Birthdays in the Newspaper
Van Buren County Democrat, January 18, 1924 p1, c6
Who was the first child born in your township? This question was asked of Democrat readers several weeks since and the first and only reply received thus far is from our good friend "Uncle Baz" Thomas of Oak Flat, Washington township. The first child born in that township was his son, Benjamin P. Thomas, his birth occurring in a plank house on Peyton Creek where the venerable father yet resides. For more than 41 years this house has served as the postoffice for that community, Uncle Baz acting as postmaster throughout all those years. Among other settlers residing in the community at that time Uncle Baz recals L.M. Taylor, Joe Jacks, Jim Vernon, John Emmett, Page Hatchett, T.J. Archer and W. Whitmire. The first school attended by young Thomas was taught by W.H. Wynn, the school house being located on the mountain near location of present school house in Dist. No. 43. Upon reaching manhood's estate he married Miss May Hensley. For a number of years prior to his death in 1914 he was engaged in the mercantile business at Leslie. His widow and four children survive. Who will give us a history of the first birth in another township?
Van Buren County Democrat,
Miss Jessie KEMP | January 3rd | Clinton |
Mrs. Mary ANDERSON | January 6th | Shirley |
Mrs. Josie DAMERON | January 6th | Clinton |
Mrs. J.T. WHILLOCK | January 7th | Clinton |
Bethel WHITE | January 12th | Higden |
Mrs. John LINSIN | January 16th | Plant |
Mrs. Bettie GOATS | January 16th | Copeland |
Mrs. R.F. PATE | January 16th | Clinton |
Joe HARNESS | January 16th | Lexington |
Brad FRASER | January 18th | Clinton |
Mrs. D.A. PATTON | January 23rd | Clinton |
Lela CLARK | January 24th | Lexington |
E.E. CANERDAY | January 24th | Clinton |
James WILLIAMS | January 26th | |
R.M. HAYES | January 27th | Elbert |
Osco HALL | January 31st |
Van Buren County Democrat, January 25, 1924
R.M. Hayes, whose birthday is listed above, was born in Union County, Ga., Jan. 27th , 1862. He came to Van Buren County 44 years ago this month and in July of the following year married Rebecca Byers, also a native of Union County, Ga. They have been blessed with 5 children, 23 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
L.H. GRIGGS | Feb 1st | Scotland | Doyle O'NEAL | Feb 16th | Scotland |
Sherman MERRYMAN | Feb 1st | Clinton | Ike GILDESLIEVE | Feb 17th | Plant |
Thelma McKNIGHT | Feb 1st | Bee Branch | Guy RHOADES | Feb 17th | Choctaw |
Uncle Rich HARDESTER | Feb 1st | Rex | Tom HUNTER | Feb 17th | Choctaw |
Viola ROLLINS | Feb 1st | Shirley | Mrs. M.A. BANKS | Feb 17th | Clinton |
Mrs. Mollie BRADLEY | Feb 1st | Clinton | Peggy WARD | Feb 18th | Clinton |
Tom PATE | Feb 1st | Clinton | Odis KINGSLEY | Feb 18th | Rex |
Quinnie LEWALLEN | Feb 1st | Morganton | Belle MASSEY | Feb 18th | Shirley |
Sallie UNDERWOOD | Feb 1st | Clinton | Norman O'NEAL | Feb 18th | Scotland |
Vernie HALL | Feb 2nd | Scotland | Alice BATES | Feb 18th | Bee Branch |
Beulah SMITH | Feb 2nd | Choctaw | Leland O'NEAL | Feb 18th | Scotland |
