Confederate Soldiers with Van Buren County Connections
Compiled By Lynn RisnerThe following information has been extracted from several sources on the internet. The only information below is what was identified as having Van Buren Co connections. To see complete listings use the links below.
If you have others to add to this list, please submit them. I'm sure there are many.
For more information on soldiers belowBettis, James E. deserted 1863 in Van Buren Co., AR
Gibbs, G.W. died at home in Van Buren Co 1863
Lay, E.S. captured in Van Buren Co ... addess Quitman, Ar
For more information on soldiers belowKennedy, John
McCrosky, William J.
Miller, Jacob
Wilson, John
For more information on soldiers belowAbbott, William J.
Barker, George W.
Barnett, James
Barton, John C.
Bird, Thomas,
Borrow, Henry
Brantley, T.B.
Brewer, David
Bewer, Milton
Brown, Thomas E.
Bruce, William H.
Bush, Alvin R.
Carlisle, B.J.
Carlisle, J.C.
Cartwright, Sylvanious
Coleman, Young
Couch, Andrew
Covington, James M.
Curnutt, Hiram R.
Curtin, James L.
Day, Isaac E.
Dyer, G.H.
Gillverth, Joseph
Hall, Louis
Harlow, James N.
Hatfield, James
Higgs, James E.
Hite, Clark
House, James
House, Marion
Howell, Andrew J.
Kelley, Thomas C.
Killingsworth, Eathan A.
Lynn, William
McCurdy, William
Nixon, Francis M.
Nixon, George
Peavey, William
Pence, John
Riddee, Jones B.
Robinson, James
Salling, James H.
Salling, William L.
Schrader, John C.
Snow, W.C.
Stell, James H.
Taylor, M.W.
Tingler, Nelson
Vaught, Andrew
Whiteheaqd, Robert L.
Wright, W.B.
Shearer, J.A. captured Van Buren Co, AR, residence Clinton
Thomason, John N. Co A, 10th AR Cav, residence VB Co33RD ARKANSAS INFANTRY REGIMENT COMPANY K
Walker, Asa W. born Van Buren Co.16TH ARKANSAS INFANTRY REGIMENT CO. F
Mills, Elisha born VB Co., ARCOMPANY K
Those who served in this unit who enlisted at Clinton, ARAkins, James H.
Akins, T.M.
Cates, W.A.
England, J.L.
Evins, John
Rogers, J.A.
Smith, W.C.
Passmore, William H. Co. F., from Van Buren Co., ARCONFEDERATE ARMY
HENSLEY, William - Pvt, Co. C, 45th Ark Militia (Searcy Co.), CSA; enlisted 26 Nov 1861, service ended 20 Dec 1861; went into regular CS service after militia service but information is unknown; born 1830 in either Wayne or Perry Co., TN; died circa Dec 1864 most probably in Van Buren Co., AR; married in 1847 to Clarissa Malinda Sanders (b. 1830 Lincoln Co., TN) in Wayne Co., TN; probably buried in Van Buren Co., AR.LONG, Robert Thomas - Pvt, Co. A, 32nd Ark Inf, CSA; place of residence at Clinton, Van Buren Co., AR; fair complection, dark hair, gray eyes, height 5'8", age 23; served from, 1861 through 28 May 1864; captured at Pleasant Hill, 09 Apr 1864; delivered by Maj. Gen. Banks (USA) to Maj. Gen. Taylor (CSA) on 20 Apr 1864 at Blair's Landing, LA; document after capture lists him in Co. A, 4th Ark Inf, CSA; Arkansas Veterans Pension application #12834, application filed in Stone Co., AR.
WITT, Charles - Pvt, Co. A, 10th Ark Inf, CSA; captured 12 Sep 1864 at Van Buren Co., AR; died 10 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of pneumonia.
from Cleburne Co USGenWeb site by Tom MartinA summary of some of the members of the Tenth Arkansas Infantry 10th (Merrick's) Arkansas Infantry Regiment, CSA, believed to have been from southern Van Buren County (later Cleburne), Arkansas.
*Cargile, C.M.
*Cargile, C.W.
Martin, W.W.
Mitchell, R.D.
Stokely, D.S.
Bailey, H.J Discharged at Camp Price, Miss., Jul. 15, 1862.
