During a major cleanup of the cemetery in 2004, volunteers discovered this broken and buried headstone of Robert McRae, brother of General Dandridge McRae. Shown piecing it together are (from left) Bill Leach,Scott Akridge and Hugh Akridge, who directed the cleanup.
Also known as Whitney-Crow Cemetery and Black Creek Cemetery. After years of neglect, a major cleanup has been completed here and much additional new information has been obtained. The cemetery burial lists are now divided into a North Half and South Half (see map below). The four-acre South Half was first listed for the White County Historical Society in the fall of 1962 by Cloie Presley of Searcy, with the help of a Girl Scout troop. When Mrs. Presley visited she believed the north half of the cemetery was all black. This was correct and this half remains well cared for today. The South Half of the cemetery was heavily overgrown, and she believed only whites had been buried here. Discoveries in 2003 and 2004 have shown this to be incorrect. Additional information on the Crow and Whitney families may be found in the 1967 White County Heritage.
The South Half was in sad shape when Leroy and Ellen Blair of the Historical Society visited it January 10, 2001. Leroy found 12 marked graves in the south half that were not on the Presley list. Following is his report: "To reach this cemetery go northeast from Kensett on Kensett Road to Mobley Road. Go across the railroad tracks. The cemetery is a short distance on the right, in the woods back behind the black section, which is by the road. This is one of the most neglected cemeteries I have seen. The black section in front is nice and clean. Back in the white section it is so overgrown with brush and briars it is hard to get through. A lot of the beautiful old stones have fallen over. I went to this cemetery in the summer of 2000 but there were so many leaves on the weeds and brush I could not see much at that time. I thought this was a very small cemetery. But when the leaves were off I found that it is, in fact, a very large cemetery covering possibly two or more acres. There are row after row of sunken graves without markers, with a stone here and there. The grave of Helen Pope Owen is at the edge of the black section. It is enclosed with an old wrought iron fence. The stone has fallen over on the ground. Back farther in the woods is a fenced-in area containing the Whitney graves. There is a very large stone near the Whitney fenced area that has members of the Owen family on it. The top of the stone has fallen off and is lying near the part that has the names on it. It is a shame that this cemetery has gotten to this condition. My guess is that there are hundreds of unmarked graves in this cemetery."
Blair was unable to find the following graves which were on the old list: A.
Carter, Druscilla Carter, J.B. Crow, Daisy Gaines, Della Gaines, William
Jackson, Eld. William West. Also, Blair noted that the large Owen stone contains
names of eight children that were listed on the original list with the last name
of Burton. The only reference to Burton on the stone was Martha Burton Owen.
"The ages of most of the names on this stone are five months to three years,
except for Martha Burton Owen, who was 17. It is my belief that they are all
children of Thomas Owen Jr. and Harodine M. Owen." They are listed on this
update with the last name of Owen.
The black North Half of Crow Cemetery was first listed for the White County Historical Society January 3, 1992, by Cloie Presley and her husband Leister. "This is the well-kept part in the front by the road," their report stated. "It has a good cover of grass that is well kept. There are no rocks there and many places show forms of graves but have nothing to mark them as graves. There are some graves marked with concrete blocks which have no names. All marked graves are listed. There were 12 graves with identical tombstones indicating they were all ‘Faithful Members of the Silver Ring Circle #202.’ All these only listed the date of death." When Leroy and Ellen Blair visited the cemetery January 10, 2001, their update included 66 names that were not on the Presley list. Blair added 11 more names in December 2002. He visited the site again in January 2005 but made no changes in the list.