Clarence BURNETT | Feb 2nd | Cleveland | Joe DEMPSEY | Feb 18th | Rt 3, Shirley |
Lucille HALBROOK | Feb 2nd | Cleveland | Cecil SICKLER | Feb 19th | Plant |
Mrs. Will PLEDGER | Feb 3rd | Bee Branch | Charlie PATTERSON | Feb 19th | Clinton |
V.P. BUMPERS | Feb 3rd | Quitman | H.H. PRUITT | Feb 19th | Clinton |
Ruby LONG | Feb 3rd | Clinton | Garner FRASER | Feb 19th | Clinton |
Lesby TRAWICK | Feb 3rd | Quitman | John HALE | Feb 19th | Rex |
Mrs. Jess PICKLESIMER | Feb 3rd | Rex | Billy Gean PEARCE | Feb 19th | Shirley |
Junious WRIGHT | Feb 3rd | Bee Branch | Carrie JACOBS | Feb 19th | Walnut Grove |
Luster STORY | Feb 4th | Choctaw | Clarence SUMNER | Feb 19th | Bee Branch |
Gladys GOLDMAN | Feb 4th | Archey | Eileen McALISTER | Feb 19th | Clinton |
Myrtle GRADDY | Feb 4th | Morganton | Bess BRADLEY | Feb 20th | Clinton |
A.B. MOORE | Feb 4th | Choctaw | J.R. STERLIN | Feb 20th | Elba |
Cleba PRESLEY | Feb 5th | Morganton | M.E. MADDOX | Feb 20th | Clinton |
J.H. JOHNSON | Feb 5th | Bee Branch | Anderson CUMMANS | Feb 20th | Formosa |
Carrie BRADFORD | Feb 5th | Shirley | Mrs. Dora RUSSELL | Feb 20th | Formosa |
Cleba PRESLEY | Feb 5th | Morganton | Velma WOOD | Feb 21st | Morganton |
Sherrell HALBROOK | Feb 5th | Cleveland | Avis WOOD | Feb 21st | Morganton |
W.H. ANDERSON | Feb 5th | Shirley | R.M. HENRY | Feb 21st | Dennard |
Mary E. MOORE | Feb 5th | Quitman | Gus UNDERWOOD | Feb 21st | Clinton |
Mrs. Zura MASSEY | Feb 5th | Shirley | Manda MADDOX | Feb 21st | Clinton |
Ollie SHIPP | Feb 6th | Formosa | Rosa BONDS | Feb 21st | Shirley |
J.B. WHALEY | Feb 6th | Morganton | R.M. HENRY | Feb 21st | Dennard |
Mrs. J.L. ROGERS | Feb 6th | Choctaw | Mrs. S.T. PERKINS | Feb 21st | Plant |
Marion KOONE | Feb 6th | Scotland | Wilener BRAMLET | Feb 22nd | Plant |
Daniel KOONE | Feb 6th | Rex | Chas. F. WOOD | Feb 22nd | Morganton |
Lillian ALEXANDER | Feb 7th | Shirley | Mavis McKIM | Feb 22nd | Bee Branch |
D.C.BRADFORD | Feb 7th | Shirley | John BOWLING | Feb 22nd | Clinton |
Vernon WATTS | Feb 7th | Dennard | Edith HALL | Feb 22nd | Scotland |
Dixie ROWE | Feb 7th | Little Rock | Mabel WINNINGHAM | Feb 22nd | Formosa |
Lela MAHAN | Feb 7th | Bee Branch | A.J. WRIGHT | Feb 22nd | Rex |
Mrs. Peggy KOONE | Feb 7th | Scotland | Elbert SCOTT | Feb 22nd | Dennard |
Tommy GADBERRY | Feb 7th | Shirley | Helen REEVES | Feb 22nd | Lexington |
James WRIGHT | Feb 7th | Crabtree | D.C.GOATS | Feb 22nd | Copeland |
Miss V.E. STERLIN | Feb 8th | Elba | Minnie JOHNSON | Feb 22nd | Clinton |
Martha MOODY | Feb 8th | Copeland | Bud CATES | Feb 22nd | Clinton |
E.L. PRESLEY | Feb 8th | Morganton | T.A. PRUITT | Feb 22nd | Rex |
Veldenia REEVES | Feb 8th | Rupert | Annie BONDS | Feb 22nd | Shirley |
Mrs. J.A. GROSS | Feb 9th | Scotland | Loy HARNESS | Feb 22nd | Shirley |
Mrs. F. O. BLAIR | Feb 9th | Plant | Mrs. Ad FRENCH | Feb 22nd | Bee Branch |
Mrs. D.A. DEAN | Feb 9th | Rex | Mrs. H. BRIGHAM | Feb 22nd | Copeland |
Bethel SUMNERS | Feb 9th | Bee Branch | Opie REEVES | Feb 23rd | Lexington |
Mrs. F.J. PARKS | Feb 9th | Dennard | Varis SMITH | Feb 23rd | Una |
Lucy Belle OLIGER | Feb 10th | Clinton | C.F. FULLERTON | Feb 23rd | Bee Branch |
