Old Hiram Cemetery
Hiram, Arkansas
This Cemetery is also known as: Hilger Family
Legal description: Unknown.
GPS Location: Pending
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3CE0183
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: December 8, 2019 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: No longer in use.
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
Photo by Leroy Blair -
This cemetery is located just across the river from Pangburn in Cleburne County but was originally a part of White County. Take Highway110 north from Pangburn almost to Hiram Hill, which is on the north side of the Little Red River valley. Cloie and Leister Presley of the White County Historical Society found the cemetery in 1966 between a stock pond and a chicken house. They reported seeing severa unmarked graves but only two were marked, Louis and Civilia Hilger. Leroy Blair of the Historical Society found the graves again on February 2, 2001, after extensive searching. The landmarks the Presleys described were gone and in their place was a modern new home. The residence is located at 7470 Highway 110, on the west side of the highway, eight-tenths of a mile north of the Little Red River (almost opposite the McJester Road). The owners keep the area beautifully maintained. The house sits back off the road with brick entrance columns decorated with lions on top. The cemetery is to the right of the garage under some trees. Although the Presleys saw "several" unmarked graves 35 years earlier, Blair saw only three in 2001 and again December 8, 2004, when he visited the site a second time.
In August 2002, Wilma Sneddon of Joplin, Missouri, a White County Historical Society member who has researched her roots in this area for many years, submitted information on this cemetery and nearby Walnut Grove Cemetery. Although the Presleys identified the Hilger site as Old Hiram Cemetery Mrs. Sneddon said "This doesn’t appear to be the main Old Hiram Cemetery," and said her records showed it to be Brown-Hilger Cemetery adding: "Occasionally these small family plots were started when water was high and families could not reach the regular cemetery. This may be the case here." She said a map prepared by the last author-historian Lincoln Johnson showed the general area of Old Hiram Cemetery to be closer to the Little Red River, about a half-mile south of the Hilger graves.
If you have corrections or additions to this list or other information on this Cemetery - Rose Bud, AR, Contact the White County Historical Society, P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. Or phone 501-278-5010 or Email Leroy “Lee” Blair at lblblair74@gmail.com
Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery.
Hilger, Civilia – September 15, 1842 – September 26, 1895 – Old Hilger Cemetery – Hiram, AR
Hilger, Louis – May 13, 1839 – March 23, 1912– Old Hilger Cemetery – Hiram, AR