King Cemetery
Northside, Arkansas
This cemetery is located in Prairie Couny near the White County line
There are no pictures of this cemetery
This Cemetery is also known as: None known.
Legal description: NE, SW, SE Sect. 19 T5N, R4W
GPS Location: 639096-3877676
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #:
Number of Marked Graves: About 130
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: August 14, 2002 By Leroy Blair
There may has been Obituaries that were printed in the newspaper posted since the last survey was made.
Current status of cemetery: Active
Point of contact for cemetery. No know contact person.
This area of Prairie County was once a part of White County and is served today by the Griffithville mail route, so addresses in this
area are Griffithville. But the and township today are referred to as Northside. The cemetery was visited August 14, 2002, by White
County Historical Society member Leroy Blair, who prepared the following report: "Take highway 11 south from the White/Prairie
County line to Holloway’s Store on the left of the highway. They keep a key to a gate that crosses the road to the cemetery. After
you pick up the key, go south to the next road that turns left, and follow it about 2 ½ miles to where the road makes a sharp right
turn. At this point, you will find a gate that is painted silver. The key from the store unlocks the lock on this gate. After you go
through the gate, go about one mile. The cemetery is on the left of the road. It is fenced and well cared for. It covers about two
acres. The graves are scattered over the whole area. Most of the stones that are there appear to be fairly new, with only a little
information on some of them."
If you have corrections or additions to this list or other information on this Cemetery Contact the White County Historical Society,
P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. Or phone 501- 278- 5010