Hazel SHOPTAW | Feb 10th | Scotland | Mrs. L.V. CROOK | Feb 23rd | Clinton |
Mary A. ANDERSON | Feb 10th | Shirley | Bretta D. TOWERY | Feb 23rd | Shirley |
Kermit FULKS | Feb 10th | Morganton | P.CUMMANS | Feb 23rd | Lexington |
Edd HARNESS | Feb 10th | Lexington | Jurda HUTTO | Feb 23rd | Bee Branch |
James H. FRASER | Feb 10th | Clinton | Junior BOWLING | Feb 23rd | Clinton |
Riley QUATTLEBAUM | Feb 11th | Bee Branch | J.W. McALISTER | Feb 23rd | Clinton |
C.M HOTTEN | Feb 11th | Shirley | Cloie & Clay REEVES | Feb 23rd | Rupert |
Cora EADES | Feb 11th | Clinton | Mrs. Athel ROGERS | Feb 24th | Scotland |
Hiram N. PRIVITT | Feb 11th | Shirley | George GUFFEY | Feb 24th | Lexington |
Miss Norma DEAN | Feb 11th | Rex | Ray WATTS | Feb 24th | Dennard |
Monroe WATSON | Feb 11th | Crabtree | Oscar MOODY | Feb 24th | Copeland |
G.C. MORROW | Feb 11th | Clinton | Claud F. O'NEAL | Feb 25th | Scotland |
Willie PAGE | Feb 11th | Crabtree | Joe WHILLOCK | Feb 25th | Clinton |
Lena WRIGHT | Feb 11th | Bee Branch | Burl DUNCAN | Feb 25th | Choctaw |
Vennia EMMONS | Feb 11th | Clinton | Gus PATTERSON | Feb 25th | Clinton |
Mrs. H. SHADWICK | Feb 11th | Shirley | W.M. SANFORD | Feb 25th | Lexington |
Mrs. M. KILPATRICK | Feb 12th | Scotland | J.S. HUDSON | Feb 25th | Quitman |
Lincoln GUFFEY | Feb 12th | Lexington | Mrs. Luke HUIE | Feb 26th | Choctaw |
Jess SMITH | Feb 12th | Choctaw | Floyd JACKSON | Feb 26th | Crabtree |
Harvey GRIGGS | Feb 12th | Clinton | Sareptia WATTS | Feb 26th | Dennard |
Alvin NELSON | Feb 12th | Morganton | Will SHANNON | Feb 26th | Choctaw |
Mrs.Ida SUGGS | Feb 12th | Choctaw | Harvey ALEXANDER | Feb 26th | Shirley |
R.H. LUTE | Feb 12th | Clinton | Mrs. J.H. PATTERSON | Feb 26th | Archey |
Jim HOLLEY | Feb 12th | Clinton | Woodrow BRADFORD | Feb 27th | Shirley |
Nancy J. HOLLEY | Feb 12th | Clinton | Bryan JOHNSON | Feb 27th | Clinton |
Willie Fay STERLIN | Feb 13th | Elba | Albert BLUE | Feb 27th | Scotland |
Alice BRANNON | Feb 13th | Quitman | Arthur WRIGHT | Feb 27th | Crabtree |
Mrs. Belle EVANS | Feb 13th | Shirley | Miss Eathel HOLLEY | Feb 27th | Clinton |
Amos BATES | Feb 13th | Bee Branch | A. Dunsworth | Feb 27th | Cleveland |
Minnie KEMP | Feb 14th | Clinton | Hobert HOOTEN | Feb 28th | Shirley |
Bet LOFTIS | Feb 14th | Bee Branch | Sherman LINDSEY | Feb 28th | Scotland |
Nell O'Neal, age 2 | Feb 14th | Clinton | Mrs. M.A. STERLIN | Feb 28th | Elba |
Mrs. Leona ISAAC | Feb 14th | Archey | Esta BROWN | Feb 28th | Shirley |
Eathel BRADBERRY | Feb 14th | Clinton | Athel WATSON | Feb 28th | Crabtree |
Malena O'DELL | Feb 14th | Choctaw | Vivian EMMONS | Feb 28th | Scotland |
Mrs. J.M SCOTT | Feb 14th | Dennard | Brat FULKS | Feb 28th | Morganton |
Leonard HARNESS | Feb 14th | Lexington | Virgil STERLIN | Feb 28th | Elba |
Lillie CRAVENS | Feb 14th | Clinton | Winfred SNEED | Feb 28th | Quitman |
Martin WARD | Feb 15th | Bee Branch | Mack EVANS | Feb 28th | Shirley |
Viva WILSON | Feb 15th | Una | Gracie CLARK | Feb 28th | Lexington |
Ethel UNDERWOOD | Feb 15th | Clinton | Mrs. R.C. RILEY | Feb 28th | Archey |
