Copeland Notice Filed

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

October 11, 1912
Van Buren County Democrat-P4, c1

Notice for Publication

Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office at Little Rock, Arkansas, Oct. 5, 1912

Notice is hereby given that Joab Copeland, father and heir of Perry Copeland, of Scotland, Ark., who on Oct. 16, 1906, made H.E. No. 27732 Serial No. 0605, (description of land not copied), 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before County Clerk of Van Buren County at Clinton, Ark., on the 11th day of Nov. 1912.

Claimant names as witnesses: John Hall, Jeff Hall, Silas Copeland, Nathan Simpson, all of Scotland, AR.

Guy W. Caron, Register