Catastrophe on Culpepper

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

Van Buren County Democrat, October 18, 1912, Page 1

Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown Fatally Burned by Fire of Their Own Making, Which Destroyed Barn and Contents

One of the saddest catastrophes it has been our duty to record in some months occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, of Culpepper mountain, about four o�clock Tuesday afternoon of this week, when their two oldest children, a little girl about three years of age and a boy five years old sustained injuries in a fire, from which they died at eight and ten o�clock respectfully that evening.

Not withstanding the seriousness of his injuries and youthful years of the elder of the two children, the little boy, was able to tell his mother something of the details of the terrible calamity, which a short time thereafter resulted in the death of his sister only to be followed two hours later by himself.

According to the story told by the heroic little sufferer he went into the house and got a match with which he kindled a fire on the lower floor of the barn, little thinking of the serious consequences to follow. On this floor Mr. Brown had but recently finished storing all his corn and the last of his corn tops well fitted in the field, and left for town to do some shopping.

When the flames flared up the children became frightened and unable to reach front door climbed over the corn to rear door, which they were unable to open. Attract by their cries and the issuance of smoke from the building Mrs. Brown ___ at once to the rear door, which when opened exposed her two dear children with their clothing practically burned from their bodies and blistered from the crown of their heads to the sole of their feet.

In their rescue the half frantic mother was also terrible though not fatally burned. The little victims were carried to the house and the ���father and a physician phoned for, ___ had been their injuries that little could be done towards relieving their suffering, much less saving their lives, death resulting as above stated. Interment took place Wednesday afternoon, funeral services being conducted by Rev. H. L. Smith.