Mrs. S. MIDDLETON | Feb 15th | Dennard | Virgil STERLIN | Feb 29th | Elba |
W.P. BUMPERS | Feb 15th | Quitman | J.G. EVANS | Feb 29th | Clinton |
Mrs. Josie ENGLAND | Feb 15th | Shirley | Arthur BOWLING | Feb 29th | Scotland |
Jim WHALLEY | Feb 16th | Morganton | Herman McKIM | Feb 29th | Bee Branch |
Ralph WRIGHT | Feb 16th | Crabtree | W.M. KUYKENDALL | Feb 29th | Clinton |
Olin HUNTER | Feb 16th | Clinton R.F.D. | Mrs. Rush HOOTEN | Feb 29th | Shirley |
Mrs. Sara HATCHETT | Feb 16th | Clinton | Mrs. J.H. LINDSEY | Feb 29th | Scotland |
Van Buren County Democrat, January 25, 1924
The 16th of February Aunt Sarah Hatchett, nee Harrison, providence permitting, will have the exceptional privilege of celebrating her 78th anniversary, her birth occurring in Hardin County, Tenn., Feb. 16th, 1846. Her residence in Van Buren County dates from 1852. She is the mother of eight children, seven of whom survive and with one of whom, Mrs. D. A. Patton, she makes her home. There is much we would like to say concerning the life and deeds of this venerable lady, but time and space precludes in this connection.
Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
J. R. McALISTER | March 1 | Clinton | J. H. BUMPERS | March 15 | Quitman |
Mamie HORTON | March 1 | Clinton | A. M. LESLEY | March 15 | Bee Branch |
Willie NELSON | March 1 | Bee Branch | Roy Fay BURNS | March 15 | Clinton |
Bonnie B. LEFLER | March 1 | Clinton | Bobby JOHNSON | March 16 | Clinton |
R.C. ELLIOTT | March 1 | Shirley | Corene JOYNER | March 16 | Bee Branch |
Walter MORGAN | March 1 | Scotland | Dewel SHANNON | March 16 | Choctaw |
Nicey OLIGER | March 1 | Clinton | Jewel SHANNON | March 16 | Choctaw |
Hays MIDDLETON | March 2 | Dennard | Mrs. C. M. ELLIOTT | March 16 | Shirley |
T. H. HORTON | March 2 | Oak Flat | Hazel LENTZ | March 16 | Cleveland |
Imogene ROGERS | March 2 | Scotland | Lavern WHITWORTH | March 16 | Clinton |
Lora STROUD | March 2 | Scotland | Mrs. Sippie MASSEY | March 16 | Scotland |
Jack HUIE | March 3 | Formosa | W. L. KILPATRICK | March 16 | Woolum |
Mrs. Mary McGEE | March 3 | Dennard | Robert NEWLAND | March 17 | Dennard |
Jesse SMITH | March 3 | Clinton | Lloyd WHITE | March 17 | Higden |
Manuel GOLDEN | March 4 | Archey | Afton KINCAID | March 17 | Formosa |
Winnie DEASON | March 4 | Clinton | Mrs. Myrtle GROVE | March 17 | Dennard |
Earl PRESLEY | March 4 | Bee Branch | Minnie BRADLEY | March 17 | Clinton |
Fay TRAWICK | March 4 | Quitman | Mrs. A. M. EMERSON | March 17 | Rupert |
Geo. W. WARD | March 5 | Choctaw | A. J. PATTERSON | March 17 | Quitman |
Mrs. Opal HUIE | March 5 | Formosa | Willard LEONARD | March 18 | Bee Branch |
Mildred MOBLEY | March 5 | Lexington | Otheal FAIN | March 19 | Bee Branch |
Mrs. S.A GOATS | March 5 | Copeland | Claud CROWNOVER | March 19 | Bee Branch |
Margaret GRADDY | March 5 | Bee Branch | May McKNIGHT | March 20 | Clinton |
C. B. MOORE | March 5 | Choctaw | Wilma COLLUMS | March 20 | Bee Branch |
Jim JONES | March 5 | Cleveland | Victor EMERSON | March 20 | Rupert |
Alonzo NUNLEY | March 6 | Dennard | Valjean RUSSELL | March 21 | Cleveland |
