Buckheiser Cemetery
Denmark, Arkansas
Photo by Leroy Blair
This Cemetery is also known as: None known
GPS Location:
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #:
Number of Marked Graves:
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: February 26, 2001 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery This cemetery is no longer being used.
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
This cemetery was recorded February 26, 2001, by Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society. He and his wife Ellen were
following up on information obtained by two other Society members, president Bill Leach and author Scott Akridge. Blair provided
the following directions to reach the site: "From Denmark take Highway 167 north about two miles to Scoggins Road and turn
right. Go about a mile to Jackson County road #6 and turn left. The cemetery is located about one-tenth of a mile up road #6 on the
left about 100 yards, back in a pasture field in a grove of trees. The stone can be seen under the trees. I was welcomed to the
cemetery by about 100 hungry young cattle."