In the spring of 2004, Hugh Akridge of Kensett led and directed an effort to reclaim the overgrown portion of the cemetery. He was assisted by his son Scott Akridge of Bradford, and Bill Leach of Searcy. Leach, who directed Pioneer Village, succeeded in securing community service workers under the supervision of Linda Rockwell, Work Program Advisor for the Department of Community Correction, to assist in the cleanup of the cemetery. From February through September 2004, the group worked each Saturday morning cutting timber, moving brush, killing weeds, filling sunken graves and resetting fallen and broken tombstones. The overgrown portion was indeed two acres in size as Blair had reported. The group found five markers not previously located. They also found all of the tombstones not found by Blair in his previous visit due to the dense growth. Additional assistance was provided by the Kensett Volunteer Fire Department, Woodmen of the World, Julian McFadden, and Jackie Rogers. Cemetery caretakers Alvin Mitchell and Dotson Mount visited the cleanup site almost every weekend to offer moral support.
Scott Akridge reconstructed a brief history of the cemetery with the assistance of the abstract of nearby property owner Jimmy Mobley. The date of the first burial is unknown but the property was acquired by J.B. Crow in 1851. The earliest marked burial is 1852. At that time the Searcy to West Point Road ran in a northwest to southeast direction across the southern boundary of the cemetery. A portion of this wagon road is still visible today and has a cut nearly four feet deep. In 1872, the Cairo and Fulton Railroad was built west of the cemetery and the Searcy to West Point Road was shifted north of the cemetery to run west to east. The town of Kensett began to grow after the railroad was built and the Kensett Cemetery became the preferred location for most white burials. In 1882, Wilshire Riley sold to Joseph White all the land surrounding the cemetery except for a half-acre in section 16, which is south of the riginal cemetery. This half-acre was set aside as an addition to the cemetery. Markers and burials were literally being placed in the old wagon roadbed by the turn of the century. In 1909, U.S. Davenport sold to the Colored Cemetery Trustees the two acres of land north of the original part of the cemetery. This is the graveyard where most blacks from the Kensett area are interred. The earliest marked grave is 1913. It is likely no more internments are made in the south half of the cemetery and the only internments made in the original part of the cemetery are those with long family connections to the area--like the Hardys, one of whom is the last marked burial in the original section and dates to 1935.
This cemetery is significant for several reasons. It is unique in that whites are buried in the middle with blacks on the north and south. The old wagon road is an interesting feature. Many of the names in the original section are names of slaveowners, including Thomas Owen Jr., J.B. Crow, and Elijah Whitney. It is believed the earliest birthdate, 1775, on a tombstone in White County belongs to Elder William West who is buried here. Also Robert and John McRae, brothers of Confederate Brigadier General Dandridge McRae are buried in this cemetery. Each grave is covered by a 3’x6’ concrete slab. Both of these markers are now broken into many pieces. Robert McRae's tombstone is the only one in the cemetery inscribed in Latin. Curiously, the whites appear to be buried in the west half of the original section because almost all tombstones are located there. In the east half of the original section are many depressions, obviously graves that are not even marked with rocks. These could be graves of slaves or poor whites. There is no other known candidate in the area for the location of slave graves.
The 1882 addition to the south appears to be all blacks but this is not a certainty. The most significant marked burial in this area is of Nicholas Owens, Co. E, 113th U.S. Colored Troops. This is the only known marker in White County of a black Civil War soldier. It is possible that Owens was a former slave of Thomas Owen Jr. but this cannot currently be confirmed. Nicholas Owens served in the Union Army at Little Rock from 1863 until he was discharged at the end of the war in 1865. Many graves in the 1882 addition are marked with rocks. An estimated 300 to 400 graves have no tombstones marking them in the south half of the cemetery. Crow Cemetery was the largest overgrown cemetery in White County until it was cleared in 2003 and 2004.
In the well-kept post-1913 part of the cemetery there are 13 markers bearing the symbolism of the Supreme Royal Circle of Friends of the World, Silver Ring Circle #202. Some of these markers have "09" inscribed at the top center. 1909 was also the year the Colored Cemetery Trustees purchased the land for the north addition. An Internet search in September 2004 found four other cemeteries in Arkansas with Supreme Royal Circle of Friends of the World markers but no information on the origin or activities of this organization could be located. There were no SRCFW marker "hits" in other states. There are an estimated 60 to 100 unmarked graves in this north section. Numerous graves have unreadable funeral home markers. Scott Akridge revised this listing in September 2004.