Lelah McALISTER | March 6 | Clinton | K. J. BRADFORD | March 21 | Shirley |
Veda LENTZ | March 6 | Cleveland | Bertha MARCHBANKS | March 22 | Rex |
Borden STROUD | March 6 | Scotland | Fay SMITH | March 22 | Shirley |
W.G. GORDON | March 6 | Bee Branch | Ray SMITH | March 22 | Shirley |
Mildred CROWNOVER | March 6 | Cleveland | Rev. W. W. WILLIAMS | March 22 | Shirley |
Ewan SCROGGINS | March 6 | Cleveland | Cordelia STROUD | March 22 | Scotland |
Mrs. Etta BURT | March 7 | Copeland | Tennie STROUD | March 22 | Scotland |
W. F. McALISTER | March 7 | Clinton | C. A. MOBLEY | March 22 | Quitman |
Vesta RING | March 7 | Lexington | Wilson MOBLEY | March 22 | Quitman |
Jim W. WARD | March 7 | Bee Branch | Mrs. Bessie EVANS | March 22 | Quitman |
Harmon FRENCH | March 7 | Bee Branch | Marion SMITH | March 22 | Clinton |
Keith BRADFORD | March 7 | Shirley | Doyle WHITE | March 23 | Higden |
Mrs. J. P. MORGAN | March 7 | Scotland | Aviel FULLERTON | March 23 | Bee Branch |
Mack FIRESTONE | March 8 | Archey | W. M. PEEL | March 23 | Clinton |
Pauline WILLIAMS | March 8 | Lexington | G. H. PATTERSON | March 23 | Quitman |
Onva CLARK | March 8 | Lexington | Hallie DUNSWORTH | March 24 | Scotland |
Mrs. W. C. KOONE | March 8 | Cleveland | Bevi HODGES | March 24 | Copeland |
Y.S. THOMASON | March 8 | Botkinburg | Devie EMERSON | March 24 | Clinton |
Velma Laverne COOPER | March 8 | Rockyhill | Miss Leona GROSS | March 24 | Formosa |
Mrs. Belle BURNETT | March 8 | Cleveland | Johnie R. BROWN | March 24 | Bee Branch |
Jesse B. BLUE | March 8 | Scotland | Julia WELLS | March 24 | Cleveland |
Maggie VANNOY | March 9 | Dennard | J. C. BRADFORD | March 24 | Shirley |
Minnie SHANNON | March 9 | Choctaw | G. E. HORTON | March 25 | Oak Flat |
Martha BEVERAGE | March 9 | Scotland | Miss Lizzie LOTT | March 25 | Copeland |
J. L. WARD | March 9 | Quitman | M. B. LEFLER | March 25 | Clinton |
A. J. MEELER | March 10 | Cleveland | Mrs. W. O. FOX | March 25 | Shirley |
Melvada LAMAR | March 10 | Plant | Nellie ABRAM | March 25 | Eglantine |
James WATTS | March 10 | Lexington | Bessie EMERSON | March 25 | Rupert |
Troy LEFLER | March10 | Cleveland | Inez TOWERY | March 26 | Shirley |
W.D. ARCHER | March 10 | Dennard | Elliott ISAACS | March 26 | Plant |
Cecil GRADY | March 11 | Bee Branch | Luther SUMMERS | March 26 | Cleveland |
Mrs. W. T. DAVIS | March 11 | Clinton | Mrs. Adda WARD | March 26 | Choctaw |
Margariete BROWN | March 11 | Bee Branch | A. B. MOORE, Jr. | March 27 | Choctaw |
John M. COOPER | March 11 | Quitman | Linton JACOBS | March 27 | Clinton |
M. B. HAWKINS | March 12 | Scotland | Frank CAMPBELL | March 27 | Clinton |
P. A. ARNHART | March 12 | Copeland | Ace LOTT | March 27 | Scotland |
Lowell B. GOODEN | March 12 | Choctaw | Ernest JACOBS | March 28 | Clinton |
Rose HALBROOK | March 12 | Cleveland | Roscoe SUMNERS | March 28 | Bee Branch |
Alvin MAYALL | March 12 | Cleveland | J. D. BONDS | March 28 | Shirley |
A. J. BONDS | March 12 | Plant | W. P. SNEED | March 28 | Quitman |
Everett RUSSELL | March 13 | Dennard | Luther BEAVERS | March 28 | Clinton |
Sarah Belle ARCHER | March 13 | Dennard | Helen Marie BOONE | March 29 | Bee Branch |