Bailey, James
*Bean, George W.
*Bittle, Joseph
Bray, Isaac Thomas Died, Atlanta, Ga., Mar 18, 1862.
*Brown, George W.
Brown, John L. Discharged, Corinth, Miss., May 22, 1862.
*Brown, Matthew Madison
*Holliman, James
*Jackson, B.F.: Furlough to Quitman, Ark. from Nashville; Never returned.
Jackson, Hiram: Wounded at Shiloh; furlough to Ark.; Never returned.
Jackson, James: Died, 1862.
Menees, W.E. Killed at Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1862.
New, F.M.
*Scarlett, Minor
*Stark, C.M.B.
*Stark, John Whit
*Stark, T.M.
*Stark, William V
*Turney, Peter Gid
*Turney, Russell
*Turney, William Allen
*Turney, William
*Witt, Jerry
*Witt, Jesse G.
*Witt, Milton K.
Aldridge, Joseph C. Discharged Jan. 20, 1862; diseased.
Cargile, B.F.
Cargile, C.J.
*Cargile, D.S.
Goff, H.H.
Wills, W.G. Resigned, July 16, 1862, Camp Price, Miss
Parrish William Died at Camp Beauregard, Ky.
*Trawick, George W.
* Trawick, J.G.
*Turney, Joseph
OFFICERS*Vaughan, Edwin L.
*Vaughan, M.H.
*Cargile, W.S.
*Ligon, G.W.
Bean, Samuel H. Died, 21 Feb., 1862.
*Merrick, George A.
*Bean, J.M.
*Bean, William
*Bean, J.M.C.
*Bittle, J.J.
*Bittle, J.P.
*Bittle, L.H.
*Holliman, E.P.
Lafferty, J.L. Discharged on account of disability, April 19, 1862.
Pankey, J.J.
Pankey, W.T.
*Poff, Charles
Ramer, James T.
Ramer, P.M. Died, 25 Mar., 1862
Ramer, W.A.
*Turney, John W.
Metchell, James
Mitchell, Milton
Mitchell, A.J.
Moore, H.W.
Moore, J.L.
Moore, Riley
OFFICERS*Barnes, James Calvin
*Cargile, J.F.
*Cargile, J.H.
*Cargile, J.T.
*Cargile, M.A.
*Rollow, P.J.. Died, 25 Mar., 1862
This is only a PARTIAL list of members of the 10th Ark. Inf. Reg. believed to have been from southern Van Buren County. There are probably mistakes in both directions, some names were omitted; others were added that should not have been.
Those soldiers whose names are preceded by an asterisk (*), later in 1863 or in the spring of 1864, were organized into the 10th (Witt) Arkansas Cavalry Regiment.
HARDIN, G.W. Pvt Age 16. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, conscript. Captured 16 Feb 1865 in Van Buren Co, AR. and sent to MP at Little Rock, AR. 5 Mar 1865. Released on oath 7 May 1865.10TH (WITT'S) ARKANSAS CAVALRY REGIMENT
This is only a partial list of the men in this regiment. If it did not list them from Van Buren Co I did not add them. This is extracted from Edward G. Gerdes' Civil War Home Page.COMPANY A
BENNETT, W.P. Pvt Age 30. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes hazel, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.BRITTON, P.H. Pvt Age 32. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
CARGILL, B.F. Pvt Age 26. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
CARGILL, JOHN Pvt Age 33. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
CHASTEEN, W.C. Pvt Age 45. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes hazel, hair blk, complx drk, born AL. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GRADDY, J.F. Pvt Age 28. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 11'', eyes hazel, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GRADDY, W.G. Pvt Age 26. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 6' 2", eyes hazel, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ROBBERSON, B.J. Pvt Age 18. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ROBBERSON, L.H. Pvt Age 23. - Enl in Van Buren, Co, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes hazel, hair blk, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILLIAMS, D.R. Pvt Age 19. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILLIAMS, J.M. Pvt Age 21. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 8'', eyes hazel, hair blk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILSON, S.C. Pvt Age 35. - Enl in Van Buren Co, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BANNIS, JAMES Pvt Age 27. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 1 1/2", eyes blk, hair blk, complx dark, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.DAVIS, S.C. Pvt Age 40. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8". eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born VA. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GIPSON, WILLIAM Pvt Age 34. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacsonport, AR.
