--photo by Gerald Torrence, 2000
Belcher Cemetery
- Arkansas List updated June 20, 2004
- Legal description: SW, SE, SW, Sect. 1, T5N, R6W
- Earliest listed grave:
- May 10, 1905 - Amanda Catherine (Davis) Hawley
- Last listed grave: 1997
- Accessibility: Public
- GPS Location :627937 -3882495
- Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0744
Belcher Graveyard,is located in Section 1, SW corner of the SE1/4
of SW1/4 Township 5 North, Range 6 West. Leroy Blair visited the cemetery October 19, 2000,
and reported "it is now fairly clean." He added, "There are so many unmarked
graves it would be very hard to tell how many but my guess is over 100. The
cemetery covers a very large area. Where the graves are located indicates that
there are probably a lot more not marked."
If you have corrections or additional information on this cemetery, please
contact the White County Historical Society at P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. or Email Leroy "Lee" Blair at lblblair74@gmail.com
Abington, Janis Diane 4-Sep-46 October 4, 198
Allen, Mable A. 1865 19??
Allen, Thomas M. 1854 1916
Allen, Vernon date not posted
Canfield, Hazel, 15-Jan-10 8-Oct-12
Canfield, Infant born and died November 9, 1909 daughter of L.G. and S.E. Canfield
Canfield, L.G. July 19, 1886 6-Feb-19 Leroy Blair reported "there are four pipes driven into the ground by this grave; they may mark graves"
Carr, Van Buren 1862 - 1947
Carr. Eliza A. January 6, 1877 May 16, 1928. "Sheltered and safe from sorrow."
Cox, ? tombstones are broken up in this plot-can’t tell who is buried here
Cox, Florence Jeneve 1881 1935
Cox, L.L. 13-Sep-28 September 21, 19?? stone is broken away
Cox, Perr Bomer 21-Apr-25 11-Dec-31 stone broken in small pieces
Cox, William H. (died) January 31, 1955
Cox, William Henry 1872 1955 at the age of 23 years, 0 months and 15 days.
Faller, William Edward died February 10, 1977 age 51 years, 8 mos., 4 days funeral home marker
Hawley, Amanda Catherine (Davis) September 5, 1846 in Hawkins Co., TN May 10, 1905 at Griffithville married Lewis Hawley in 1871 daughter of Louisa (Garner) and Lewis Davis of Hiram
Hawley, Amos February 17, 1894 10-Jan-13 son of Lewis Pang Hawley
Hawley, infant 12-Dec-29 12-Dec-29 daughter of Arthur and Stella Hawley
Hawley, J.E. died August 10, 1943 at the age of 5 years.
Hawley, James Oscar 5-Aug-12 2-Mar-96 on double stone with Lula H. Hawleyson of John Arthur and Stella L. Hawley
Hawley, John Arthur April 12, 1885 7-Mar-65 youngest son of Lewis and Amanda Hawley
Hawley, John Ralph, 4-Jan-25 14-Oct-42 son of John A. and Stella L. Hawley Arkansas PHMC2, U.S. Navy WWII killed in the South Pacific
Hawley, Lewis March 1850 27-Mar-05 on double stone with Amanda Catherine Lewis
Hawley, Lula Harris 11-May-16 25-Oct-80 wife of James Oscar Hawley
Hawley, Selma Agnes 15-Oct-16 died as a child
Hawley, Stella Leona Mulherin May 23, 1890 13-Mar-65 born and died July 4, 1905
Hodges, Infant son of W.G. and B.L. Hodges
Lawson, J. Edward January 1, 1879 20-Mar-12 member of Woodmen of World.
Lee, Minnie (Tice) 1904 1967 former wife of Ellic
Lee, T.R. 13-Mar no year 60 years old
Lee, Ted birth and death unknown
Nichols, Herbert J. 1933 1950 son of L.J. and Lona (Cox) Nichols
Payne, infant 27-Jul-48 27-Jul-48 son of Elmer and Lola Payne
Payne, Infant not dated of W.E. and Leola Payne
Rogers, Mollie L. October 1, 1849 2-Feb-20
Tice, Ellic A. 1873 1953
Tice, Joseph Ray 27-Jan-26 27-Apr-97 military markerU.S. Army WWII
Voiles, Elizabeth C. July 4, 1875 3-Jun-62 on double stone with William Robert Voiles
Voiles, William Robert March 24, 1870 16-Jan-24 on double stone with Elizabeth C. Voiles