Mrs. Delta SNEED | March 13 | Quitman | Houston C. McKIM | March 29 | Bee Branch |
Lorine MORGAN | March 13 | Scotland | Miss Bethel OTT | March 29 | Archey |
Obie GOLDEN | March 14 | Archey | Ruth CULLUM | March 29 | Eglantine |
Viller BARNES | March 14 | Copeland | J. W. BROWN | March 29 | Bee Branch |
Bessie GARDNER | March 14 | Copeland | Sue JORDON | March 30 | Shirley |
Hessie GARDNER | March 14 | Copeland | Leila HAWKINS | March 30 | Scotland |
Ellene CROWNOVER | March 14 | Bee Branch | Wylie SCROGGINS | March 30 | Cleveland |
Farris HUNTER | March 14 | Bee Branch | Robert WADDELL | March 30 | Clinton |
Mrs. R. J. WHILLOCK | March 14 | Elba | Sallie Cottrell HALL | March 30 | Higden |
J. E. McKNIGHT | March 14 | Bee Branch | Sam CULPEPPER | March 30 | Clinton |
Vena Beatrice COUCH | March 14 | Archey | A. B. O'NEAL | March 31 | Scotland |
Norma WARBRITTON | March 14 | Bee Branch | Lowell O'NEAL | March 31 | Scotland |
Orville MERRIMAN | March 14 | Clinton | Werta Rea RIFFEY | March 31 | Quitman |
Chas. WILLIAMS | March 15 | Lexington | Woodra Ree RIFFEY | March 31 | Quitman |
Mrs. Nancy WEBB | March 15 | Clinton | Mrs. Bettie LESLEY | March 31 | Bee Branch |
Harvey J. HALL | March 15 | Higden |
Van Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1924
Through an oversight last week we failed to include in our list of February birthdays the names of Clois and Clay Reeves, twins, born Feb. 23d, 1911, also, Veldenia Reeves, born Feb. 8th, 1924, all of Rupert.
Van Buren County Democrat, March 14, 1924
I was 73 years old March 5th, was born and reared in Van Buren County and thin there is no other county like it, says Mrs. S. A. Goats of Copeland on a postcard addressed the Democrat.
Tuesday was Mrs. W.T. Davis' 65 birthday anniversary and in honor of the occasion she entertained at dinner the families of her two daughters resident of Clinton, Mesdames Fraser and Koone.
Last week's list of birthdays contained the names of twins Dewel and Jewel Shannon, children of Mr. and Mrs. Will Shannon of Choctaw township. This week we have two others Bessie and Hessie Gardner of near Copeland. Who knows of other twins in the county born in March?
Van Buren County Democrat, March 21, 1924
Dear Mr. Oldham: March 31st is my birthday; was born in 1886. My youngest son, Lowell, was born March 31st, 1920. He is a fine baby, of course full of life and loves baby chicks. Good Wishes. A. B. O'Neal, Scotland.
In reporting the date of her birth Mrs. Sam Culpepper remarked that she had a twin sister, Mrs. Ant Evans, also a cousin of same age, but these had quit having birthdays. Mrs. Evans, who makes he home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rainey, now lives at Memphis. Mr. Rainey being employed on the News Scimitar.
In sending in the date of her birth, March 8th, 1875, Mrs. Belle Burnett of Cleveland says she is a native of Alabama but has lived in Van Buren and Conway counties since 1860, excepting 11 months spent in Bradley County. Mrs. Burnett says she was married in 1894 and is the mother of fifteen children, eight of whom are now living.