GUGGIS, T.J. Sgt Age 33. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born, AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GUIN, A.J. Pvt Age 25. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 4" eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARGIS, J.J. Pvt Age 34. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born NC. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacsonport, AR.
HATCHETT, W.H. Pvt Age 19. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HOLMES, BENJAMIN JR. Pvt Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6', eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HOLMES, BENJAMIN SR. 1Sgt Age 50. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6', eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HUNSUCKER, G.W. Pvt Age 32. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6', eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HUNSUCKER, P.M. Pvt Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. hT 5' 7", eyes gray, hair lt, complx drk, born GA. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
JOYCE, A.M. Pvt Age 39. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10 1/2", eyes gray, hair drk, complx fair, born NC. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
LEONARD, C.L. Pvt Age 22. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 5", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair. born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
LEONARD, JAMES Pvt Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 3", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair. born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
LEONARD, WILLIAM Pvt Age 53. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blk, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MADDOX, G.T. Pvt Age 19. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes gray, hair lt, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MADDOX, T.V. 2Lt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 2 1/2", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
McALISTER, J.F. Pvt Age 45. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 3", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born MS. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MORRISON, T.J. Cpt Age 45. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
PEEL, ROBERT, 1Lt Age 24. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11 1/2", eyes gray, hair drk, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
POWELL, P.O. 3Lt Age 34. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blk, hair blk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
PRICE, S.W. Pvt Age 29. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born MS. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
PRIOR, J.K. Pvt Age 29. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born MS. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
RODGERS, S.L. Pvt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 4'', eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
SANDERS, DAVID Pvt Age 38. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 1", eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born GA. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
SANDERS, J.C. Pvt Age 25. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11", eyes blue, hair blk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
SHIPP, R.F. Pvt Age 23. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born AL. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
STIGALL, JESSEL Pvt Age 39. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11", eyes gray, hair blk, complx drk, born NC. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR. Formerly belonged to Coffee's Regt.
STOBAUGH, A.J. Pvt Age 23. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 1", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
THOMPSON, J.H. Pvt Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILSON, J.H. Pvt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILSON, J.H.Pvt Age 26. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes drk, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun1 865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ALSUP. E.A. Pvt Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9'', eyes drk, hair drk, complx fair, born MO. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.FLAEGIN, J.B. Pvt Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11", eyes drk, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HACKNEY, JESSE QM Sgt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 4", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARMAN, B.G. Pvt age 25. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARMAN, J.W. Cpt Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10 1/2", eyes gray, hair drk, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARMON, L.B. Pvt Age 22. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11", eyes blk, hair drk, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HOLSAMACK, D.L. 1Sgt Age 26. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 11", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HOLSAMBACK, W.R. Pvt Age 19. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes drk, hair drk, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
McCLURE, J.M. 1Lt Age 24, Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born MO. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
McCLURE, T.H.B. Pvt Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 5", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born MO. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
McDANEL, M.C. Pvt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 1", eyes drk, hair drk, complx fair, born MO. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ROBERDS, R.D. Pvt Age 23. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
SHRINK, L.G. Pvt Age 36. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
THOMAS, B.F. Pvt Age 46. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 1", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ALLRED, JAMES Pvt Age 26. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5'6", eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.CRANE, JAMES Pvt Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 4", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born AL. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
NELSON, R.W. Pvt Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 4", eyes drk, hair lt, complx fair, born AL. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILLIAMS, E.S. Pvt Age 49. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
WILLIAMS, N. S. Cpt Age 47. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes blk, hair blk, complx blk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ALLEN, JAMES --- Age 23. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5', eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.ALLEN, LEWIS --- Age 35. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", dyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
ALLEN, THOMAS --- Age 25. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5', eyes drk, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BARNES, D.D. -- Age 34. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 1", Eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born IN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BITTLE, A.J. -- Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BITTLE, JAMES -- Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5', eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BRADLEY, JOHN Cpt Age 35. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BREWER, G.J. -- Age 39. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BREWER, L.H. -- Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes blk, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BULLUCH, JOHN -- Age 37. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BURNES, E.W. -- Age 40. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes blk, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BUTTES, PETER -- 26. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6', eyes blk, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
BUTTLER, D.B. -- Age 24. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 6 1/2", eyes blk, hair drk, complx drk, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
DAUGHERTY, W.W. -- Age 20, Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 1", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GOWEN, JOHN -- Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5', eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
GRIMES, JAMES -- Age 17. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 3", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARTWICK, E. -- Age 22. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born, TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HARTWICK, JOHN -- Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 7", eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born MO. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
HILL, THOMAS P. -- Age 22. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes drk, hair lt, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MABY, W. -- Age 21. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 5", eyes blk, hair drk, complx drk, born MS. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MADDOX, DAVID -- Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MADDOX, TALTON -- Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 6", eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, aR.
