Baker Cemetery

Clay, Arkansas

Baker Cemetery

Photo by Leroy Blair

This Cemetery is also known as: None known
GPS Location: 613473 - 3918641
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0681
Number of Marked Graves: 1
Number of Unmarked Graves: None known
The cemetery list was up dated July 2016 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: This cemetery is no longer being used.
Point of contact for cemetery. No contact person known.

Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society visited this lone grave July 4, 2001. It was one of two unrecorded burial sites that he recorded on that hot and humid Independence Day. (See Patton Hollow Cemetery.)

This grave of a baby girl, Mary Louise Baker, is located in the woods by 1781 Fairview Road south of Clay. This is on land owned by the Jackson family. Blair filed the following report:

"I had been told of this grave about a year earlier, so I stopped and asked the Jacksons about it. Mr. Jackson said he had been there only once but his wife knew how to find it. The three of us walked across their yard to the woods. Mrs. Jackson said the grave was on a small mound and was covered by a thick layer of moss. And one end under the moss, she said, the baby’s father had placed a little horseshoe. We found the mound, a small grave marked with two rocks, but most of the moss had died. Mr. Jackson felt around in the dirt and leaves and found the little horseshoe. Mrs. Jackson referred me to Mrs. Geneva Featherstone at 1563 Fairview Road for additional information, saying that she was related to the baby.

"I called Mrs. Featherstone who told me the baby’s name was Mary Louise Baker and that she was born about 1944 and lived only about 24 hours. She said Mary Louise was the daughter of Herman Eugene and Mildred Louis Baker who are buried in Taylor Cemetery at Clay. Mrs. Featherstone added that the baby was premature and born at home. The area around the grave is nice and clean."

I visited the cemetery again in July 2016 and found it unchanged from his first visit.

Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery.
Baker, Mary Louise – Born & died 1944 and lived only about 24 hours. Daughter of Herman Eugene & Mildred Baker.

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