In sending the Democrat the date of her birthday, March 16th, Mrs. J. O. Massey, nee Morgan, says the 7th of March was also the anniversary of her marriage. After 17 years of married life she says that neither she nor her husband have yet grown tired of sharing each other's joys and sorrows. Here's hoping our friends will live to enjoy many happy returns of their marriage anniversary.
Van Buren County Democrat, March 28, 1924
Mrs. W. O. Fox of the Weaver Creek neighborhood writes the Democrat that she was 54 years old the 25th and that she had been in the county less than four years, but wished she had been here longer as she liked this part of the state very much and it is home now.
Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
Mrs. Keith BRADFORD | April 1 | Shirley | Mrs. Jos. HANCOCK | April 16 | Dennard |
Leeottie PATTON | April 1 | Clinton | Lloyd WALDRIP | April 16 | Dennard |
Mrs. Myrtie DOUTHITT | April 1 | Shirley | Evelyn CALVIN | April 16 | Rumley |
Mrs. Laura SIMMONS | April 1 | Clinton | J. H. DUNCAN | April 16 | Choctaw |
Marvin BOYKIN | April 1 | Clinton | Opal MIDDLETON | April 16 | Dennard |
J. W. HINKLE | April 2 | Shirley | J. L. MIZEL | April 16 | Scotland |
Mrs. Charles PATTON | April 2 | Archey | Garner Dale BOONE | April 17 | Morganton |
Bobbie PATTERSON | April 2 | Quitman | Ava Lee HUIE | April 17 | Choctaw |
Mrs. Alice HALL | April 2 | Scotland | Ralph NEWLAND | April 18 | Dennard |
Mrs. Mary GUILING | April 2 | Scotland | Hazel MASSEY | April 18 | Scotland |
W. T. PRESLEY | April 2 | Damascus | Leone JONES | April 18 | Scotland |
Faye WILLIAMS | April 2 | Oak Flat | Bramlet SIMPKINS | April 18 | Shirley |
Verlie HARDIN | April 2 | Bee Branch | Oid STERLIN | April 18 | Elba |
Harold ROGERS | April 2 | Damascus | J. A. JOHNSON | April 19 | Elba |
J. W. DUNCAN | April 3 | Shirley | Winnie UNDERWOOD | April 19 | Scotland |
Penzil EMERSON | April 3 | Rupert | Warren QUATTLEBAUM | April 19 | Bee Branch |
Codie HUDSON | April 4 | Quitman | Virgil MOORE | April 20 | Morganton |
Silas OSBURN | April 4 | Copeland | Annie CATES | April 20 | Formosa |
Mrs. Ann BOST | April 4 | Scotland | Clarie CATES | April 20 | Formosa |
Mrs. Della BUMPERS | April 5 | Quitman | Luther LOUDERMILK | April 20 | Copeland |
Mrs. Ira PERKINS | April 5 | Shirley | Charles JOHNSON | April 20 | Bee Branch |
Miss Essie HALL | April 6 | Scotland | William BARTON | April 20 | Lexington |
Elda EMERSON | April 7 | Rupert | Merle WARD | April 20 | Choctaw |
Mrs. V. P. BUMPERS | April 8 | Quitman | Winona HAYES | April 21 | Oak Flat |
Thos. JONES, Sr. | April 8 | Copeland | Luther BRADLEY | April 21 | Clinton |
Ruth EMMONS | April 8 | Scotland | Irene OSBURN | April 21 | Copeland |
Willard SMITH | April 8 | Choctaw | Oretta HANCOCK | April 21 | Dennard |
Kathlyne SMITH | April 8 | Choctaw | Mrs. Dick SIMPKINS | April 21 | Shirley |
Opal KILLOUGH | April 9 | Dennard | Scott COUCH | April 22 | Archey |
Lela MORRISON | April 9 | Scotland | Mrs. Parlee UNDERWOOD | April 22 | Clinton |
Raley DOUTHITT | April 9 | Shirley | J. H. COTTRELL | April 22 | Clinton |
Eugene POWERS | April 9 | Shirley | Bonnie Lee HUNTER | April 22 | Bee Branch |
Helen MORGAN | April 9 | Scotland | Lindsey HATCHETT | April 22 | Clinton |
J. A. HAYES | April 9 | Rockyhill | Mrs. T. C. SUMNERS | April 23 | Bee Branch |
Mrs. Louise CLAIBORNE | April 9 | Dennard | Mrs. Essie HUGGINS | April 23 | Formosa |
Elva GOATS | April 9 | Copeland | Mollie SNEED | April 23 | Quitman |
Wanda TOWERY | April 10 | Shirley | Jesse SMITH | April 23 | Dennard |
