Suspended Land Entries, 1891 - Van Buren County, AR

The information in this file was extracted from "The Executive Documents of the House of Representatives for the First Sessiom 0f the Fifty-Second Congress, 1891-'92" printed by the Government Printing Office in 1892. This particular report is titled "Abstract of Suspended Land Entries" and is Executive Document No. 100.

This document contains the names of over 2700 persons in 25 states and the Dakota Territory whose land entries were suspended and adjudicated by the Commissioner of the General Land Office during the fiscal year ending 30 June 1891.

The names were listed in the report (probably) in chronological order, rather than in alphabetical or geographic order.

The location of the land probably is not in the same county as the land office; some states only had one or two land offices for the entire state. In some cases, the nearest land office was in a neighboring state and the land transaction was entered there.

Be sure to check surrounding states, as the nearest land office may have been across the state border.

The original file was created by Joy Fisher, Copyright Joy Fisher, 1998 This file may be freely copied by individuals or non-profit organizations for their private use.
 No.     Office         L Name           F Name          Section   T     R    Page
 309   Little Rock      Beggs            Alexander A.       7     10N   15W    12
 309   Little Rock      Beggs            Alexander A.      18     10N   15W    12
2402   Little Rock      Harris           James             30      9N   13W    82
 308   Little Rock      Knight           Daniel S.         34     11N   13W    12