Chapman Family Cemetery
Griffithville, Arkansas
There are no pictures of this cemetery available.
This Cemetery is also known as: None known
GPS Location: 625062 - 3888760
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0722
The last update of this cemetery was: November 30, 2019 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: Active.
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
The lone, grave of Hazel Chapman, wife of Gordon Chapman, is located near their home at 410 Frank Sinko Road in Griffithville. This information was reported to Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society by Mrs. Chapman’s sister-in-law, Mary Kathlene Chapman, in December 2002.
If you have corrections or additions to this list or other information on this Cemetery - Rose Bud, AR, Contact the White County Historical Society, P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. Or phone 501-278-5010 or Email Leroy “Lee” Blair at
Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery
Chapman, Hazel – Died April 27, 1973 – Age about 60 years – Chapman Family Cemetery Griffithville, Arkansas