Dollie HOLLEY | April 10 | Shirley | Velma PACK | April 23 | Scotland |
Thelma ROLLAND | April 10 | Liberty | W. R. MORGAN | April 23 | Scotland |
Mrs. Jesse SIMPKINS | April 11 | Shirley | Clara HOGAN | April 24 | Scotland |
Mrs. Pearl SMITH | April 11 | Clinton | J. M. PERKINS | April 24 | Shirley |
Amy GRAHAM | April 11 | Bee Branch | Frank BURGESS | April 24 | Shirley |
Elizabeth SCROGGINS | April 12 | Cleveland | Glenney JENNINGS | April 26 | Morganton |
Delia WOOD | April 12 | Morganton | Mrs. Sarah BAKER | April 26 | Morganton |
Dorthea McGEHEE | April 12 | Choctaw | Ethna BOONE | April 26 | Bee Branch |
Pensy RAYMER | April 13 | Morganton | Onia JONES | April 26 | Scotland |
Helen TRAWICK | April 13 | Quitman | Don BURGESS | April 27 | Clinton |
Devoe HUNTER | April 13 | Clinton | Bertha JOHNSON | April 27 | Bee Branch |
Marie SHANNON | April 13 | Choctaw | Mrs. A. L. DEAN | April 27 | Scotland |
Mrs. J. L. MIZELL | April 14 | Scotland | Amos V. PRESLEY | April 27 | Damascus |
Willie HEFNER | April 14 | Rupert | M. C. WILLIAMS | April 28 | Oak Flat |
Cecil BURGESS | April 14 | Clinton | Mrs. Chlarice LEFLER | April 28 | Shirley |
Robert ISOM | April 14 | Clinton | Claudie MASSEY | April 28 | Scotland |
R. T. CROOK | April 14 | Clinton | Mrs. Mary MASSEY | April 29 | Scotland |
Gertie HARDIN | April 15 | Scotland | Johnie JONES | April 29 | Scotland |
Bert HARDIN | April 15 | Scotland | Maymie ROACH | April 29 | Clinton |
H. F. HARDIN | April 15 | Scotland | Wilmeth BAKER | April 29 | Morganton |
Jewel ARCHER | April 15 | Dennard | Orien McGLATHERY | April 30 | Arlburg |
Van Buren County Democrat, April 11, 1924
In the list appearing this week is the name of a youth nearing his 87th mile post; J. L. Mizell of Craig Township. Twins, a brother and sister, are also listed from the same township. How many other twins in the county who were born in April we wonder.
Van Buren County Democrat, April 18, 1924
Mrs. Parlee Underwood whose anniversary is listed above, writes the Democrat that she has been a citizen of this county for 45 years, coming here from Sharp County, where she was born, when six years old.
In reporting the date of his birth, along with that of his mother, J. M. Perkins, says: My mother, Mrs. Ida Perkins, was born April 5th, 59 years ago, and has passed her entire life within one mile of where she was born. But during these 59 years she has moved five times.
Van Buren County Democrat, July 15, 1932
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Suggs are the parents of a boy baby born July 3d. This is their second child, both boys.
April 21, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suggs of the Barrens community have been rejoicing since Friday over the arrival of a fine boy baby. This is their fourth child---- two girls and two boys.
December 12, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Suggs, who live on highway 16, have been rejoicing since Tuesday morning of last week over the arrival of a 12 pound girl baby who has been christened Molina Mae. This is their fourth child --- two girls and two boys.
January 16, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Suggs of Choctaw are the parents of a boy baby at the home of Mrs. Suggs's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holly, Tuesday, January 7th. Mrs. Suggs will be better remembered as Miss Eula Holly.
April 23, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suggs are the proud parents of a girl baby born April 4th. It is their fifth child and has been christened Elsie Lucretia. Mother and babe are doing fair.