If you have corrections or additions to the following lists, contact the White County Historical Society, P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145.
(North Half follows the South Half list)
Barber, Martha July 2, 1817 July 21, 1878 wife of P. Barber Barnes, Horace Lincoln February 19, 1920 July 13, 2010 Black, D. Ila age 11 years, 11 mos. no dates son of W.D. and L.L. Black Black, Ernest H. May 14, 1872 March 14, 1873 son of W.D. and L.L. Black, G.A. March 20, 1861 March 15, 1898 Black, Jake died February 13, 1894 age 59 no other date Black, Luther age 2 years, 5 mos. no dates son of W.D. and L.L. Black Black, Malinda died May 29, 1905 age 86 wife of Jake Black, S.H. died January 2, 1859 age 50 years 8 mos, 28 days Black, W.D. June 10, 1834 December 15, 1893 Black, Walter no dates son of W.D. and L.L. - stone broken 5 years, 3 months Black, Willie J. February 12, 1860 May 7, 1860 son of W.D. and L.L. Brewer, Milo February 10, 2008 Brookshire, Agness Elise July 7, 2010 Carter, A. September 7, 1812 November 23, 1878 husband of Nancy A. Carter Carter, Druscilla November 30, 1812 February 27, 1871 wife of A. Carter Crow, C.M. September 10, 1847 February 14, 1867 Crow, Carlie E. October 4, 1852 April 17, 1878 wife of Jessie H. Crow -born in Mercer County, Ohio-top of stone is gone Crow, Elizabeth J. April 10, 1820 December 27, 1876 wife of J.W.W. - stone broken Crow, J.B. November 10, 1810 August 14, 1866 Crow, Joseph W.W. February 7, 1813 November 9, 1866 Crow, Lavenia H. stone broken no dates Crow, Lavina September 30, 1813 April 4, 1866 wife of J.B. Crow, Robert T. November 20, 1851 September 12, 1882 stone broken Crow, Sophronia E. August 5, 1851 September 8, 1856 Crow, Will Byron age 8 months no date son of J.J. and E.J. Crow?, ? July 25, 1862 November 27, 1875 broken stone immediately south of Robert Crow Dodd, Virginia Bell October 18, 1860 June 2, 1861 daughter of S.A. & M.E. Dodd Elrod, Jinnie April 15, 1846 May 3, 1867 wife of W.P. Elrod, daughter of J.M. and R. Hamilton Gaines, Daisy November 6, 1885 September 28, 1904 Gaines, Della January 9, 1884 April 28, 1887 Gains, Columbus March 11, 1805? April 10, 1888 stone broken Garett, Charlie age 49 no dates concrete marker Hamilton, Jennie April 15, 1846 May 3, 1867 daughter of J.M. and R. Hamilton, Mary September 22, 1888 June 30, 1905 wife of Leslie Hardy, Clarence March 31, 1861 August 20, 1861 son of T.D. and M. Hardy Hardy, Dean W. July 16, 1862 April 17, 1880 Hardy, Lelia M. December 24, 1855 December 23, 1935 Hardy, Mary H. August 31, 1834 September 11, 1923 on double stone with Thomas D. Hardy Hardy, Thomas D. January 14, 1829 August 26, 1916 on double stone with Mary H. Hardy Hart, Willie March 11, 1897 October 30, 1916 stone broken Hawkins, Winnie February 22, 1910 wife of William age 60 Jackson, infant November 12, 1885 September 10, 1886 son of T.J. and Tamer Jackson Jackson, Ritta July 12, 1882 September 23, 1908 wife of Andrew Jackson stone broken Jackson, William February 22, 1883 November 28, 1883 Jones, Bobbie H. May 31, 1868 November 6, 1873 son of A.T. & A. Jones stone broken Jones? July 25, 1862 November 27, 