Dupriest Cemetery
Rose Bud, Arkansas
Photo by Leroy Blair
This Cemetery is also known as: None known.
GPS Location: 581782-3902521
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #:
Number of Marked Graves: About 15
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: March 6, 2001 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: This cemetery is no longer used.
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
This cemetery is located at Range 10 West, Township 7 North and in Section 5 or 6. This property was the Dupriest Farm, which
was owned by Paul Dupriest, when Margaret Frey prepared the first cemetery census in 1969. According to her report, "Both white
and Negro are buried here without distinction as to race. There are a number of unmarked graves but a count was not made."
The cemetery was visited in April 2000 by White County Historical Society volunteer Kathy Moss, who reported, "The landowners
have left an open access to the cemetery, which is in poor condition." Mrs. Moss talked to the landowner, who said he had been in
contact with the Malcom family. She provided information on eight Malcom burials and five others, most of which were not in the
1969 report. (Malcom was spelled Malcome in the 1969 listing.)
Leroy Blair of the Historical Society reported the cemetery "in very poor condition" when he visited it March 6, 2001, with his wife
Ellen. According to his report, "Mrs. Ennis, who owns the land around the cemetery, said a man over 100 years old visited the
cemetery in the summer of 2000 and told her the cemetery was first started as a slave cemetery and that most of the graves
marked with rocks or unmarked are those of slaves. He also told her that one night during the Civil War a soldier was brought to
the cemetery and buried and his grave was marked with a large rock. I found a large rock with some letters on it but could not
read much of it - looked like R O C. He did not say if the soldier was Confederate or Union."
Following are Blair’s directions to reach the cemetery: "From Highway 5, take Manning Road 1.6 miles to Nix Road and turn right
on Nix Road. Go half a mile on Nix to Meadow Lane and turn left. Go about 200 yards to a T intersection. Turn left and go another
200 yards to the first right. The cemetery is on the right by the first house after you turn right."
If you have corrections or additions to this list or other information on this Cemetery, Contact the White County Historical Society,
P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. Or phone 501- 278- 5010
Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery.
Adkisson, Henry D. – June 18, 1860 – April 1864 - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Clements, Martha – No dates listed - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Dupriest, Larrar Lisabeth – May 17, 1859 – Died in infancy – Daughter of Sarah Dupriest - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Dupriest, M.E. – 1860 – Died in infancy – Daughter of Sarah Dupriest - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Dupriest, R. – No dates listed - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Dupriest, Sarah Malcom – Died 1864 – Only date listed - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Barnett – September 23, 1805 – January 31, 1859 – DS with Nancy Malcom - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Charley E. – March 15, 1891 – August 3, 1911 - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, James William Burl – March 14, 1895 – Died fall of 1900 – (Unmarked grave) - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Mary F. – July 15, 1858 – January 10, 1903 – DS with Noel Malcom - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Nancy – March 1, 1805 – October 10, 1880 – DS with Barnett Malcom - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Nancy A. – June 16, 1883 – September 9, 1893 – Daughter of Noel & M.F. Malcom - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Noel – March 13, 1847 – January 12, 1925 – DS with Mary F. Malcom - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Malcom, Sarah Ellen – 1897 – 1900 – (Unmarked grave) - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Morris, James – April 1, 1866 – May 9, 1897 - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Nelson, Eleck – August 2, 1864 – September 1885 - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Nelson, Nathaniel H. – 1817 – November 15, 1859 – Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud AR
Ruark, Minnie – 1880 – 1882 - Dupriest Cemetery, Rose Bud, AR
Legend: Copyright-Aug.23, 2016-Paul V. Isbell-Webmaster:
Most of the cemetery information listed was collected by Leroy “Lee” Blair Former member of the White
County Historical Society Board of Directors. Now working at the White County Historical Society office
If you have any additions or corrections to the burial listing please contact the Historical Society. Phone 501-
278-5010 or Email me at
or wchs1962@gmail.com
I will be posting more burials later. The Searcy Daily Citizen donated all their Micro Film and Ledgers dating
back to 1953. After reviewing them, if I find a death of a person that we do not have I will to add to the
cemetery listings.
There are some graves listed as unmarked that may have had a tombstone set since the listing was made.
I may have missed some graves when I prepared the listing. Some cemeteries are very hard to get an
accurate listing due to how some graves are scattered