Lebanon Cemetery
McRae, Arkansas
No picture available for this cemetery
This Cemetery is also known as: None known.
Legal description: NE, NE, SE, Sect. 31, T6N, R7W
GPS Location: 610631 - 3884696
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0742
Number of Marked Graves: About 1100
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: February 11, 2005 By Leroy Blair.
There has been Obituaries that were printed in the newspaper posted since the last survey was made.
Current status of cemetery: Active.
Point of contact for cemetery. No know contact person.
This cemetery is located three miles east of McRae and covers four acres. A homecoming is held every year on the second Sunday
of June to honor the town's deceased and raise money to maintain the cemetery.
This cemetery was started as a family burial site when T. Alonzo Durham's first wife, Nettie B. Durham, died January 12, 1892,
after giving birth to their third child, which was stillborn. Mother and child were buried in the same grave on a small knoll in the
northeast corner of the family farm. In March of 1903 Alonzo and Nettie's oldest child, a daughter, died and was buried beside her
The date the church was founded is uncertain. The deed to the land does not correspond with church records. The church started
on an acre of land donated by W.S. Rogers, the land joining Durham's farm on the northeast corner, next to his family burial plot. In
1906 Durham and his second wife, Ida J. Durham, donated two acres of land to the church for the cemetery. This gift included the
family plot. In 1942 the trustees bought an acre of land on the south side of the existing cemetery from S.T. and Edna Cherry. Then
in 1948 the Cherrys sold another acre. The Lebanon church lost attendance until it finally merged with the United Methodist
Church in McRae. In November 1957 the McRae church deeded the Lebanon property to the Lebanon Cemetery Association to be