1875 illegible funeral home marker immediately south of Bobbie H. Jones’ grave Martin, Alice Mariah (Fisher) January 19, 1849 April 3, 1923 marker placed by descendents in October 2004 McAdams stone is broken into three pieces and lying on the ground McAdams, Sallie March 18, 1838 December 17, 1864 wife of J.T. McRae, John D. no dates 3’x6’ slab broken in many pieces inscription in English McRae, Robert no dates 3’x6’ slab broken in many pieces - inscription in Latin Michell, Helen April 22, 1865 February 23, 1912 Mother stone broken Owen, Alice Virgilia August 15, 1856 February 1, 1858 Owen, Clarence Bright November 15, 1850 April 17, 1852 on Thomas Owen Jr. stone Owen, Emma Cornelia January 3, 1854 July 8, 1855 on Thomas Owen Jr. stone Owen, Harodine M. Anderson born in Hanover Co., VA, August 29, 1824 buried at Brownville, TN, December 10, 1891 inscription on stone of her husband Thomas Owen Jr. Owen, Helen Pope October 18, 1866 July 8, 1888 wife of C.M. Owen (all other Owen burials are listed together on one large stone; Helen P. Owen stone is surrounded by wrought-iron fence) Owen, Marcia Burton June 14, 1847 March 6, 1864 on Thomas Owen Jr. stone Owen, Roland January 29, 1860 June 29, 1860 child of T. & H.M. Owen Owen, Rosa Linda April 6, 1858 March 18, 1861 child of Harodine M. and Thomas Owen Jr. on Thomas Owen Jr. stone Owen, Thomas Jr. born in Richmond, VA, November 2, 1820 died December 4, 1885, in Kensett Owen, Thomas Lee March 28, 1863 September 23, 1863 child of T. & H.M. Owen Owens, Nicholas no dates Co. E 113th U.S.C.T. [United States Colored Troops]military marker Phillips, Andrea Marie Hadley March 7, 1966 February 19, 2013 Pryor, infant died c1925 son of Houston and Estelle Pryor unmarked grave, per Katie Pryor Akridge in 2004 Rice, Macie Lee Hart September 14, 1924 October 1, 2014 Skellern, Ernest October 7, 1868 February 8, 1887 Smith, Gregory January 25, 2000 February 1, 2014 Smith, Rachel March 17, 1873 January 28, 1908 wife of Frank Stegall, Ricky Lynn October 25, 1956 March 20, 2014 West, William, Elder April 18, 1775 July 1859 [may be earliest birthdate on a tombstone in White County] Whitney, Demetra A. June 1, 1844 January 18, 1866 Whitney, Elijah April 22, 1814 January 15, 1873 Father consort of Mary Whitney Whitney, Elijah June 6, 1826 December 12, 1872 Father Whitney, Elizabeth June 9, 1900 January 10, 1902 daughter of Levi Whitney, Ella T. March 17, 1858 November 15, 1922 Whitney, infant son in the Whitney fenced-in area no name or dates Whitney, James K. January 27, 1846 May 7, 1907 Whitney, Leslie E. September 13, 1877 February 21, 1903 on double stone with Winnie L. Whitney Whitney, Mary June 6, 1821 December 12, 1872 wife of Elijah Whitney Mother on double stone with Elijah Whitney Whitney, Wesley December 25, 1848 October 5, 1904 Whitney, Winnie L. March 7, 1887 April 8, 1887 on double stone with Leslie E. Whitney Whitney?, - south of Leslie E. and Winnie L.Whitney grave marker is a marker with "Winnie L." and footstone with "W.L.W" south of "Winnie" marker reads "Infant Son" Young III, Leon "Duke" January 24, 1980 December 6, 2013Name | Birth | Death | Comments |