Heffington Community Cemetery
Bradford, Arkansas
This cemetery is located in Jackson County near the White County line.
No picture available for this cemetery
This Cemetery is also known as: None known.
Legal description:
SW, NW, NW, Sect 34, T10N, R5W
GPS Location: Not known.
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #:
Number of Marked Graves: About 12
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: February 15, 2006 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: This cemetery is no longer in use.
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
This cemetery is located about 100 yards in the field behind 1080 and 1100 Jackson County Road 302. It was visited on February
15, 2006, by Leroy Blair of Clay, a member of the board of directors of the White County Historical Society who filed the following
I had been told that an old cemetery was located not far from the Smith Cemetery west of Bradford. But I had not been able to get
access to it or find out a name for it. On February 15, 2006 my wife Ellen and I were visiting in that area. As we were going down
the road we saw an elderly lady out in her yard very close to where I knew the cemetery was located. We stopped and talked to
her. She said that the cemetery was back in the field behind her house and her son’s house that is nearby. She said we could drive
through the gate in front of her son’s house and drive back to the cemetery. She said it was in very poor condition. She said she did
not know a name for it but she thought her son might. While I was at the cemetery her son came home and joined us. He said he
was told that the cemetery was known as the Westmoreland Cemetery. As we were on our way back to Bradford I saw an old
gentleman who had originally told me about the cemetery several years ago. I stopped and ask him if he knew a name for it. He