26, 1907 October 2, 1982 (Row 4)
Labodie, Brother Pancratius November 4, 1903 October 16, 1988 (Row 4)
Meyers, Brother Linus February 15, 1906 June 10, 1992 (Row 4)
Parks, Joseph Henry March 31, 1936 May 21, 1936 (Row 3)
Perez, Jose Angel July 2, 1993 July 19, 2006 (Row 1)
Smith, Jess W. April 4, 1905 June 23, 1905 Pfc. U.S. Marine Corps DS with Mary J. Smith (Row 6)
Smith, Mary Jeanette. January 8, 1920 May 14, 2013 DS with Jess Smith (Row 6)
Stemann, Brother Ferdinand October 19, 1898 February 20, 1986 (Row 4)
Vail, Walter February 12, 1905 April 19, 1905 (Row 1)
Walters, R.D. “Shorty” February 16, 1914 December 12, 1980 (Row 1)
Willett, Brother Gabriel November 1, 1916 August 11, 1979 (Row 5)
Following is a list of veterans that are known to be buried in St. Pauls Cemetery; there are probably more that do not have a Military Marker. If you know of anyone that is a veteran and buried in cemetery that does not have a Military Marker and you would like to get them one contact the White County Veterans Service Office at 411 North Spruce St. Searcy. AR.72143. Phone 501-279-6210 or write The White County Historical Society, PO Box 537 Searcy AR 72145. Or if you like you can contact me Leroy “Lee” Blair 557 Baker Rd. Searcy AR. 72143. Phone 501-207-2057 and I will assist you in getting them a military marker.
Boudreaux, Joseph B. November 6, 1917 November 29, 1966 Pvt. Co D 117th Inf WWII (Row 4)
Feltrop, John Andrew April 10, 1938 July 15, 1988 U.S. Army (Row 2)
If you have any corrections or additional information on St. Paul’s Cemetery please contact the White County Historical Society, P.O. Box 537. Searcy, AR 72145. Or Leroy Blair P.O.Box 537, Searcy, Ar 72143