Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holley Have Golden Wedding
Submitted by Wynona Maxey
Exeter Sun, Exeter, California, 1957
Friends and relatives called at the North E Street home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holley for Open House Sunday (Feb. 24, 1957) afternoon held in observance of the couple's Golden Wedding.
Married on February 24, 1907, at the home of the bride's parents in Settlement, Ark., they resided in that area where he was engaged in farming until 1952, when they came to California settling in San Jose. They came to Exeter in 1953 and purchased a home on North E Street. He is employed in fruit work in this district.
The couple received many gifts from those attending and others not able to be present. The home was attractively decorated with seasonal flowers and coffee and wedding cake were served throughout the afternoon. The party was arranged by Mrs. Holley's sister, Mrs. Bernie Sawyer, who was ill that day and not able to attend.
Coming to the Open House for her parents was the couple's only child, Mrs. Eula Suggs and her husband, Charles of San Jose, and their grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Suggs of Yuba City and Jerry Suggs of San Jose.
Others calling during the day were Mrs. Holley's sister-in-law and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Robertson of Madera, Mr. Holley's sister-in-law, Mrs. Edna Holley of Lomita; and nieces and nephews, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Robertson of Madera; Mrs. Dollie Bradford and son and Mrs. Floycie Lovel and sons of Exeter.
Friends present were the Rev. and Mrs. Lee Ramsey of Kerman; The Rev. and Mrs. Ray Letsinger of Porterville; Mrs. Merces F. Roche and Mr. and Mrs. Don Luttman of Visalia; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones, Mrs. Docia Findley, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Sitton, Mrs. Maggie Ramsey, and Mrs. Harry Tashjiah, all of Exeter.
Sending gifts were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Turner of Madera; Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Gadberry of Lomita; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Brown, all of Exeter.
[This newspaper clipping was not the Exeter Sun, Exeter, California and is in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. Holley's Great Granddaughter, Wynona Maxey.]