MARTIN, D.S. -- Age 28 Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9". eyes drk, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MARTIN, J.W. --Age 34. Enl at Clinton, AR., Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair. born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MARTIN, WILLIAM --- Age 27--- Ht 5' 10", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born KY. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
MONTGOMERY, J.R. -- Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5', eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born MS. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
NIGHT, JAHUGH -- Age 24. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 5", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
POFF, H. -- Age 35. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6' 2", eyes blue, hair drk, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
POTTER, JOHN -- Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 6', eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
POTTER, SURAL(CYRIEL) --Age 21-- Ht 5' 4", eyes gray, hair lt, complx fair, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
POTTER, T.C. -- Age 33 -- Ht 5' 4", eyes blue, hair lt, complx fair, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksoport, AR.
RODGERS, B.F. 2Lt Age 28. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 9", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
RODGERS, T.C. -- Age 20. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes blue, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
RODGERS, T.J. -- Age 18. Enl at Clinton, AR. Ht 5' 8", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born TN. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
TURNEY, P.G. --Age 23-- Ht 5' 9", eyes gray, hair drk, complx drk, born AR. Paroled 5 Jun 1865 at Jacksonport, AR.
Extracted from Edward G. Gerdes' Civil War Home Page(Again....all I have listed below are the ones saying from Van Buren Co. I'm sure there are many more on the list who should be here.)
This regiment was organized in July 1861 at Springfield, Conway Co, AR. It was reduced to eight companies in Apr 1862 by transferring the personnel of Company F to Company C and dividing Company I among all the other companies. Reorganized 8 May 1862. Surrendered 9 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA and was paroled 12-13Jul1863. It was declared exchanged in 1864. It was mounted and consolidated with other units and designated as the 10th Cavalry Regt in 1864.
CO. A - "Quitman Rifles" of Van Buren County
Enlisted July 15, 1861 at Springfield, Arkansas.None listed as Van Buren County
CO. C - "Choctaw Riflemen" of Van Buren County
Enlisted July 16, 1861 at Springfield, Arkansas.BAILEY, JOHN C. Pvt - Transferred from Co F 19 Apr 1862. Captured 9 Jul 1863 at Pt Hudson, LA and paroled 12-13 Jul 1863. Captured in White Co, AR 28 Oct 1864 and sent to MP at Alton, IL. Exchanged on the James River in VA in Feb 1865. Age 27, born in Van Buren Co, AR.
HUNTER, W.D. Cpl - Enl 16 Jul 1861 at Springfield, AR. Deserted 31 Jul 1862. Captured 29 Mar 1864 in Ashley Co, AR and sent to MP at Rock Island, IL 17 Mar 1864. Ht 5' 9", eyes blue, hair blk, complx drk, age 31, residence: Van Buren Co, AR.
TURNEY, JOSEPH Pvt Captured 8 Dec 1864 in Lafayette Co, MO and sent to MP at St Louis, MO then to Point Lookout, MD 27 Feb 1864. Released 19 Jul 1865. Ht 5' 6", eyes hazel, hair lt, complx fair, residence, Van Buren Co, AR.
CO. G - "Red River Riflemen" of Van Buren County
Enlisted July 18, 1861 at Springfield, Arkansas.None listed as Van Buren County
Hopson, William S. - Pvt. - Co. M, 3rd Regiment Arkansas Cavalry
Comments: Born abt. 1828, in Prince Edward Co., VA. He was enlisted on August 20, 1864, in Lewisburg, Ark., by Capt. Taylor; was mustered-out on June 30, 1865 in Lewisburg.
Arkansas Connection: He and his wife and children lived in Van Buren Co., Arkansas, where he was a farmer. e-mail contact bounced.